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Durbin: "US Troops are Nazis"

DKW 86

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[...] the fact that our torture isn't as bad as the world's worst tyrants is hardly something to crow about. 


I still have a MAJOR problem with calling the conditions under which the TERRORISTS at Gitmo are being held and interrogated "TORTURE". They eat better than our own troops. They are extended every courtesy in terms of their religous beliefs. Somehow being poked in the chest and being forced to listen to Christina Aguilara is just not exactly what I think of when someone tells me some one was tortured. I think rape, dismemberment, hot branding irons burned into your skin, fingernails removed with pliers, electric shock to the gonads... oh, and maybe being put feet first into a shredder... :blink:

These TERRORISTS were captured while fighting against our military. As I mentioned in my previous post, the evidence we DO have against them probably would not meet the burden of proof required for a conviction in a US court under US law - which they are not entitled to anyway, since they are not US citizens. But my point was that we DO know that if they are released, they WILL TRY TO KILL US!!! PROOF OR NOT, THAT IS A FACT!!!!!!!! JUST ASK THEM!!!!! So how can you justify saying "Well, charge them with something or let them go!"

If you are enclosed in a small box with a rattlesnake, and you have a tight grip on its head, and you know that as long as you keep holding on, it cannot bite you, are you going to say "Well, I don't know for SURE that it will bite me - I don't have any PROOF that it will. It's kind of cruel to keep holding it by the head, so maybe I will just let go..."

Guess what? The TERRORISTS are just as single minded about what they will do next as the pissed off rattlesnake in your hand is about what he is going to do the minute he can get room to strike.

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I still have a MAJOR problem with calling the conditions under which the TERRORISTS at Gitmo are being held and interrogated "TORTURE".

Then, with all due respect, you really should consider at least sampling something other than the right-wing news fare because they seem to be doing a pretty good job at shielding you from 'the rest of the story.' I would think that after a few hundred pictures and dozens of stories you would've run out of alibis by now.

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I still have a MAJOR problem with calling the conditions under which the TERRORISTS at Gitmo are being held and interrogated "TORTURE".  They eat better than our own troops.  They are extended every courtesy in terms of their religous beliefs.  Somehow being poked in the chest and being forced to listen to Christina Aguilara is just not exactly what I think of when someone tells me some one was tortured.  I think rape, dismemberment, hot branding irons burned into your skin, fingernails removed with pliers, electric shock to the gonads... oh, and maybe being put feet first into a shredder... :blink: .....

If you are enclosed in a small box with a rattlesnake, and you have a tight grip on its head, and you know that as long as you keep holding on, it cannot bite you, are you going to say "Well, I don't know for SURE that it will bite me - I don't have any PROOF that it will.  It's kind of cruel to keep holding it by the head, so maybe I will just let go..." 


Aw, man. As usual, Jenny, you had me and then you lost me again. Yeah, the more I look at what they're saying about Gitmo, the more it seems to me that I WISH that was all the other side was doing to captured troops and insurgents, and if I found that captured Americans were being subjected to "invasion of space by a female" and forced to listen to "Sindibad and the Sixty Seven Sitar Strummers" or whatever torture music they got over there, maybe I wouldn't go protesting the inhumanity of it after all.

But dang it, humans are different from rattlesnakes and other animals. They got the capacity to think, and if we think of them as "animals", we ain't gonna win their hearts and minds like Bush says we're trying to do. They ain't literally animals any more than Gitmo is literally a gulag.

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As far as Al being a Nazi. I didnt say that Durbin did. As far as the troops being called Nazis, I quoted what Durbin said verbatim, with link.

As far as attacking everyone that disagrees with you three, par for the course. I provided the link PROVING what Durbin said. You provide no link for any claim.

Here: Durbin Compares Hazing to Torture....

Journalists Discuss Durbin:

Dick Durbin is not revered as one of the brightest bulbs in the United States Senate, but he does have a reputation as being one of the most partisan. Steve Neal, a liberal columnist for the Chicago Sun-Times, once wrote that Durbin's "mind is unburdened by original thought" and that "he seems to be more guided by the polls than anything resembling a political philosophy."

So you want to side with that?

Durbin Quotes from another UNNAMED SOURCE

Havent we as a nation learned better?


