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Sean White named starting QB


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On 8/29/2016 at 11:58 AM, Malcolm_FleX48 said:

Haha, your tongue in cheek comments are definitely noted. 
In all seriousness, people tend to forget how many times a QB gets hit after the pass, or standing in the pocket to deliver deep balls in addition to sacks. Coming off the backside, those are LITERALLY killshots. There is a reason why MOST QBs are larger, and the smaller ones have very high degrees of mobility or extremely quick and short releases. You're either going to take a lot of hits, get rid of the ball before you can get hit, or elude contact. Not sure about SW's release mechanics and whether his slower windup was fixed, but definitely not good to try to get the ball out of your hands quickly if your receivers can't get open, offensive linemen cant sustain longer blocks, and you can't scramble as quickly as faster players can catch you. Not just that, but then you get into a habit of having your QB playing not to get hurt, rather than to actually take risks and shots

These are realistic worries and very acceptable ones at that. Whether or not it's necessary to harp and hang on them if the QB is literally lightning in a bottle can be questioned, but when you're dealing with a glass cannon, you'd better have some strong backup artillery otherwise you're going to find yourself like a declawed kitten. 

You should look into a position with the SEC Network. You've perfectly summed up our offensive weaknesses. Everything you've said in the last 3 quotes by me is what I've been saying since last season, only you've put them in more articulate statements.

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This will be Sean's night to show he is in control when it comes to throwing and running for plus yards. Best of luck, Sean.

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1 minute ago, auburn4ever said:

This will be Sean's night to show he is in control when it comes to throwing and running for plus yards. Best of luck, Sean.

We play tonight? Strange, might want to tell the team that

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11 minutes ago, WDE_OxPx_2010 said:

We play tonight? Strange, might want to tell the team that

Does this not get old? I am sure you know what he meant 

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Bottom line is that this is a game played by young men who can come ready to play or enough of them come out with a sense of entitlement and they lay an egg.

Coaches prepare players on both sides fairly equal in my opinion; but if our guys truly are carrying a chip on their shoulders we will beat Clemson.  Other keys include leadership on the team, so when negative things happen they keep everyone up.  Just as when positive things happen they keep their heads in the game.

back to SW.... He seems to be one of those leaders the guys truly like and respect.  He is a winner and that one extra year of physical and mental maturity will go a long way this year in my humble opinion.

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I keep reading about SW being a tough guy and "salty" and stuff like that coming from his team mates and seems some people on this site are implying he is some kind of wimp, afraid to tuck that ball when necessary or perhaps fragile and unable to take a solid hit.    The guy played a couple games with a Joe Willie like knee brace and I don't recall him shrinking from contact ....and he's supposed to be 100% now.

Guess I am trusting the coaches and players to know what kind of man they've chosen to lead them Saturday night and I'm not going to watch the game constantly fearful that he might get nicked.

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My comment was that everyone thinks we can only win with a zone read. The first few years with Gus and Chiz our defense was so bad we had to score a zillion point to stay in the game. I look at the talent ( and I know it is not proven yet) on defense and I see possibilities of holding teams to under 20 points per game average. If we can do that then a decent offense can win games especially if the defense is giving them good field position and 3 and outs. I just don't think we will be consistent year to year if we run a high gamble offense that requires once in a decade athletes to run it. Contrary to most opinions I think SW or JJ could go play for uat or LSU and be quite successful. Mainly because they would not be required to carry the team on their back. Again just my opinion. Gus gets paid millions to make those decisions and I like him and will support the team no matter what. WDE

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2 hours ago, DAG said:

Does this not get old? I am sure you know what he meant 

Definitely doesn't get old getting a rise out of you. This is also a4e we're talking about, who's one sentence, often out of context responses to every thread are easy to poke fun at.


Carry on DAG

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38 minutes ago, WDE_OxPx_2010 said:

Definitely doesn't get old getting a rise out of you. This is also a4e we're talking about, who's one sentence, often out of context responses to every thread are easy to poke fun at.


Carry on DAG



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On 8/29/2016 at 0:10 PM, auskip07 said:

i didnt phrase it as the "biggest part of the picture"   and we wont ever get to know how good Jovon would have been.   While i would love to discuss all types of things we cant change with our team i fail to see the point.     Sean is what we have and its who we will run out there.   Choose to make the best of it or not. 

Like it or not, QB IS the biggest part of a Gus offense, ESPECIALLY now that our Top 3 RBs are gone, regardless if Jovon would have gained 200 or 2000 yards this season.

Now an off-tackle RB / Wildcat QB is listed as RB1. A FB is listed as RB2.

Gus' offense demands a RB to run off-Center nearly every carry. As many have stated on this board, Kerryon is not believed to transition well to that kind of back. I do believe Pettway can. 20+ carries/game like Gus' bellcow requires? Remains to be seen.

All these question marks at RB further burden the QB. I do not believe White can hold up to the physical demand that it will take to assume so much of the responsibility due to these question marks. Many folks are not taking into account what Barber & Jovon did to relieve White last season. They lifted a HUGE burden off White's shoulders many times.

