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This is really dumb because you're arguing saying you're not....what are you right about then? What have I said wrong? 

Oh here's another clip explaining the difference between playoff and regular season and the defense stuff is really a joke. I laughed because this apparently aired today and they are saying EXACTLY what I said



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And I'm emotional? I'm emotional why? How? But see how you doubled down with your statement? So save me the I'm so innocent and why are you disagreeing with me Cole? That's crap, that's calling me a liar and you don't have to use the word liar to call someone that.....But you're not that dense you know that but you're trying to pull all your tricks out....you better PM some different posters.....some guys who may actually know what they are talking about

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4 hours ago, cole256 said:

See stuff like that. No I used my quote in response to you!!! You said what you said first. But you dolittle stuff like that cause confusion and since I can't quote highlight like you, you take it and run with it


And stuff like the sacrifice defensive stats if nobody said that but you how are you going back to arguing about it and it's just me and you talking

Look 10 posts up.  The gospel was in direct response to you saying I gloss over.  Not to mention posts before that

Also, the reason why I highlight my responses inside a quote of yours is really for your/everyone’s convenience.  It’s much easier to read that way I think, instead of reading multiple paragraphs below the quote and deciphering which paragraph is referencing which of your paragraphs.  That is in no way, shape, or form meant to cause confusion.  I do the same thing for clients in emails.  I do that for everyone on here too, as you have probably seen.

We are all good my man.  No hard feelings.  Have a good evening. 

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40 minutes ago, abw0004 said:

Look 10 posts up.  The gospel was in direct response to you saying I gloss over.  Not to mention posts before that

Also, the reason why I highlight my responses inside a quote of yours is really for your/everyone’s convenience.  It’s much easier to read that way I think, instead of reading multiple paragraphs below the quote and deciphering which paragraph is referencing which of your paragraphs.  That is in no way, shape, or form meant to cause confusion.  I do the same thing for clients in emails.  I do that for everyone on here too, as you have probably seen.

We are all good my man.  No hard feelings.  Have a good evening. 

Ok. So let's try this then. Just one thing. Now your last reply you said the gloss over comment was a reply to me saying I know basketball.....I wrote you saying I said that in reply to you so how can you say that's a reply to me. Then on top of that if you lookat how you're out of sequence then you can answer your question why did I get aggravated. So you look up 10 posts or whatever. That is if you really cared about how you come off. Now just look at this particular thing before you introduce anything else to get confused in the conversation

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11 minutes ago, cole256 said:

Ok. So let's try this then. Just one thing. Now your last reply you said the gloss over comment was a reply to me saying I know basketball.....I wrote you saying I said that in reply to you so how can you say that's a reply to me. Then on top of that if you lookat how you're out of sequence then you can answer your question why did I get aggravated. So you look up 10 posts or whatever. That is if you really cared about how you come off. Now just look at this particular thing before you introduce anything else to get confused in the conversation

You aren’t reading what I’m saying again.  Here is the chain of events:

Your Says a lot about you comment > Your Gloss over comment > My Gospel comment > Your I know everything comment. 

And these posters who messaged me know a thing or two of what they are talking about.  Over time they have proved it just like you have.    So I trust them, just like I trust you most of the time.   And no tricks.  I haven’t needed any.  Just statistics.  You can post tv show clips all you want and articles and I can do the same until we are blue in the face.  Thats why I’m not posting them anymore.  Not worth either of our time.  That’s why I prefer statistics, and those statistics I have posted verified my train of thought.

I’m willing to respect your opinion that Stephen is the best in the NBA if you are willing to respect my reasoning of why he is one of the best.  

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Lmao I asked you not to but you couldn't help yourself huh? Had to add right? So who mentioned anything about the gloss over comment before you just inserted it a couple of posts ago? Nobody. You're going to ignore that first you said the gospel comment was a reply to one thing but then changed it to a reply to another....

