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Suicide, what do you think?

DKW 86

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I want to talk seriously about suicide for a moment. Levity will surely come but just for a second please listen with an open mind.

I am just appalled that you can call someone that committed suicide anything but mentally ill. I have had suicide in my family, a very close member of my family.

Because of the pain and hurt that follows suicide, I tend to reject out of hand the work and reasons for anyone commiting suicide. Look, God, nor anyone else, ever said life was fair or easy. That is not written anywhere.

To 'wimpout' with suicide and inflict even greater pain than you were bearing in your life on others is just stupid. 'But Dave, these people were ill, sick, in pain, etc" So what? People live and die with worse all the time.

You rock historians want a quote?Listen to Courtney Love after Cobain's death. Be sure to read about the copycat suicides too!

This was a guy loved by millions. Had a wife and kid and a great career and tossed it all away on drugs and depression. Two words Kurt: "Get Help!"

There is no way that he ever lived through anything like the pain he caused his kid. The pain of "why did Daddy kill himself" will haunt the kid for a long long time. I counsel kids now and I can tell you they are not logical. They blame themselves for the stupidity of adults. A kid may even decide that their birth caused a parent to commit suicide.

I have little love nor sympathy for those that commit suicide because I know I deal with picking up the pieces of their families after they are gone.

Hunter S. Thompson? I havent made my mind up and there could have been a medical reason. But he should have left a note telling everyone why and protecting the kids and family.

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I agree with you. Short of mental illness (massive scale), you have no excuse. If you wake up every day...you have it better than some. I live my life that way...Whatever I face in my life, i always know that someone has it worse...and is dealing with it.

Suicide is the most selfsih, lazy, inexcusable thing a person could do. EVER. Because it always affects someone else.

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Suicide, while a shocking end to someone's life, is not a whole lot different than other ways people kill themselves everyday. It's just quicker.

How can a smoker or chronic overeater or someone who refuses to exercise or otherwise lives a lifestyle that has been proven to whack years and even decades off of the average lifespan look his family in the face every day knowing that just by living his life he is actually killing himself. When he drops dead at 45 of a massive coronary it's going to have the same devestating affect as if he'd blown his brains out.

I'm not condoning suicide or even saying that I understand why someone would do it. Just saying there's a lot of ways to kill yourself that people don't call suicide.

In Hunter Thompson's case I believe it will be eventually revealed through his notes and various phone conversations that he was not satisfied with the level of life he was having to live now. Constant pain due to hip replacement, a broken leg that hadn't healed correctly had him where he couldn't travel or even get around much. It may be a cop-out in some's eyes but I don't think not wanting to be a burden to loved ones while leaving them quite a sizable fortune does not actually qualify as being mentally ill.

Editing this post to provide link to info on Thompson's suicide.

Even though it's Fox News it's believable to me.


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Between the age of 12 and 17, I lost TWO close friends to suicide.

One was actually playing Russian Roulette. (Very smart kid. Just "playing" and didn't know that he would not live forever.)

The other guy had broken up with his girlfriend and was gonna' "hurt" himself by shooting himself in the side. The bullet hit his ribs and went through his heart.

(Strong drug abuse was also involved.)

I can assure you that, as a very young kid, all of this was a bit much for me to deal with. I can only imagine what the parents involved had to deal with and still deal with today..EVERYDAY.

"Render unto Ceaser that which is Ceasers and unto God that which is God's"

Life and Death are the sole realm of the Creator.

I will place MY trust in Him and His decisions.

It seems that far too often these days, Life is cheapened in every area.

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Suicide may solve your problems, at least here on earth, but it leaves those you love with a whole 'nother set of problems to deal with, and that is a cop out. If you love those people in your life, why on EARTH would you ever want to do that to them??? Being with you is not their burden - being without you will be.

On the other hand, I can understand how quality of life issues can be overwhelming - but if you are going to do yourself in, either tell your family in no uncertain terms so they can either prepare themselves, or talk you out of it or get you help - if even one person doesn't want you to go, doesn't that alone give you a reason to live?

Short of that, sign yourself a living will and an advanced medical directive and that solves that problem right there - decisions about your wishes and quality of life (aka Terri Schievo) will not be a burden on your family and a source of guilt for them for years to come if you are ever totally incapacitated.

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Suicide by your every day individual is an a**hole's copout. Mostly its an "I'll show you" type of attitude. These people do not care about anyone but themselves and therefore deserve to have their grave urinated on. This being said, if your are contemplating suicide, do it outside so nobody has to clean up.

Now. Onto such subjects as assisted suicide and suicide for medical reasons. There are many people "alive" out there today living in excruciating pain. Although science has brought about wonderful pain drugs (oxycontin, etc), there are those that cannot find relief. Anybody who accuses these people of copping out, or giving up are out of their own mind. Pain is a horrible thing. To keep yourself or aloved one alive to endure what is nothing less than pure torture is just evil.