Durbin's degrading drivel

June 17, 2005

The Senate's second-ranking Democrat has officially joined the ranks of the unhinged. Speaking on the floor of the Senate Wednesday, Sen. Dick Durbin recited the contents of an e-mail he received from an anonymous FBI agent. He then said: "If I read this to you and did not tell you that it was an (anonymous) FBI agent describing what Americans had done to prisoners in their control, you would most certainly believe this must have been done by Nazis, Soviets in their gulags, or some mad regime -- Pol Pot or others -- that had no concern for human beings. Sadly, that is not the case. This was the action of Americans in the treatment of their prisoners." This from the anonymopus source, wonder if it was the same one Rather used?

    Until recently, this reductio ad Hitlerium could be ignored as the sole domain of ideological leftists and certain Hollywood fools. Now it's fast becoming a Democratic talking point for the 2006 mid-term elections.

    There's a legitimate point to be made that addressing Mr. Durbin's impropriety would only give credibility to his argument. That's surely why The Washington Post and the Chicago Tribune, Mr. Durbin's hometown newspaper, didn't report his remarks. The Nazis killed 9 million prisoners in Hitler's death camps, including 6 million Jews, and zero Guantanamo detainees have died at the hands of their U.S. captors. Josef Stalin imprisoned millions of his own people in the wastelands of Siberia, and millions died; American soldiers have captured only those who have taken up arms against them.

    The senator's slur does more than falsely malign American soldiers; it insults the millions of the innocents whom Hitler, Stalin and Pol Pot butchered in the 20th century. Mr. Durbin cheapens their suffering and degrades their sacrifice for partisan gain. Out of respect for their memory and descendents still living, Mr. Durbin should apologize. He says he won't, which may be just as well. An apology from a man who draws such a sordid analogy wouldn't be worth much, anyway.

Durbin Described as Ignorant of History

Consider Sen. Dick Durbin (D-Ill), who just compared the Guantanamo Bay detention center to Stalin's gulag and to the death camps of Hitler and Pol Pot — an astonishing, obscene piece of ignorance. Between 15 million and 30 million people died from 1918 through 1956 in the prisons and labor camps of the Soviet gulag. Historian Robert Conquest gives some facts. A prisoner at the Kholodnaya Gora prison had to stuff his ears with bread before sleeping on account of the shrieks of women being interrogated. At the Kolyma in Siberia, inmates labored through 12-hour days in cheap canvas shoes, on almost no food, in temperatures that could go to minus-58. At one camp, 1,300 of 3,000 inmates died in one year.

"Gulag" must not go the way of "Nazi" and become virtually meaningless. Europeans love calling Israelis "Nazis" — a transparent attempt to slough off their guilt like rattlesnakes shedding skin. ("See, the Jews are as bad as we were!") I'd like to ban the word "Nazi" except when applied to … Nazis. Lawbreakers would be ordered to learn what Nazi actually means.

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The Dick now apologizes for calling troops nazis.


Friday, June 17, 2005

“More than 1700 American soldiers have been killed in Iraq and our country’s standing in the world community has been badly damaged by the prison abuses at Abu Ghraib and Guantanamo. My statement in the Senate was critical of the policies of this Administration which add to the risk our soldiers face.”

“I will continue to speak out when I disagree with this Administration.”

“I have learned from my statement that historical parallels can be misused and misunderstood. I sincerely regret if what I said caused anyone to misunderstand my true feelings: our soldiers around the world and their families at home deserve our respect, admiration and total support.”

Aparently Durbin Misquoted Memo/E-Mail...details not mentioned in report/memo/e-mail.

One knowledgeable official familiar with the memo cited by Durbin as well as other memos said the FBI agent made no such allegation and that the memo described only someone chained to the floor. Anything beyond that is simply an interpretation, the official said.
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Good for Durbin. He at least recognized that his word choice could be construed in a negative fashion.

“I have learned from my statement that historical parallels can be misused and misunderstood. I sincerely regret if what I said caused anyone to misunderstand my true feelings: our soldiers around the world and their families at home deserve our respect, admiration and total support.”

Then there's this board.

