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The presidency is an actual job: This idiot can't do it


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Have we forgotten that being president isn't about posturing and tweeting? Without competent leaders, we're toast

".......For several years now, Trump has managed to bull**** his way through his presidency, walking a narrow path while pretending he knows what's going on, pretending he has a handle on the details and responsibilities involved in serving in such a rarefied position.

Despite his inner delusions and outer bragging, he doesn't.

For three years, Trump leaned heavily on his skills as a well-practiced New York con man, and, accordingly, continued to cultivate the fanboy adulation of his Red Hat cult as his exclusive audience. Thanks in part to the blinding velocity of the firehose of news and a successful whitewashing effort provided by Fox News, previous nightmares such as the president's incompetent, callous and punitive reaction to Hurricane Maria have whizzed on by without Trump experiencing any blunt-force damage to his low-40s approval polling.

But now Americans at large are waking up to a grotesque, unavoidable reality: This isn't new. Trump has always been staggeringly out of his depth as president, routinely overwhelmed by the rigors and requirements of the gig, while appearing to act based solely on his own political and financial desperation."........


Read the full piece at:    https://www.salon.com/2020/03/10/the-presidency-is-an-actual-job-this-idiot-cant-do-it/


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And yet he is, quite successfully.  Biden might have a bit of trouble with rigors, as did Hillary.  Can’t believe the esteemed author blames Trump for 100 years of corruption and very little infrastructure in Puerto Rico. Nice try though.

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20 hours ago, jj3jordan said:

And yet he is, quite successfully.  Biden might have a bit of trouble with rigors, as did Hillary.  Can’t believe the esteemed author blames Trump for 100 years of corruption and very little infrastructure in Puerto Rico. Nice try though.

No, THAT'S a "nice try".  :laugh:

Admittedly, he left out those beautiful rolls of paper towels. :rolleyes:

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