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Welp, Cynicism Justified with Regard to the Lincoln Project


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Accessing a former employee's private DMs and posting them online was a baaaad idea. 


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This thread is a good breakdown of what's going on here, Homer. 

This is bad. Very bad. 

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I'm slow on the uptake.  

I get that what they did was uncool.  But what is the law they broke, especially if they got it off of - say - the former employee's work laptop?

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11 hours ago, TitanTiger said:

I'm slow on the uptake.  

I get that what they did was uncool.  But what is the law they broke, especially if they got it off of - say - the former employee's work laptop?

Quite possibly a crime under the CFAA. 

She didn't have a work laptop or cell phone, according to what Yashar said in that thread.


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On 2/11/2021 at 11:58 PM, AUDub said:

They're about to implode. 


Are Republicans, especially Trump Republicans, really in a position to judge another group's self policing?  Clearly the far right cannot hold itself to account for anything.  Why should their comments concerning TLP be given any respect?  TLP has accomplished most of the goals they were formed to accomplish. 

I'm not really certain whether they had the right to post those DMs or not, but regardless, to suggest that it is indicative of an entire organization is over reaching.

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2 hours ago, AU9377 said:

Are Republicans, especially Trump Republicans, really in a position to judge another group's self policing?  Clearly the far right cannot hold itself to account for anything.  Why should their comments concerning TLP be given any respect?  TLP has accomplished most of the goals they were formed to accomplish. 

I am far from a Trump Republican, and no one even brought them up before your post. This is "whataboutism."


I'm not really certain whether they had the right to post those DMs or not, but regardless, to suggest that it is indicative of an entire organization is over reaching.

It was on their official Twitter, so quite indicative.

This was an extremely unethical and quite possibly illegal move and only compounds their recent troubles with Schimdt's resignation. 

They were an ally of convenience for me, but I kept them at arm's length, and for good reason. There's a gangrenous wound here. Cut it off. 

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