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So TAMU fans are still caught up on the "horse collar"


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16 minutes ago, AUsince72 said:

I'll see their horse collar and raise them a RSJ cheap shot.

Yup. Dinson is still not playing, a year later, from the damage that shot caused. NCAA came back, after the fact, and ruled that the RSJ shot should have been called targeting. F'em. RSJ is P.O.S.

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15 minutes ago, AUinfusion said:

Yup. Dinson is still not playing, a year later, from the damage that shot caused. NCAA came back, after the fact, and ruled that the RSJ shot should have been called targeting. F'em. RSJ is P.O.S.

The head of SEC officials, actually. But your point stands. They screwed up on that call and RSJ is a sack of crap for bragging about it after the fact. 

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"The horse-collar tackle is an American football maneuver in which a defender tackles another player by grabbing the back collar or the back-inside of an opponent's shoulder pads and pulling the ball carrier directly downward in order to pull his feet from underneath him."

Kris Frost DID grab his horse collar, but DID NOT use it in order to pull him down. He grabbed his shoulder as well and made a semi-proper tackle. If he had only grabbed the back of his collar and drug him down that way, then there would have been a penalty. but he didn't and there wasn't.

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9 hours ago, Bigbens42 said:

The head of SEC officials, actually. But your point stands. They screwed up on that call and RSJ is a sack of crap for bragging about it after the fact. 

And that is why I will be booing him when they call his name for the starting line up in the stadium on Saturday.  In SEC media days, he also admitted he has not reached out once to Dinson.  The reporter had to draw it out of him to just say he wishes him well.

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Yes to everything all of you are saying. 

I have no love for TAMU or their fans, and I'm starting to get the impression that Sumlin is a shady, shady dude. I'm fired up for this game. 

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11 hours ago, Bigbens42 said:

The head of SEC officials, actually. But your point stands. They screwed up on that call and RSJ is a sack of crap for bragging about it after the fact. 

I searched but couldn't find it.

Is there a link to this? thanks.

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Just now, Shady Hollow AU said:

I searched but couldn't find it.

Is there a link to this? thanks.

Of Shaw? Here:

Of RSJ talking junk the following week? Here:


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While I never want to see a player injured like Dinson was, I am pretty confident when saying that Ricky was not intentionally trying to take a "cheap shot".  He is coming from relatively far up field and trying to make a block on a defender.  He leads with the shoulder and initiates contact to the chest.  Steve Shaw, in the video that yall keeps referencing, says as much.  It was probably targeting by the letter of the law, but calling it an intentional cheap shot is going out on a limb when the video evidence shows that he was trying to make a legal hit.  A physical football hit, but a legal hit.


Now, what he did with his twitter afterwards, I wont necessarily say was the right thing, given that Dinson was injured.  However, the hit itself really does not look like he is trying to take a "cheap shot".


I know saying that is going to get some flak, so fire away

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14 minutes ago, aeroag14 said:

While I never want to see a player injured like Dinson was, I am pretty confident when saying that Ricky was not intentionally trying to take a "cheap shot".  He is coming from relatively far up field and trying to make a block on a defender.  He leads with the shoulder and initiates contact to the chest.  Steve Shaw, in the video that yall keeps referencing, says as much.  It was probably targeting by the letter of the law, but calling it an intentional cheap shot is going out on a limb when the video evidence shows that he was trying to make a legal hit.  A physical football hit, but a legal hit.


Now, what he did with his twitter afterwards, I wont necessarily say was the right thing, given that Dinson was injured.  However, the hit itself really does not look like he is trying to take a "cheap shot".


I know saying that is going to get some flak, so fire away

Reality... he hit high intentionally. It wasn't the first time he had done it last year.  If he had lowered his body, like you are supposed to do, he would have had a successful block and no one would have been hurt.  I know that it's hard to admit that you have a thug on your team and a coach who doesn't discourage extra curricular activities, but don't try to defend this one... you won't win.

You really give yourself a bad name by saying that you "won't necessarily say" what he did on twitter was the "right thing".  It was WRONG, period.  There's no other way to look at it.