As far as the troops being called Nazis, I quoted what Durbin said verbatim, with link.
Durbin: "US Troops are Nazis"

Sorry, try again. You quoted right-wing propaganda. You may not know the difference, but you didn't quote Durbin. Google it.


Come on, David. Are you gonna let that wimpy libbie prove he's a bigger man than you?

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Good for Durbin.  He at least recognized that his word choice could be construed in a negative fashion.
“I have learned from my statement that historical parallels can be misused and misunderstood. I sincerely regret if what I said caused anyone to misunderstand my true feelings: our soldiers around the world and their families at home deserve our respect, admiration and total support.”

Then there's this board.

As far as the troops being called Nazis, I quoted what Durbin said verbatim, with link.
Durbin: "US Troops are Nazis"

Sorry, try again. You quoted right-wing propaganda. You may not know the difference, but you didn't quote Durbin. Google it.


Come on, David. Are you gonna let that wimpy libbie prove he's a bigger man than you?


I did quote DURBIN, SORRY YOU CANT UNDERSTAND THIS. Durbin plainly said: US Troops were acting like Nazis, in the public's view they are Nazis. Just ask Al Jazeera.Link to Al jazeera

US senator stands by Nazi remark

Thursday 16 June 2005, 21:38 Makka Time, 18:38 GMT   

The US holds about 520 detainees at Guantanamo Bay

A US senator has refused to apologise for comparing the actions of US soldiers at Guantanamo Bay to those of Nazis

I ask everyone to read al jazeera, believe it or not, they are far more fair and balanced than CNN. I was literally blown away... :yes:

Anti-Defamation League Criticizes Durbin for remarks.

Dear Senator Durbin: 

We write to object to your reference to Nazis in the context of the debate on detainees at Guantanamo Bay on the Senate floor earlier this week.

Whatever your views on the treatment of detainees and alleged excesses at the Guantanamo Bay facility, it is inappropriate and insensitive to suggest that actions by American troops in any way resemble actions taken by Nazis in their treatment of prisoners. :clap: Suggesting some kind of equivalence between their interrogation tactics demonstrates a profound lack of understanding about the horrors that Hitler and his regime actually perpetrated.

Media Refuse to tell story of Durbins Idiotic Remarks

A Democratic Senate Senate Leader Compares American Soldiers To POL POT, Stalin's Gulag, and Nazis- Why Is That Not News?

Nets Target U.S. Military "Abuses,"

But Skip Dick Durbins "Nazi" Rant "

    Complaints about the U.S. military's treatment of terrorists at Guantanamo Bay were once again featured on all three broadcast network evening newscasts Wednesday. Full stories on ABC, CBS and NBC cast the military on the defensive at congressional hearings. CBS Evening News anchor Bob Schieffer — who has likened Guantanamo to the "Hanoi Hilton,"  :rolleyes:   the infamous North Vietnamese prison camp — grumped that "Congress asked a lot of questions today" about Guantanamo, but "the problem is, they didn't get many answers."

    ABC followed up its story on yesterday's hearings with a second full report by ABC's Terry Moran, who zeroed in on a memo written more than two years ago by a Navy lawyer questioning the interrogation techniques at Guantanamo. Only in the last sentence of a nearly three-minute story did Moran allow how the issue is really moot, as Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld had "dialed back" the rules of interrogation in early 2003.

    But while the networks kept their spotlight on the U.S. military's conduct, none of last night's broadcasts bothered to note a Tuesday speech by Minority Whip Dick Durbin — the second highest ranking Democrat in the Senate. Describing the treatment of al-Qaeda terrorists at the Guantanamo prison — including allegations that inmates are kept too hot or too cold, or forced to stay awake — Durbin wildly charged that "you would most certainly believe this must have been done by Nazis, Soviets in their gulags, or some mad regime, Pol Pot or others, that had no concern for human beings."

You see guys, the talking points have gone out that the Left will not respond to such ugly attacks while continuing to attack our troops to this minute.

Look, any rational human WITH A BRAIN can see the hundreds of reports on CLUB GITMO. Hell the detainees are getting better treatment than our troops in the field. Concrete fllors, running water, cooked food, AC rooms, clean rooms. If two were made less uncomfortable than a college hazing event than TOO DAMN BAD!