It's like asking Marshall to drop his speed to 4.7, lose his quickness and ability to detect contact, and function without Mason, CAP, Barber & Jovon, but instead with an off-tackle RB and FB

It's severely handicapping the offense.

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On 8/29/2016 at 0:36 PM, Malcolm_FleX48 said:

Even experts will agree that that is Gus' specialty. It's what makes his offense go. I'll say it as many times as I need to, that Gus' offense thrives on being able to attack a defense by having as many "Dangerous Hands" that can touch the ball as possible. From there, he lines those dangerous hands up in various locations, moves them around, shifts and re-positions them constantly to possibly create blown assignments or get your most dangerous player on an incompetent defender or one who is being "Protected" and snapping the ball quickly with tempo. Look at how he sets up his plays.... That being said, the quarterback, who is usually a Dual Threat has to be the one factor that puts them over the edge, by creating 3-4 total dangerous hands capable of scoring in the backfield at all times. It's not enough that the QB can get a couple of yards with a ZR as that's not the goal. The goal is for the QB to be dangerous enough on his feet in a ZR, Q-Draw, or Keeper, that:

1.) Pass rushers can never pin their ears back properly due to the threat of getting out of their lanes and leaving space for a run

2.) Defenders have to always have eyes on the QB while contending with motions and at high speeds (thanks to HUNH Tempo) so that there is someone in proximity of the QB to take the right angle should the pass rush get lanes widened out

3.) The secondary can't play man defense to their fullest extent because of the possibility of the QB scrambling the minute that that clock in his head goes off, which takes away the possibility of some of your more exotic blitz packages which end up involving overload principles and sending exuberant amounts of rushers without an even higher risk.

4.) With the backfield so crowded with FAST threats, you almost HAVE to have nickel personnel on the field since they can't be jammed (Being in the backfield), which takes away a linebacker's ability to ever hope to match up with one of them in coverage. This means that the power run game is that much more potent with less big bodies on the field and more space to rip huge runs with a slower but stronger RB.

Typically the ideal Gus Malzahn's special personnel includes:

RB - 1: The most balanced of all the RBs, great vision, excellent size, perfect candidate for dives, "at" runs, and off tackle. See's the most snaps.

RB - 2: The speedy Scat Back type that can run in between the tackles provided the play hits quick enough or there is enough space. Typically will be solo on the field during high passing percentage downs thanks to the ability to run routes dangerously, while still take advantage of the spacing in passing defenses. Is usually Hopped or motioned from the slot into the backfield or vise versa. Splits time with the true slot WR

H-WR/ Slot WR: (Might have a different letter designation in this offense. Not sure.): The fastest of all WRs. In Gus' offense is typically your Jet sweep guy, will sometimes line up on the wrong side of an offense purposely, just to be motioned into the right side in a jet-sweep fashion and still run a route, just to give the defense the threat of the Jet-Sweep. Can be serviceable in the pass game. 

 DT-QB: A focal point of this offense that makes it the MOST dangerous. Is the wild-card. Defenses typically have to spend days on scout team with a RB to simulate the threat of this player. Typically a decent B grade passer while an A grade athletic talent. Can literally run QB-Powers, QB-Draws, Scramble, Run the ZR, The Option, The ZR w/ Option pitch built into it. Literally turns the offense from mundane nuisance, to a high powered threat. This QB can ideally extend plays with their legs, and always gives the threat to run when extending plays which keeps defenders wary of pursuit angles, but is a good enough passer to cause conflict with covering defenders when a play has broken down. They can possibly peel off of their man to give chase and help out since this QB is so fast and hard to bring down, but if the QB hasn't crossed the LOS, doing so can open up a target and have deadly results. This is the type of QB that allows Gus to have his most POTENT offensive creativity and typically leads to the innovations that we see on years where such a player was at the helm.

Exactly it's appeal and why it marries so well with Gus' offensive philosophy, even though he calls it power running, it's more like facilitated power running. H-Backs and pulling guards can always be successful in powers, influence traps, and counter-traps when the defense is still trying to get it's head on straight and account for all the backfield threats after motions. Not to mention the tired element.

Seriously, flee from this free place and find a place that will pay you for you knowledge.

You know Gus' offense too well. Hopefully, bammer doesn't hire you to scout.

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On 8/29/2016 at 0:47 PM, DAG said:

I completely agree. I use to get plastered when I said I believed a DT QB is what we needed to completely run the table with this offense. Now, we have a true pocket passing QB and I advocated that it is imperative that he stays healthy, therefore I do not believe it will be in his best interest to try to even consider to make him a running threat, even if it is to keep the defense guessing, yet we are being told it is for the necessity of the offense. Yes, I agree, it would be necessary for terms of a true zone read offense, but Gus is the best schemer in the game. He should be able to be reactive in his offensive philosophy based on his personnel. 