So I'm going to ignore your other stuff that doesn't have anything to do with anything. I'm going back to your long post where you're just talking basketball and big bad Cole is attacking you. I didn't get aggravated until you said that gospel comment which isn't true. You replied it is true look how I said I know basketball. But in reality I didn't say that until AFTER you said the gospel stuff so what you say can't be true. That's it. Period.

Funny how you don't want clips and articles when I refute you just want to stand on the ONE statistic you posted which still doesn't say he's a horrible defender. 

And to even bring up posters that you know you're not going to reveal is just stupid. Bring them up but don't worry about hall of fame players that agree with me because that's pointless.....ok

Like I said this really could've been over when I tried to end it cordially but you had to keep on.....Now you're the poor innocent one 🍭

And still don't kid yourself though a trend of stats when kd wasn't on the team and when he's there and when he's not again is statistics. It's actually the strongest stats because it's a trend in the actual games....the closest thing you can have besides the game itself.

Metrics like you posted is more like qbr and +/- stats they can be good and they also are very wrong as well. That actually makes me think about when I was debating a guy about Auburn ball and I was saying chumma was our best player and he posted some metric that rated chumma was last on the team in efficiency or importance or something like that....And of course he posted like that's funny because look at this.....he didn't make the metric up, but I still feel I was right, and I bet even you agree. Hell he may be one of the posters you're talking to though.....

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9 minutes ago, cole256 said:

Lmao I asked you not to but you couldn't help yourself huh? Had to add right? So who mentioned anything about the gloss over comment before you just inserted it a couple of posts ago? Nobody. You're going to ignore that first you said the gospel comment was a reply to one thing but then changed it to a reply to another....

So I'm going to ignore your other stuff that doesn't have anything to do with anything. I'm going back to your long post where you're just talking basketball and big bad Cole is attacking you. I didn't get aggravated until you said that gospel comment which isn't true. You replied it is true look how I said I know basketball. But in reality I didn't say that until AFTER you said the gospel stuff so what you say can't be true. That's it. Period.

Funny how you don't want clips and articles when I refute you just want to stand on the ONE statistic you posted which still doesn't say he's a horrible defender. 

And to even bring up posters that you know you're not going to reveal is just stupid. Bring them up but don't worry about hall of fame players that agree with me because that's pointless.....ok

Like I said this really could've been over when I tried to end it cordially but you had to keep on.....Now you're the poor innocent one 🍭

And still don't kid yourself though a trend of stats when kd wasn't on the team and when he's there and when he's not again is statistics. It's actually the strongest stats because it's a trend in the actual games....the closest thing you can have besides the game itself.

Metrics like you posted is more like qbr and +/- stats they can be good and they also are very wrong as well. That actually makes me think about when I was debating a guy about Auburn ball and I was saying chumma was our best player and he posted some metric that rated chumma was last on the team in efficiency or importance or something like that....And of course he posted like that's funny because look at this.....he didn't make the metric up, but I still feel I was right, and I bet even you agree. Hell he may be one of the posters you're talking to though.....

It’s like talking to a brick wall with you man.  You never concede and you are always right.  It’s so ridiculous it’s quite funny.  You twist what I say and don’t even fact check what you write.  Then I have to hand-hold you to show you where you are wrong, citing sources, bolding the sections so you can read it, color coding.  I mean it’s like talking to a fifth grader.  I’m not even going to address any of what you said because if I do you will twist it again and ask me to guide you to where you are wrong.  I’m happy with what I have said and I have had others come to my aid.  That’s all I need to know.  You can be happy with your opinion and I will be happy with my statistics.  The funniest thing was I was one of your biggest supporters.

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Skip makes it hard to root against the raptors. Pretty much me after every game the raptors have won in the playoffs


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2 minutes ago, Maverick.AU said:

Skip makes it hard to root against the raptors. Pretty much me after every game the raptors have won in the playoffs


Eric Bledsoe, Middleton, Lopez and Brogdon are actually way better than 2’s supporting cast. lol 

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3 straight L's?!! After only losing back to back games one time during the season? I thought this would happen with Giannis. Dude would dominate at times but teams would make an adjustment and stifle him.  Kawhi also has a new movie coming out. Terminator Dark Fate.


