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James Dobson: Trump recently accepted 'a relationship with Christ'


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But he's just a 'baby Christian.'

“I don’t know when it was, but it has not been long,” Dobson said in an interview with Pennsylvania megachurch pastor Michael Anthony following that meeting in New York. ”I believe he really made a commitment, but he’s a baby Christian.”

Read more: http://www.politico.com/story/2016/06/donald-trump-james-dobson-evangelicals-224799#ixzz4CccEOQhd

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I don't know what kind of Christian Trump is. I have neither the knowledge nor insight into anyone's soul to make such judgments, nor the wisdom, and I certainly don't want the responsibility. But I reserve the right to have my opinion regarding the actions of someone.

However, Trump certainly does not consider himself a neophyte in the faith (speaking in 2011):


Donald Trump highlighted his religion in an interview with the Christian Broadcast Network, declaring "I am Christian" and saying he stores away Bibles he gets sent from fans.

“I believe in God. I am Christian. I think The Bible is certainly, it is THE book,' Trump told CBN's David Brody.

“It is the thing. I was raised and I gave you a picture just now and perhaps you'll use that picture I found it from a long time ago. First Presbyterian Church in Jamaica Queens is where I went to church,” he said. “I'm a Protestant, I'm a Presbyterian. And you know I've had a good relationship with the church over the years. I think religion is a wonderful thing. I think my religion is a wonderful religion.”

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Time will tell and his future actions will prove or not if he was truly born again.

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Well hell, he could have pledged his allegiance to Allah. Apparently, some here would feel better. :dunno:

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He's a baby something.

Thanks for the comments grumpy. They were very meaningful. :-\
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He's a baby something.

Thanks for the comments grumpy. They were very meaningful. :-\/>

Whereas your previous comment was deeply meaningful.

Grumpy but not blind. Oh well.
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Guest NC1406

Can't wait to see the real estate deal Christ and trump bring out. Guess my bucket list just expanded. BS this is even a topic.

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Can't wait to see the real estate deal Christ and trump bring out. Guess my bucket list just expanded. BS this is even a topic.

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You don't have to be an exceptionally cynical person to believe that Trump is manifestly not a Christian, and is cynically using Christians for his electoral purposes; you just have to be a person with a brain and a passing familiarity with Christianity. Throughout the entirety of his public life he has made it abundantly clear that he has no interest in Christianity or anything it teaches, and his behavior on the campaign trail has done nothing but reinforce that.

Nevertheless, on the campaign trail he has suckered a good number of Evangelicals in spite of saying absurd things like, "I can't tell you what my favorite Bible verse is because that's too personal," and "I've never felt the need to ask for God's forgiveness," and "Okay I'll tell you what my favorite Bible verse is, it's that part in Two Corinthians where the Bible says you're supposed to take an eye for an eye." Nothing about Trump's persona, his platform, or his policy is even remotely Christian but he tells Evangelicals he is one of them and some of them feel content to throw aside their critical thinking skills altogether and believe him.


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If only a politician would have the stones to admit they don't believe in god / gods, and just end the charade.

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You don't have to be an exceptionally cynical person to believe that Trump is manifestly not a Christian, and is
cynically using Christians for his electoral purposes
; you just have to be a person with a brain and a passing familiarity with Christianity. Throughout the entirety of his public life he has made it abundantly clear that he has no interest in Christianity or anything it teaches, and his behavior on the campaign trail has done nothing but reinforce that.

Nevertheless, on the campaign trail he has suckered a good number of Evangelicals in spite of saying absurd things like, "I can't tell you what my favorite Bible verse is because that's too personal," and "I've never felt the need to ask for God's forgiveness," and "Okay I'll tell you what my favorite Bible verse is, it's that part in Two Corinthians where the Bible says you're supposed to take an eye for an eye." Nothing about Trump's persona, his platform, or his policy is even remotely Christian but he tells Evangelicals he is one of them and some of them feel content to throw aside their critical thinking skills altogether and believe him.


Gee, that's a first. :rolleyes:

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