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Auburn Special Teams


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Looking at only KR, PR, FG pct and Punt avg, here is how our last 18 teams rank on special teams.

Total- Year

5.25- 2004

6.75- 1997

7.00- 2001

8.25- 1999

8.50- 1989

8.75- 2000

9.00- 1995

9.25- 1991

9.25- 1993

9.50- 1990

9.75- 1996

10.00- 1992

10.75- 2003

11.00- 1998

11.25- 1987

12.00- 1994

12.25- 2002

12.50- 1988

The 2004 squad finished 3rd in KR avg, 2nd in punt return avg, 4th in FG pct and 12th in average per punt. This gave them the top overall average of 5.25 in the four major categories.


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