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1 hour ago, abw0004 said:

It’s like talking to a brick wall with you man.  You never concede and you are always right.  It’s so ridiculous it’s quite funny.  You twist what I say and don’t even fact check what you write.  Then I have to hand-hold you to show you where you are wrong, citing sources, bolding the sections so you can read it, color coding.  I mean it’s like talking to a fifth grader.  I’m not even going to address any of what you said because if I do you will twist it again and ask me to guide you to where you are wrong.  I’m happy with what I have said and I have had others come to my aid.  That’s all I need to know.  You can be happy with your opinion and I will be happy with my statistics.  The funniest thing was I was one of your biggest supporters.

Can't address it right....you didn't want to concede right? See the insults? But you'll play the why would you ever disagree with me....I'm your biggest supporter lies. Gtfoh dude I can see through that. It doesn't get more simple than that you won't even admit you said that stuff out of order.....sort of goes against the I admit when I wrong mantra you say that you have. Actually when did you admit when you were wrong through this....you said alot....

I am flattered that you felt like you needed help just to try to tell me my opinion is wrong. I like how you had to let everybody know you have supporters lol. 

I'm glad you did this though, I don't need supporters, I have a few friends on here, that's all I need. And they wouldn't grandstand or be mad because I disagreed with them. I don't do that fake stuff. But keep on being happy. Be happy watching Steph play that horrible defense. Lol.  Funniest thing about this was there couldn't be a right or wrong but you'll change the narrative to that to. Introduce another topic and confuse yourself and say mystery people said you won an opinion! I used to support you to smh

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Well I don't know what to say about this game. I had stated that Bledsoe was going to make them lose and he has been the last few games but he didn't play that bad this game. They still need a point guard though. 

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Just left the game. Might be the only spurs fan happy for kawhi. Still a 7 game series though. What a tough call. Spurs fan/been living in Milwaukee the last 5 years/still consider Kawhi my favorite ..ahhh

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Good morning,

Let's have cooler heads prevail today.  Especially since it is a Friday and Memorial Weekend.  I will only address a few parts because some of it is just snippy and does not pertain to the thread and nothing will get accomplished.  That and I will not tolerate some of the language you use like cursing at me.  That is over the line and not something I am interested in.  We both are better than that.  Fair?  I tried to make this as easy to read/follow as possible and invested a lot of time into my response.  Please read this carefully and know every word I typed was not out of malice or ill-intentions, but out of calm and good intentions.

9 hours ago, cole256 said:

you didn't want to concede right?  Please see below from my comments on multiple posts:

"Do not disagree with what you said."

"Oh I know you are right about that.  That stat is insane."

"Steph Curry is an amazing player.  Can score so effortlessly.  Such a team player and I would love to have him on my team."

"Fair enough."

"Not sure on Durant."

"You are correct. Curry has done an impeccable job when Durant went down.  Not denying that.  He is truly an amazing player."

"We are all good my man.  No hard feelings.  Have a good evening."

"I’m willing to respect your opinion that Stephen is the best in the NBA if you are willing to respect my reasoning of why he is one of the best."

See the insults?  The fifth grader thing was a little uncalled for on my end and I apologize.  For that reason is why I waited to sleep on it before I responded to this post so I did not say anything I would regret.  Honestly I also prayed (I am a big Christian) so I could say the right things.  That was the only time I lobbed anything resembling an insult even with you including profanity directed at me.

I'm your biggest supporter lies.  Please see below:  


Capture 2.JPG


"Over time they have proved it just like you have.    So I trust them, just like I trust you most of the time."

"Most of the time when you say you were right, it is because you are right.  I have even deferred to you in the basketball forum because I respect your knowledge.  I don't understand why you are so offended when I have shown you respect? "

It doesn't get more simple than that you won't even admit you said that stuff out of order.  Please see below where I laid out the timeline:

"Your Says a lot about you comment > Your Gloss over comment > My Gospel comment > Your I know everything comment."

