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Andrew Yang goes straight to bribery


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Dropping all pretense that the only bullet in the Democrat gun (sorry guys, the gun analogy is intentional) is promising to bribe you for votes; Yang promises universal income for 10 families...for a year...so that makes it single-action bribery.  I guess if he promised it for 5 years; that would be semi-automatic bribery and if he offered it for life; that would make it fully automatic bribery....



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1 minute ago, japantiger said:

Dropping all pretense that the only bullet in the Democrat gun (sorry guys, the gun analogy is intentional) is promising to bribe you for votes; Yang promises universal income for 10 families...for a year...so that makes it single-action bribery.  I guess if he promised it for 5 years; that would be semi-automatic bribery and if he offered it for life; that would make it fully automatic bribery....



Lock him up! Dude’s giving away his money!

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The offense committed by one who gives or promises or offers money or any valuable Inducement to an elector, in order to corruptly induce the latter to vote in a particular way or to abstain from voting, or as a reward to the voter for having voted in a particular way or abstained from voting.


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