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WSJ: Inside the Woke Indoctrination Machine


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Information gathering part for the article:

Over the past month we have watched nearly 100 hours of leaked videos from 108 workshops held virtually last year for the National Association of Independent Schools’ People of Color Conference. The NAIS sets standards for more than 1,600 independent schools in the U.S., driving their missions and influencing many school policies. The conference is NAIS’s flagship annual event for disseminating DEI practices, and more than 6,000 DEI practitioners, educators and administrators attended this year. Intended as professional development and not meant for the public, these workshops are honest, transparent and unfiltered—very different from how private schools typically communicate DEI initiatives. These leaked videos act as a Rosetta Stone for deciphering the DEI playbook.


Excerpt from the article:

The path to remake schools begins with the word "diversity," which means much more than simply increasing the number of students and faculty of color, referred to in these workshops as "Bipoc," which stands for "black, indigenous and people of color." DEI experts urge schools to classify people by identities such as race, convince them that they are being harmed by their environment, and turn them into fervent advocates for institutional change.

In workshops such as "Integrating Healing-Centered Engagements Into a DEIA School Program" and "Racial Trauma and the Path Toward Healing," we learned how DEI practitioners use segregated affinity groups and practices such as healing circles to inculcate feelings of trauma. Even students without grievances are trained to see themselves as victims of the their ancestors' suffering through "intergenerational violence."

The next step in a school's transformation is "inclusion." Schools must integrate DEI work into every aspect of the school and every facet of the curriculum must be evaluated through an antibias, antiracist, or antioppressive lens. In "Let's Talk About It! Anti-Oppressive Unit and Lesson Plan Design," we learned that the omission of this lens "failing to explore the intersection of STEM and social justice," for instanceconstitutes an act of "curriculum violence."....

This is the sort of mission statement word salad sophistry that runs people out of teaching, and why a not-insignificant percentage just call in sick on "professional development" days.

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