I honestly feel bad for A&M right now. I know Sumlin is winning games for you, but a school that is built on honor and respect like A&M deserves a coach who focuses on doing things the right way.  Just the QB drama, alone, shows that he doesn't know how to do that.  I look forward to the day where I can really enjoy an A&M vs Auburn game, knowing it will be a clean game played by athletes who respect each other and the sport.

Oh... and to the original post... there was no horse collar.  Anyone watching that video can see he brought him down by the shoulders.   

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6 minutes ago, aeroag14 said:

While I never want to see a player injured like Dinson was, I am pretty confident when saying that Ricky was not intentionally trying to take a "cheap shot".  He is coming from relatively far up field and trying to make a block on a defender.  He leads with the shoulder and initiates contact to the chest.  Steve Shaw, in the video that yall keeps referencing, says as much.  It was probably targeting by the letter of the law, but calling it an intentional cheap shot is going out on a limb when the video evidence shows that he was trying to make a legal hit.  A physical football hit, but a legal hit.


Now, what he did with his twitter afterwards, I wont necessarily say was the right thing, given that Dinson was injured.  However, the hit itself really does not look like he is trying to take a "cheap shot".


I know saying that is going to get some flak, so fire away

Actually, I don't necessarily disagree with you regarding what actually happened during the play.  Dinson was in play, chasing the QB, and RSJ did not have an angle to block the other two defenders as he did Dinson.  He played football, took the shot and people can argue back and forth all day about the rules and details of the actual hit vs the letter of the law.  ...fine.

Here's the rub....

Had RSJ shown any remorse when he realized that Dinson truly WAS injured badly, we could all chalk it up to "okay, the play got away from him".  Auburn's own Junior Rosegreen had a similar situation against (Reggie Brown, I think?) Georgia several years ago.  Big hit, big chest puff..but then he realized the dude was REALLY injured.  JR changed his WHOLE tone after that from "I'M THA' MAN" to "I sure hope he's okay".

RSJ not only continued to puff his chest, he then doubled down AFTER the game and bragged about it on social media. He has only said anything REMOTELY contrite here, a year later, only because he was (mildly) pressed on the issue.

I try not to knee-jerk and judge people too harshly but RSJ really seems to have a screw loose and Sumlin seems to be an enabler.

I actually LOVED aTm...  I have never had any animosity toward that school or football team.  Used to always pull for them, except when they play Auburn.  
And once Sumlin is finally shown the door, I may be there again one day.  
But, for now, they're down there with uat & thUga...

Sorry dude.


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1 hour ago, McLoofus said:

Yes to everything all of you are saying. 

I have no love for TAMU or their fans, and I'm starting to get the impression that Sumlin is a shady, shady dude. I'm fired up for this game. 

I really do see this game as being a complete massacre. I was a little nervous before playing Arkansas State looking ahead to this game, but I'm pretty confident. Our players will be coming after them, hard, on the defensive side of the ball. Best of luck to them with the 240 pound cannonball in Pettway. 

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10 minutes ago, aeroag14 said:

While I never want to see a player injured like Dinson was, I am pretty confident when saying that Ricky was not intentionally trying to take a "cheap shot".  He is coming from relatively far up field and trying to make a block on a defender.  He leads with the shoulder and initiates contact to the chest.  Steve Shaw, in the video that yall keeps referencing, says as much.  It was probably targeting by the letter of the law, but calling it an intentional cheap shot is going out on a limb when the video evidence shows that he was trying to make a legal hit.  A physical football hit, but a legal hit.


Now, what he did with his twitter afterwards, I wont necessarily say was the right thing, given that Dinson was injured.  However, the hit itself really does not look like he is trying to take a "cheap shot".


I know saying that is going to get some flak, so fire away

You know you are going to get flak because you know you are wrong on some of those points.

within 5 minutes of making that hit (whether or not rsj was intending on making just a big hit or if he was trying to help his team and make a good play, doesn't matter) he watched Dinson getting carted off the field, he knew they were taking him to the hospital. within 12 hours of the hit he knew he'd ruined the kids season and possibly his career, he knows that he was then over the top. Yet he still went and gloated about it. He gloated about ending one of our players season and sending him to the hospital. I do not know anyway in the world that that is "okay". 