Pain with no relief is akin to hell on earth. Ask these people if their lives are meaningful. Sure they love their families and friends, but life must have some substance. As the husband of an individual who lives in constant pain each day, I can tell you that if it got to the point where living was just torture for her, I would gladly plan ANY relief she chose. For me, watching a loved one suffer is one of the most horrible things to endure.

I pray that you and all of your loved ones die peacefully in their sleep, or very quickly.

Not today, of course. But when its time.

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I can't fault anyone who is any constant and excruciating pain, with no possible ending to it, for taking their lives.

If someone stands here and tells me that they would berate a terminally ill patient, who is in excruciating pain even with meds, for taking a few extra pain pills and ending it early I would just shake my head. Would you really wan't a friend or relative in that situation to go through more torture to appease your need to have them around? Why would you wan't them around if their life is a living hell?

Any able bodied person that commits suicide is a sad case indeed. Everyone left feels guilty and they get the "easy" way out. I had a friend in his early twenties commit suicide around 10 years ago. His dad committed suicide, so did his sister. He survived cancer (leukemia, I believe) in his teens. When his father committed suicide by shooting himself, he was asleep upstairs. The bullet passed through his dad's head, the floor, his bed, and missed his head by no more than a few inches. He swore to everyone he would never commit suicide after going through all that.

I still feel for his mother. That womans entire family, save her, committed suicide.

In my hometown both of the mayor's sons committed suicide. One a mere few weeks after graduating college and securing a job. He(mayor) offed himself in his later years, I don't remember if it was health related.

Kinda makes you wonder about some biological predisposition to depression and suicide. Not justifying anything, just wondering.

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I can't fault anyone who is any constant and excruciating pain, with no possible ending to it,  for taking their lives.

If someone stands here and tells me that they would berate a terminally ill patient, who is in excruciating pain even with meds, for taking a few extra pain pills and ending it early I would just shake my head. Would you really wan't a friend or relative in that situation to go through more torture to appease your need to have them around? Why would you wan't them around if their life is a living hell?

Any able bodied person that commits suicide is a sad case indeed. Everyone left feels guilty and they get the "easy" way out. I had a friend in his early twenties commit suicide around 10 years ago. His dad committed suicide, so did his sister. He survived cancer (leukemia, I believe) in his teens. When his father committed suicide by shooting himself, he was asleep upstairs. The bullet passed through his dad's head, the floor, his bed, and missed his head by no more than a few inches. He swore to everyone he would never commit suicide after going through all that.

I still feel for his mother. That womans entire family, save her, committed suicide.

In my hometown both of the mayor's sons committed suicide. One a mere few weeks after graduating college and securing a job. He(mayor)  offed himself in his later years, I don't remember if it was health related.

Kinda makes you wonder about some biological predisposition to depression and suicide. Not justifying anything, just wondering.


88, I totally agree with you. Medical Reasons are your own call.

Genetic suicide predisposition? You could be on to something in SOME cases, I know some that would never commit suicide after seeing the damage it causes within the families.

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Now, since we're keeping an open mind, and I am in no way throwing myself into the dfense of suicide, as I have had a very close friend do it. But as love blinds, could not some people be blind to love?

I've seen quite a few women in abusive relationships that just didn't "see" it, could not a suicidal person not see the love around them the same way some people in love do not see the hate?

Just a thought, though it may be completely off base due to my midterm tomorrow.

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Now, since we're keeping an open mind, and I am in no way throwing myself into the dfense of suicide, as I have had a very close friend do it. But as love blinds, could not some people be blind to love?

I've seen quite a few women in abusive relationships that just didn't "see" it, could not a suicidal person not see the love around them the same way some people in love do not see the hate?

Just a thought, though it may be completely off base due to my midterm tomorrow.


If you are thinking suicide, it should be an alarm to seek help immediately. You are right but they should still do the right thing for others.

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I think it is terrible and I truly feel for anyone who comes to feel that is the only option left for them. I also feel for the families of those who succeed in their attempts. I think that teachers and school officials should be much more attentive observant to students. Teen suicide is hard on all concerned.

Years ago I used to work off shore and would drive through New Orleans every Monday. One day on our way back there was a heavy traffic jam on the River Bridge. Traffic was being funneled into one lane to cross. When we got to the top there were several police vehicles and emergency vehicles stopped. There was a black woman sitting on the walkway holding onto the railing and the police were trying to get her hands loose. She was crying the most heart rending sobs I have ever heard in my life. I felt deeply for her, because there was absolutely no doubt that she had reached the bottom of what she could handle. I know I hope and pray that I never know the depth of despair that woman was feeling. I also hope and pray that none of my children or grandchildren ever know that deep despair.

On the other hand there are probably suicides that are never listed as suicides. People who run a speeding vehicle off the road and into a bridge or tree. Or into a river or off a mountain. Those would all be viewed as accidents, but many could be suicides.

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I know you weren't asking for it, but Prayers sent out to your wife. I know you guys have your faith to rely on.


Thank you. It's always a day to day thing. And God says he'll never give you more than you could handle.

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