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In Dave's world, if I compared the 2003-2004 AU football team's stats to bammers teams from the 70's, then I'm calling them cheaters, too. Metaphors and similes are never anything less than a direct equation to what is being compared.

Durbin says the treatment of these prisoners might remind someone of how others treated prisoners and Hannity says it's a full point for point equation and Dave then parrots it. :blink:

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And, David, I'll post this here from my 'Seymour Hersch' thread:

Republican Senator Lindsay Graham: "The American public needs to understand, we're talking about rape and murder here. We're not just talking about giving people a humiliating experience. We're talking about rape and murder and some very serious charges."

Now, Lindsay Graham isn't one of my favorite republicans and I hardly think anyone would consider him anti-Bush, anti-OIF, anti-military, anti-God or any of the other red-herrings you guys throw out when someone says something that doesn't jibe with the White House propaganda.

Now, tell me why it is unfair to liken these acts to what others have done? Is it simply because the ones in question are Americans and it hurts your nationalistic feelings that someone would compare these guys tactics to those tactics of other unsavory people?

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In Dave's world, if I compared the 2003-2004 AU football team's stats to bammers teams from the 70's, then I'm calling them cheaters, too. Metaphors and similes are never anything less than a direct equation to what is being compared.

Durbin says the treatment of these prisoners might remind someone of how others treated prisoners and Hannity says it's a full point for point equation and Dave then parrots it.  :blink:


Turban Durbin is delusional. In no way or manner what so ever is our treatmen of those terrorist in Gitmo come anywhere near what went on in those Gulags. Stop trying to tap dance around what Hannity said, or what Durbin CLAIMS he meant. The FACT of the matter is that Durbin added his little traitorous, fact deficient tirade at the end of a late night speech while the Senate was nearly empty. Were it not for the staff from the Laura Ingraham Show, little if anything about this would have been discovered about his comments . Durbin mouthed off to a empty chamber because he didn't think he'd get caught. He did, and now is considered a traitor for his reckless words.

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In Dave's world, if I compared the 2003-2004 AU football team's stats to bammers teams from the 70's, then I'm calling them cheaters, too. Metaphors and similes are never anything less than a direct equation to what is being compared.

Durbin says the treatment of these prisoners might remind someone of how others treated prisoners and Hannity says it's a full point for point equation and Dave then parrots it.  :blink:


Turban Durbin is delusional. In no way or manner what so ever is our treatmen of those terrorist in Gitmo come anywhere near what went on in those Gulags. Stop trying to tap dance around what Hannity said, or what Durbin CLAIMS he meant. The FACT of the matter is that Durbin added his little traitorous, fact deficient tirade at the end of a late night speech while the Senate was nearly empty. Were it not for the staff from the Laura Ingraham Show, little if anything about this would have been discovered about his comments . Durbin mouthed off to a empty chamber because he didn't think he'd get caught. He did, and now is considered a traitor for his reckless words.


I disagree with Hannity often

DKW 86 disagrees with Limbaugh and Hannity

You know Al, I have disagreed with Hannity on several occasions. I have stated so here on AUN.

You know I have NEVER seen you or Tex or Piglet ever disagree with a Lib, not ever, even when he calls you a Nazi, or says YOU act a nazi, etc. You still wear those Liberal kneeepads with pride...

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You know I have NEVER seen you or Tex or Piglet ever disagree with a Lib, not ever, even when he calls you a Nazi, or says YOU act a nazi, etc.

To my knowledge, I've never been called a Nazi by anyone. Do you have evidence to the contrary?

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In Dave's world, if I compared the 2003-2004 AU football team's stats to bammers teams from the 70's, then I'm calling them cheaters, too. Metaphors and similes are never anything less than a direct equation to what is being compared.

Durbin says the treatment of these prisoners might remind someone of how others treated prisoners and Hannity says it's a full point for point equation and Dave then parrots it.  :blink:


Turban Durbin is delusional. In no way or manner what so ever is our treatmen of those terrorist in Gitmo come anywhere near what went on in those Gulags. Stop trying to tap dance around what Hannity said, or what Durbin CLAIMS he meant. The FACT of the matter is that Durbin added his little traitorous, fact deficient tirade at the end of a late night speech while the Senate was nearly empty. Were it not for the staff from the Laura Ingraham Show, little if anything about this would have been discovered about his comments . Durbin mouthed off to a empty chamber because he didn't think he'd get caught. He did, and now is considered a traitor for his reckless words.


