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Ole Miss Dismisses FCA Guy

Proud Tiger

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Ole Siss coach Orgeron (did his Mom not know how to spell Oregon?), has told their FCA, Wes Yeary, that his services are no longer needed. Guess he doesn't know what a huge difference Chette Williams has made in this role at Auburn. Coach Tubs has and has offered Weary a job as Chette's assistant at Auburn.

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This isn't an isolated move in the South - With all of the success of Christianity and the UGA football team, UGA Men's Basketball Coach Dennis Felton dismissed his FCA guy and the chaplain of the basketball team. This move brought criticism from the community, and UGA fans have been against him ever since.

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Drinking, hell raising, stealing, and religion can't coexist for very long. This being said, there was an obvious moral conflict going on at Ole Siss. Religion lost out to the other three.

Given the number of arrests and dismissals of Ole Siss players and coaches, keeping Wess and giving Orgeron the boot would have been the far wiser move.

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Darn it TIS! Once again you have saved me a whole lot of typing! :D

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Darn it TIS! Once again you have saved me a whole lot of typing!  :D


Great minds think alike, my friend! :big:

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Nice related article about this in today's Huntsville Times.


See Huntsville Times. sports, other stories, today's column, and article by John Pruitt. Coach Tubs was in Huntsville yesterday and talked about what Chette Williams and love had meant to the 2004 team. It will make you proud to be an Auburn Tiger :cheer::cheer::au::au:

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I have a question and maybe I'm way off base here, but does this mean they are doing away with the FCA at Ole Miss or just replacing this guy? I'm sure it's voluntary anyway for the athletes so why would you not want that opportunity and influence available to the kids?

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The Fellowship of Christian Athletes, like a Wesley Center or Baptist Student Union, is not funded by state money nor controlled by state officers/employers. We're talking about private organizations that are not official University departments. Since we're talking about public institutions, since when does any state-employed coach have the authority to hire or fire a religious leader?

I can understand a coach controlling who has intimate knowledge/access to the team's locker rooms, practices, and other team activities--religious or otherwise--but I don't think a coach actually does the hiring and firing of religious counselors (at least he'd better not at a public institution). So I can see a coach kicking a FCA advisor out of the locker room, but not out of his job.

On the other hand, I doubt the FCA would place a person at a school or athletic program where he wasn't wanted. However their outreach is to all athletes, not just one team, so they would probably maintain a presence at a campus even if one particular coach considered them persona-non-grata.

Guess I'm saying I don't think Orgeron can actually fire a FCA director, merely ban him from team meetings/facilities. And I don't think CTT can actually hire Weary, merely support his being hired by Chette William's group.

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