I am flattered that you felt like you needed help just to try to tell me my opinion is wrong. I like how you had to let everybody know you have supporters lol.  Like I said before I ask for other people's opinions to make sure I am correct in my thinking so if I am wrong I can admit it to you.  Please see below where I have said this before:

"...even confided in other posters on here to make sure I was right.  Because honestly, if I were wrong I just wanted to admit it and move on.  That is just just how I am wired.  Not afraid to fail or be wrong."

This is all I will show from my conversations because honestly some of their responses will upset you.  If I did even show it to you, it would be heavily redacted to respect their privacy.  As you can see, I'm looking for honesty and legitimately looking to see if I am wrong:

Capture 3.JPG


I'm glad you did this though, I don't need supporters, I have a few friends on here, that's all I need. And they wouldn't grandstand or be mad because I disagreed with them. I don't do that fake stuff. But keep on being happy.  I haven't been angry in the slightest.  I actually enjoyed this until you went over the line with your language.  That is why I am trying to be the bigger person and offer an olive branch.  My reputation on here matters to me and a conversation like this isn't worth it.  I am sure you feel the same way.  You are too respected on here to let it come to blows.  Have a wonderful Friday my friend.



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9 hours ago, WFE12 said:

They're doing so much only for him to leave


I'm not sure anymore if he will leave if his intention is to compete for another title.  Now if his intentions are different, as in to build his own team like the Durant rumors, or a particular city he wants to live in, I think he would still leave.  Heck, everyone thought PG13 would leave.  Weirder things have happened.  I'm surprised Lebron isn't trying to leave the mess of a Lakers organization.  He doesn't have that many years left to play.

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FWIW Cole and I have unrivaled basketball IQs. And everybody tries to keep up with us Jones’s. Jk.

I think both of y’all have good intentions and make good points. I’m not the type that bitches about arguments that last for days because 

Ball doesn’t lie gentlemen. I don’t think Steph is the best but he’s playing like the MVP right now. Let’s see how it finishes out.

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24 minutes ago, abw0004 said:

Good morning,

Let's have cooler heads prevail today.  Especially since it is a Friday and Memorial Weekend.  I will only address a few parts because some of it is just snippy and does not pertain to the thread and nothing will get accomplished.  That and I will not tolerate some of the language you use like cursing at me.  That is over the line and not something I am interested in.  We both are better than that.  Fair?  I tried to make this as easy to read/follow as possible and invested a lot of time into my response.  Please read this carefully and know every word I typed was not out of malice or ill-intentions, but out of calm and good intentions.



First of all 95% of those quotes were after I tried to end this convo. Also posting part of a quote introducing it like you're conceding such as I agree he's this and that, then the next thing that's said but he's not what you are saying....is that really conceding?? Seems a bit ingenious to me, but maybe that's how you roll idk


I will admit I can't tell if you're doing stuff like this and you are just oblivious to how the things you say can be insulting or you know what you're doing and you're just being deceitful, as this is literally an entire posting style of another guy who posts on here.

Even this is themed with a I just post on here and you attacked me tone. Actually now you have the cursing theme when I cursed once in response to your insult....things like you inserted an insult first is left out your speeches but you make sure to put in the I can be wrong, I'm a Christian stuff. You don't seem to understand that it could possibly be you are the person missing a point, as you still don't understand your take it for gospel comment mishap.

You never answered the overall question though. What were you arguing about? What were you trying to prove right as you mentioned it to the grand poster of knowledge who shall remain nameless who's thoughts supersedes all. And if they didn't say to you about any of my points well he's right about this, I.e. Being an average or even below average defender doesn't mean anything in comparison of dictating an entire defensive scheme....well you can think the world of them but in reality that's a joke. But like I said I didn't even get to the more advanced stuff because clearly as you stated you felt that you were "right" and didn't want to learn anything. You wanted to debate. 

Because you introduced a bunch of stuff that wasn't ever said. The sacrifice defensive stats thing which only you said.....which actually can be a thing but it's not in this case and wasn't ever brought up, etc. 

