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The Camback


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Was at the game and I told my sons when Auburn scored before halftime that they were going to win.    

Scoring on the first series of the second half, it was all over 

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I also was there that day. Cloudy and just bone chilling cold. When Auburn scored right after half time an older gentleman turned around and said hey Auburn yall are going to win this game. I said how in the world can say that and he replied i have had these seats for years and i know when Bama is going to loose and today is that day. I said I hope you are right and he was. I can still see at the beginning of the fourth quarter that beautiful sunshine peak out from behind the clouds for the first time all day. After the win all me and my buddy could talk about was how we were going to party when we got back to Chelsea. Stopped and got some full moon bbq, got home and ate drank one beer and went to bed!!!!! What a day.

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That was a great day- the bammers were giddy when they went up 24-0 but I felt pretty confident when we scored right before half! It was a great day in tuscalooser!

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I remember Bamzo Joe Scarborough whining the Monday after about Bama choking on a 21-0 lead. His Yankee side kick Willy pointed out Bama lead 24-0 - thought I'd never stop laughing. 

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On 11/26/2020 at 9:43 AM, AUwent said:

Happy 10th to the Camback!


We are 3-7 in the IB since then. Saban learned from it and got so much better. We took a chance on Gus. 3-7 is better than the rest of the SEC west in that time frame. But still not good enough.

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