He didn't need to make that hit so hard, much like Palmer noted on one of the plays where Carl got a hurry or Watson. He could have smacked the living **** out of Watson but instead he just grabbed his waist and didn't pull him down. Because Carl knew that the severity of the hit wouldn't affect the play and he didn't want to hurt another player who was "defenseless" at that point, just like Dinson was. 

I'm all for big hitters, I want them all over my defense. They are the ones who scare the opposing team. And if you follow all of the rules of tackling and still end up hurting someone, oh well, that's part of football unfortunately. 

But if you do it, know you hurt your oppenent in an EXTREME way, don't apologize or contact him in anyway and the gloat about it on social media the next day. You're insane and shouldn't be allowed to play. Especially when doing stuff like that is pretty much the only thing RSJ is known for in college football.

he embraces it and loves it too, that's just icing on the cake. That's just as messed up as everything else 


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1 hour ago, AUsince72 said:

Actually, I don't necessarily disagree with you regarding what actually happened during the play.  Dinson was in play, chasing the QB, and RSJ did not have an angle to block the other two defenders as he did Dinson.  He played football, took the shot and people can argue back and forth all day about the rules and details of the actual hit vs the letter of the law.  ...fine.

Here's the rub....

Had RSJ shown any remorse when he realized that Dinson truly WAS injured badly, we could all chalk it up to "okay, the play got away from him".  Auburn's own Junior Rosegreen had a similar situation against (Reggie Brown, I think?) Georgia several years ago.  Big hit, big chest puff..but then he realized the dude was REALLY injured.  JR changed his WHOLE tone after that from "I'M THA' MAN" to "I sure hope he's okay".

RSJ not only continued to puff his chest, he then doubled down AFTER the game and bragged about it on social media. He has only said anything REMOTELY contrite here, a year later, only because he was (mildly) pressed on the issue.

I try not to knee-jerk and judge people too harshly but RSJ really seems to have a screw loose and Sumlin seems to be an enabler.

I actually LOVED aTm...  I have never had any animosity toward that school or football team.  Used to always pull for them, except when they play Auburn.  
And once Sumlin is finally shown the door, I may be there again one day.  
But, for now, they're down there with uat & thUga...

Sorry dude.



You bring up some good points that I can agree with.  I still have no problem with the hit (although it is terrible to see such a major injury as a result), the reaction though was wrong.  I do believe that RSJ realized he was in the wrong as well by taking the tweet down quickly and publicly wishing for a quick recovery.  Doesn't excuse posting the tweet in the first place, but I do believe that calling him a thug or a dirty player might also be going a little far.  He is in his third full season as a starter at A&M and has had two targeting calls against him, both of which were called "controversial" (one he was ejected and shouldn't have been, one where he wasn't and probably should have been).  In neither did he clearly go for the head or (in any apparent way) try to hurt the defender.

The most interesting thing I have seen this thread is the animosity toward Sumlin.  And how he is running a program in a manner that yall don't like.  This is seriously interesting to me.  Beyond the RSJ thing, what is it that yall see negatively about the program?  I ask out of genuine curiosity!  Because from my seat I see a relatively clean program.  Sumlin struggled with some off the field issues (arrest wise and what not) early on, but always acted with swift punishment, issuing many suspensions and dismissing multiple players, often before news of their legal troubles hit mainstream media.  While many people were upset that the players were in trouble in the first place, it appeared (from day one) that Sumlin always took the right steps both punishment wise and evaluating how to mitigate future issues.  In the last three classes it has been pretty well documented by aggies that Sumlin has made a concerted effort to recruit character as well as talent, which has paid off.  The number of dismissals has been zero in the last few seasons and the number of arrests in the past 2 years has been 2, with one of those arrests simply being Speedy Noil driving with out his ID in his wallet.  Chief praises the two teams he has had at A&M as being the best groups of MEN he has ever coached and upwards of 30 football players recently returned from a player planned and led mission trip to Haiti.  The qb situation last December was troubling, but it is pretty well known that Kyler Murray was a "problem" (not that that absolves Sumlin of any blame).  And any doubt as to internal locker room issues were pretty quickly shot down when the majority of the A&M team publicly  rejoiced (via twitter) at the departure at the departure of Murray.