Then I'm also 'tap dancing' with Senator Lindsay Graham (R-S.C.). Is he lying, too? Is everybody just lying, Raptor? Everybody's just making stuff up, right?

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In Dave's world, if I compared the 2003-2004 AU football team's stats to bammers teams from the 70's, then I'm calling them cheaters, too. Metaphors and similes are never anything less than a direct equation to what is being compared.

Durbin says the treatment of these prisoners might remind someone of how others treated prisoners and Hannity says it's a full point for point equation and Dave then parrots it.  :blink:


Turban Durbin is delusional. In no way or manner what so ever is our treatmen of those terrorist in Gitmo come anywhere near what went on in those Gulags. Stop trying to tap dance around what Hannity said, or what Durbin CLAIMS he meant. The FACT of the matter is that Durbin added his little traitorous, fact deficient tirade at the end of a late night speech while the Senate was nearly empty. Were it not for the staff from the Laura Ingraham Show, little if anything about this would have been discovered about his comments . Durbin mouthed off to a empty chamber because he didn't think he'd get caught. He did, and now is considered a traitor for his reckless words.


Then I'm also 'tap dancing' with Senator Lindsay Graham (R-S.C.). Is he lying, too? Is everybody just lying, Raptor? Everybody's just making stuff up, right?


Can't address the issue at hand w/ out trying to spin off onto an irrelevent issue, huh? I'm not surprised.

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In Dave's world, if I compared the 2003-2004 AU football team's stats to bammers teams from the 70's, then I'm calling them cheaters, too. Metaphors and similes are never anything less than a direct equation to what is being compared.

Durbin says the treatment of these prisoners might remind someone of how others treated prisoners and Hannity says it's a full point for point equation and Dave then parrots it.  :blink:


Turban Durbin is delusional. In no way or manner what so ever is our treatmen of those terrorist in Gitmo come anywhere near what went on in those Gulags. Stop trying to tap dance around what Hannity said, or what Durbin CLAIMS he meant. The FACT of the matter is that Durbin added his little traitorous, fact deficient tirade at the end of a late night speech while the Senate was nearly empty. Were it not for the staff from the Laura Ingraham Show, little if anything about this would have been discovered about his comments . Durbin mouthed off to a empty chamber because he didn't think he'd get caught. He did, and now is considered a traitor for his reckless words.


Then I'm also 'tap dancing' with Senator Lindsay Graham (R-S.C.). Is he lying, too? Is everybody just lying, Raptor? Everybody's just making stuff up, right?


Can't address the issue at hand w/ out trying to spin off onto an irrelevent issue, huh? I'm not surprised.


I think we first have to establish some agreement as to what we're talking about when it comes to what is happening in Guantanamo. If you believe nothing more than college type pranks are being done, then what Durbin said is totally out of line to you.

So, in that vein, do you believe that Graham, and everybody else who says that some very bad things are being done there, are lying and that it's nothing more than pranks?

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You know I have NEVER seen you or Tex or Piglet ever disagree with a Lib, not ever, even when he calls you a Nazi, or says YOU act a nazi, etc.

To my knowledge, I've never been called a Nazi by anyone. Do you have evidence to the contrary?


And you have never disagreed with any Lib, anywhere anytime.

Do you have evidence to the contrary?

BTW, Al, he referred to US troops as acting like Nazis. You are one of the US Troops are you not?

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Al, you idiot, the ALLEGATIONS made by Hersch are on Abu Ghraib, not Club Gitmo.

Hell, you cannot even stay on topic with your on threads. :poke:

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I think we first have to establish some agreement as to what we're talking about when it comes to what is happening in Guantanamo. If you believe nothing more than college type pranks are being done, then what Durbin said is totally out of line to you.

So, in that vein, do you believe that Graham, and everybody else who says that some very bad things are being done there, are lying and that it's nothing more than pranks?