But I don't work at a CPU, well I do but I'm damn sure not logging on a forum on it, I'm not doing cut and pasting, highlighting, quoting and replying. I address thoughts on sequential order from the original thought. I tried explaining to you that you start talking about one thing introduce another then you get confused to the replies...but you ignored that as well. 

Basically there are about 5 players people could argue about is the best or not. You can introduce things that's for or against it. Period. At first you said Steph wasn't in the discussion, or at least in the MVP discussion, but clearly that's not true. He is. It still irks me that you use the plural of facts and statistics.....to me that just embellish and push a false narrative. You posted one metric that can be called a stat and that's it, literally EVERYTHING else was opinions. But ok.

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27 minutes ago, aujeff11 said:

FWIW Cole and I have unrivaled basketball IQs. And everybody tries to keep up with us Jones’s. Jk.

I think both of y’all have good intentions and make good points. I’m not the type that bitches about arguments that last for days because 

Ball doesn’t lie gentlemen. I don’t think Steph is the best but he’s playing like the MVP right now. Let’s see how it finishes out.

Exactly you could say Harden and of course I'd start with the disappears when it matters stuff, or maybe you feel Durant, then I'd bring up how Golden State went through them and Steph killed them when he was with OKC, or the team record when it's just him leading, or maybe giannis, well then we could talk about performance in the playoffs. 

There are several candidates. Nobody has bullet proof arguments. The most you can do is say who you think and why you think it. 

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23 minutes ago, cole256 said:

First of all 95% of those quotes were after I tried to end this convo. Also posting part of a quote introducing it like you're conceding such as I agree he's this and that, then the next thing that's said but he's not what you are saying....is that really conceding?? Seems a bit ingenious to me, but maybe that's how you roll idk


I will admit I can't tell if you're doing stuff like this and you are just oblivious to how the things you say can be insulting or you know what you're doing and you're just being deceitful, as this is literally an entire posting style of another guy who posts on here.

Even this is themed with a I just post on here and you attacked me tone. Actually now you have the cursing theme when I cursed once in response to your insult....things like you inserted an insult first is left out your speeches but you make sure to put in the I can be wrong, I'm a Christian stuff. You don't seem to understand that it could possibly be you are the person missing a point, as you still don't understand your take it for gospel comment mishap.

You never answered the overall question though. What were you arguing about? What were you trying to prove right as you mentioned it to the grand poster of knowledge who shall remain nameless who's thoughts supersedes all. And if they didn't say to you about any of my points well he's right about this, I.e. Being an average or even below average defender doesn't mean anything in comparison of dictating an entire defensive scheme....well you can think the world of them but in reality that's a joke. But like I said I didn't even get to the more advanced stuff because clearly as you stated you felt that you were "right" and didn't want to learn anything. You wanted to debate. 

Because you introduced a bunch of stuff that wasn't ever said. The sacrifice defensive stats thing which only you said.....which actually can be a thing but it's not in this case and wasn't ever brought up, etc. 

But I don't work at a CPU, well I do but I'm damn sure not logging on a forum on it, I'm not doing cut and pasting, highlighting, quoting and replying. I address thoughts on sequential order from the original thought. I tried explaining to you that you start talking about one thing introduce another then you get confused to the replies...but you ignored that as well. 

Basically there are about 5 players people could argue about is the best or not. You can introduce things that's for or against it. Period. At first you said Steph wasn't in the discussion, or at least in the MVP discussion, but clearly that's not true. He is. It still irks me that you use the plural of facts and statistics.....to me that just embellish and push a false narrative. You posted one metric that can be called a stat and that's it, literally EVERYTHING else was opinions. But ok.

giphy.gifgiphy (1).gif

You missed the entire point of the post, again.  Go back and read it please.  You are just trying to position yourself on top, which is fine.  Some people have personalities like that.  I am just simply putting us on a level plane so we can part on a good note.  Not trying to position myself above or below.  Not going to even address your post until you reread what I said.  No point in paying attention to your posts if you can't pay attention to mine.  Thanks.

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