Unfortunately, I disagree Gus is the best schemer in the game. I used to think that way after 2009, 2010 & 2013, but no longer. Why would he visit Baylor if he was?

He used to be able to adapt around his QB no matter the name, but 2011 & 2015 showed us he's mortal.

As has been documented on this board, White was his 3rd choice in the 2014 QB class. He was Johnson's backup plan in case things went south.

Thus, we're starting a 4th string Gus choice.

No, things don't always go your way in recruiting. Cam could have chosen Mullen and MSU. Marshall could have chosen Kansas St. and Bill Snyder. Had both of those hypotheticals taken place, Gus would have never been HC at AU.

To sum it up, I believe Gus, regardless of record this season, will be given another opportunity next season. He will hire Kendall Briles and thus, sign Jarrett Stidham. It will relight this program much the same way Cam and Marshall did.

If he fails to hire Briles, he's a sitting duck and we're likely looking for a new HC. It's that cut & dry.

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On 8/29/2016 at 0:53 PM, passthebiscuits said:

auburn performs more vigorous imaging and orthopedic screenings before competing than any other school in the SEC.

How do you know this? Not saying you are wrong, but this is beyond an extraordinary claim...HIPAA laws and all. How do you know?

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11 minutes ago, VipersStrike1 said:

Unfortunately, I disagree Gus is the best schemer in the game. I used to think that way after 2010 & 2013, but no longer.  1)Why would he visit Baylor if he was?

He used to be able to adapt around his QB no matter the name, but 2011 & 2015 showed us he's mortal.

As has been documented on this board, White was his 3rd choice in the 2014 QB class. He was Johnson's backup plan in case things went south.

Thus, we're starting a 4th string Gus choice.

No, things don't always go your way in recruiting. Cam could have chosen Mullen and MSU. Marshall could have chosen Kansas St. and Bill Snyder. 2) Had both of those hypotheticals taken place, Gus would have never been HC at AU.

To sum it up, I believe Gus, regardless of record this season, will be given another opportunity next season. He will hire Kendall Briles and thus, sign Jarrett Stidham. It will relight this program much the same way Cam and Marshall did.

If he fails to hire Briles, he's a sitting duck and we're likely looking for a new HC. 3) It's that cut & dry.

1) Maybe he's not as pompous as some on this board and wanted to see how some other coaches approach things, etc.(most every coach does this in some way)  

2) How is this possible? Gus was already the Coach when Marshall was signed????

3) And because you say it, doesn't mean that it is true.  


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8 minutes ago, imaolgatiger said:

2) How is this possible? Gus was already the Coach when Marshall was signed????

So Gus is 100% the AU HC if AU whiffs on Cam?

Not a chance in Hell.

To save yourself from embarrassment, Gus didn't recruit Cam. Luper did.

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1 minute ago, VipersStrike1 said:

So Gus is 100% the AU HC if AU whiffs on Cam?

Not a chance in Hell.

 2) Had both of those hypotheticals taken place, Gus would have never been HC at AU. .......Maybe you should explain. You said BOTH????? and Gus was already the coach before Marshall....

If Chiz whiffs on Cam, then no one has a clue as to what would have happened...    

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1 minute ago, imaolgatiger said:

 2) Had both of those hypotheticals taken place, Gus would have never been HC at AU. .......Maybe you should explain. You said BOTH????? and Gus was already the coach before Marshall....

If Chiz whiffs on Cam, then no one has a clue as to what would have happened...    

How about the FIRST?????

If Luper, NOT Chiz...and NOT Gus...whiffs on Cam...Gus NEVER gets the AU HC job.

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On 8/29/2016 at 0:57 PM, PoetTiger said:

And that unity kept the season from looking like Chiz last season. The guys were in every game except one...LSU. They played their butts off and never showed a sign they quit. Like Gus said the team did not execute the best particularly in close games. 

But yet we were told by an "insider" last season the 2015 team had the most unity since 2013.

My God, I would hope the football program at Auburn University could keep it together better than 2012 somehow.

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5 minutes ago, VipersStrike1 said:

How about the FIRST?????

If Luper, NOT Chiz...and NOT Gus...whiffs on Cam...Gus NEVER gets the AU HC job.

Chiz had to approve the signing of Cam, so...IF....we can make up whatever we want to after IF....  

To save yourself from embarrassment, Gus didn't recruit Cam. Luper did....too late for you...see 2) above...

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Just now, imaolgatiger said:

Chiz had to approve the signing of Cam, so...IF....we can make up whatever we want to after IF....  

To save yourself from embarrassment, Gus didn't recruit Cam. Luper did....too late for you...see 2) above...


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VipersStrike.... Has it occurred to you that for all practical purposes you are acting like a five year old child that  didn't get their way?

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22 minutes ago, Fricking Ray said:

VipersStrike.... Has it occurred to you that for all practical purposes you are acting like a five year old child that  didn't get their way?

I got my way in 2004 when I predicted National Champions.

I got my way in 2010 when I predicted 14-0 and National Champions.

But by all means...pump thy freaking sunshine in 2016.



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