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Touchdown Auburn Bowl discussion


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Good thread! Thought the Gators were going to give it to them.  Great first game for the season. Woo hoo. 

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If that's how this CFB season is going to be, ji am SO here for it. For being such an awfully-played game, that was a GREAT college football game. 

I'm nipped, how bout you guys?

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I guess I'm 1-0 since technically Florida won that game. But the last four or five minutes was so sloppy on both sides that I kind of wish there was a rule where they could declare no winner.  Florida did not look top ten or even top twenty to me and I just don't think Miami has the team to make the Gators look that bad. And Miami? After getting the ball near the UF twenty late, they went backwards like forty or fifty yards.  It was hard to watch.

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