If abuses HAVE occured, then fine. Document them and punish those who are resonsible. But what Durbin is doing goes well beyond merely pointing out a few mishaps. What we have down there in Gitmo isn't some half way house for the likes of Martha Stewart, but captured terrorist who belong to an organization that murdered almost 3,000 U.S. citizens in a span of a few hours. We're trying to capture those who did this to us, and to make sure it never happens again - anywhere. It might not work 100% , but so far, we're doing the best we can. These terrorist arent' being forced into slave labor. There aren't mass graves being dug by those who will soon occupy them. There are no finger nails being ripped off, or bamboo shoots being shoved under them. What Senator Durbin is describing is the exact OPPOSITE of what is going on down there. The terrorist are being fed 3 square meals a day, w/ all respect being given to their culture and religion. We AREN'T feeding them 1/2 a cup of rice w/ fish heads. The terrorist are supplied w/ Qu'rans, prayer rugs , a quiet place to pray and there are even arrows painted on the floors w/ the direction and distance to Mecca.

You KNOW ALL THIS, and still you side w/ the likes of Durbin in attempting to falsly accuse this country of something which it is not guilty.

The only logical explanation I have for this is also the most revolting - Durbin is betraying his own country for the sake of pure politics. In my world, that's treason.

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You know I have NEVER seen you or Tex or Piglet ever disagree with a Lib, not ever, even when he calls you a Nazi, or says YOU act a nazi, etc.

To my knowledge, I've never been called a Nazi by anyone. Do you have evidence to the contrary?


And you have never disagreed with any Lib, anywhere anytime.

Do you have evidence to the contrary?

BTW, Al, he referred to US troops as acting like Nazis. You are one of the US Troops are you not?


Was he saying that this was indicative of ALL US troops in general, or was he talking specifically about the ones in Guantanamo? Come on, Dave, do the right thing here. Re-read Durbin's quote.

"When you read some of the graphic descriptions of what has occurred here--I almost hesitate to put them in the Record, and yet they have to be added to this debate. Let me read to you what one FBI agent saw. And I quote from his report:

"On a couple of occasions, I entered interview rooms to find a detainee chained hand and foot in a fetal position to the floor, with no chair, food or water. Most times they urinated or defecated on themselves, and had been left there for 18-24 hours or more. On one occasion, the air conditioning had been turned down so far and the temperature was so cold in the room, that the barefooted detainee was shaking with cold. . . . On another occasion, the [air conditioner] had been turned off, making the temperature in the unventilated room well over 100 degrees. The detainee was almost unconscious on the floor, with a pile of hair next to him. He had apparently been literally pulling his hair out throughout the night. On another occasion, not only was the temperature unbearably hot, but extremely loud rap music was being played in the room, and had been since the day before, with the detainee chained hand and foot in the fetal position on the tile floor."

If I read this to you and did not tell you that it was an FBI agent describing what Americans had done to prisoners in their control, you would most certainly believe this must have been done by Nazis, Soviets in their gulags, or some mad regime--Pol Pot or others--that had no concern for human beings. Sadly, that is not the case. This was the action of Americans in the treatment of their prisoners."

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And once more Al skirts the real questions.

Al, is there any Liberal you have ever disagreed with?

What aboutthe link above saying that Durbin was not quoting from an e-mail, report, or anything else but made the quotes up himself? Or just plain old "quoting another un-named source."

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Durbin... made the quotes up himself? Or just plain old "quoting another un-named source."


Look in the mirror. Durbin overstated by use of an ill-advised analogy. You totally fabricate a quote and entitle a thread with it. Durbin recognizes his mistake. You absolutely refuse to recognize yours.

The Libbie Dimwit Durbin appears to be the better man this round.

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And once more Al skirts the real questions.

Dave, the real question has been put to you a few times now. Where in Durbin's comments did he include ALL military personnel, as you claimed in the title of this thread? It's simple enough; cut and paste the comment or admit that you've once again mischaracterized what someone said to serve your own purposes.

Al, is there any Liberal you have ever disagreed with?

Yes, but that has nothing to do with this thread.

What aboutthe link above saying that Durbin was not quoting from an e-mail, report, or anything else but made the quotes up himself? Or just plain old "quoting another un-named source."

An unnamed source said his information was wrong. Why do you choose to believe one unnamed source over another one?

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