The only two things that I know some aggies have issues with is 1) the way he has lost games in the second half of the season and 2) his "treatment" of the media.  The former is not a character issue in the least so much as his ability as a coach.  The later is more a preference.  Sumlin tends to be closed off with the media (which I have no issue with) and tends to "snap" at reporters when they ask leading questions.  None of which is near as bad as many coaches (Saban being a big one).

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this conversation will go nowhere.  it happens every year.  no fan base is perfect.  every team has a bad apple from time to time.  I live here in college station and see no difference in the passion each fan base shows for their team.  aggie fans are great people as are auburn fans.  you cant say that the whole A&M team bad based off of one hit RSJ did on our guy.  was Kris Frost a thug for breaking Treadwells ankles?

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31 minutes ago, aeroag14 said:

I still have no problem with the hit, the reaction though was wrong.  I do believe that RSJ realized he was in the wrong as well by taking the tweet down quickly and publicly wishing for a quick recovery.  Doesn't excuse posting the tweet in the first place, but I do believe that calling him a thug or a dirty player might also be going a little far. 

Yep, Sumlin is the right coach for you.


He is in his third full season as a starter at A&M and has had two targeting calls against him, both of which were called "controversial" (one he was ejected and shouldn't have been, one where he wasn't and probably should have been).  In neither did he clearly go for the head or (in any apparent way) try to hurt the defender.

Only two targeting calls in two years and two games?!?! That's it?!?! He's freaking wide receiver. Jesus. 


Chief praises the two teams he has had at A&M as being the best groups of MEN he has ever coached

You mean the guy whose previous stops were under Les Miles and the guy for whom the Fulmer Cup was named? That Chief? 

Visiting TAMU posters have been dependable since they joined the SEC, no doubt. 

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4 minutes ago, KerryThachWDE said:

this conversation will go nowhere.  it happens every year.  no fan base is perfect.  every team has a bad apple from time to time.  I live here in college station and see no difference in the passion each fan base shows for their team.  aggie fans are great people as are auburn fans.  you cant say that the whole A&M team bad based off of one hit RSJ did on our guy.  was Kris Frost a thug for breaking Treadwells ankles?

Oh dear. 

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@aeroag14  Starting with Sumlin, you may get a litany of answers from others on this board or elsewhere but I can only speak for myself obviously... I can't say that I know a whole LOT about him....after all I don't religiously follow your team....but from way down here, it's mainly due to my perception of how he handled this particular situation (which is to say, he didn't do anything that I'm aware of) and watching him coddle & enable Johnny Manziel to the point that he did that young man NO favors in life (as we can all see), I just don't hold him in high regard.  Hey, he may be a saint otherwise and I'm certainly open minded enough to see that with enough evidence.......... but in the grand scheme of things, it's not that important to me (I'm just answering your question).  So I'll just see who the next coach at aTm is and decide how I feel then.  Like that really matters to you, right?? HAHA!!  .....'course....you ARE over here pleading their case so... maybe it does?  But I digress....

As for RSJ... Sorry man, that ship has sailed.  IF he had gone up to Dinson after the play, or even just simply APPEARED the least bit concerned on camera, etc, then MAYBE I/we would cut him some slack.  But that dude showed intent by his post play actions.  Again, I could have forgiven him TOTALLY for the play had he shown a shred of human decency in the time it took them to load Dinson up on the ambulance, or during the remainder of the game, or after the game, or to the media, or....  you get where I'm going? Apparently Twitter showed his true colors.  It wasn't removed because he wanted it removed.  It was "handled".  ...and when did he wish Dinson a "quick recovery"?  You talking about the RECENT interview...a year later?  Surely not.

Hey, if it comes out that he was calling Dinson on the phone or visiting him in the hospital or sent him flowers or whatever, I might consider re-considering...but I haven't seen nor heard any evidence of a conscience coming from him after that.

Oh... and you cite that in 2 full seasons plus 2 games that he's had "only 2 targeting calls"?  Dude, he's on OFFENSE!  He shouldn't have ANY!  He, alone, probably has more targeting calls than many D1 DEFENSES have...

You seem like an okay guy/girl....  Again, I really have NO animosity toward aTm, nor it's fans.  But I think that pleading a case to the "family of the victim" is not going to get you the results you're apparently looking for.  Good luck to you though and God bless!


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