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and then there is this wanker.................


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does he really think people buy off on his bullcrap?


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That's pathetic spin.

"Wanker" is a good term for this AO.

As for what the left would like to see, I figure that every hour Trump is on a golf course trying to hit a little ball into a small hole is a good hour for the country.

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1 hour ago, homersapien said:

That's pathetic spin.

"Wanker" is a good term for this AO.

As for what the left would like to see, I figure that every hour Trump is on a golf course trying to hit a little ball into a small hole is a good hour for the country.

i cannot stand de loser either. people that make their living spreading lies get no sympathy from me. people like him fire up the crazies and then we get pipe bombs and mass shootings and that sort of thing. i cannot even keep count of all the folks trump has put in danger but the right will blow it off. it is what they do. honesty is too often not what they do and when they find some talking head spinning crap to justify their beliefs they jump in both feet first. how many years did it take for folks to finally admit trump was joking and not making fun of the handicapped reporter? the ones that will not admit the truth can go to facepalm hell as far as i am concerned. you think they would care if trump stole the election? think about it. we spent eight years of racism against obama because they claimed he was racist. they threatened his whole family pretty much because he was a black man in a place no black men are supposed to be in. so they up the anti and we got trump. and i laugh at the folks that think trump was mistreated. that is horse hockey. that man has been doing this crap all his life and instead of googling and seeing the facts available they turn to those making a living lying. and it makes no matter  trump could out lie the best of them. i honestly think this country is doomed. and by the way most face palms from the right are badges of honor because it is all they have to throw out there.............

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