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the 'nip'


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I think he's waiting for my birthday to call it again! We've still got a little while. The current heat wave could speed things up a bit though. Hurry up nip!

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Masterful"? I don't know about all of that. What I do know is that it is hotter than.....

Well, it is HOT. (Just think of our poor football Goddess out there in Houston!) :D

Hang in there Gang, The "Nip" is on it's way!

p.s. Have suffered with some type of back problem over the past three days. I Have a good AUBURN Grad Dr. I hope to be back to "normal" soon.


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p.s. Have suffered with some type of back problem over the past three days. I Have a good AUBURN Grad Dr.  I hope to be back to "normal" soon.



tim goes to a vet?

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p.s. Have suffered with some type of back problem over the past three days. I Have a good AUBURN Grad Dr.



That's called a veterinarian.... :poke:

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Right now, I would probably go to a voodoo doctor if it would help! :)

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p.s. Have suffered with some type of back problem over the past three days. I Have a good AUBURN Grad Dr.  I hope to be back to "normal" soon.



tim goes to a vet?


:roflol: LOL! Post of the day right there. Thanks for giving me something to laugh at while I'm confined to my bed!

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Confined to bed? What's up? Hope all is better soon. :au:

p.s. I should have known something was wrong when my Doc kept offering me sugar cubes and his nurse wanted to "check my shoes". :)

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Heh, not really confined, but I probably need to stay there. I had my wisdom teeth out yesterday and it hurts like all get out today. And this morning it made me throw up a lot.....and a good deal of it was blood. Yeah, I'm not feeling that great. Fortunately I have a laptop now with wireless internet to keep me occupied.

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Been there-done that-got the t-shirt.

I think the wisdom teeth thing is a bit different experience from one person to the next. Mine was a breeze. Get well soon and , whatever you do, do not drink from a straw. The whole "dry socket thing" is a killer! (Or so I have been told.)

WAR EAGLE ! ! ! :au:

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Yeah, yesterday I felt great. I even went outside and helped my dad fix the lawn mower, and I thought I was going to work today. But I woke up and....wow. I can't keep my pills down so I had to get supasatories(sp?).....Did chunks of your gums fall out when you had it done?

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i've been there as well...i didn't get sick afterward, however.

i did NOT lose chunks of gum either.

get well soon. what kind of job do you have?

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Yeah, this thread got derailed FAST...

Sultry, as expected, in metro Houston...but, football season is officially under 40 days away now.

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I can't keep my pills down so I had to get supasatories(sp?)


In the words of the late great Lewis Grizzard, a great American, "Dang brother I don't think I'd told that!" :D

Get well soon and enjoy the mashed potatoes!

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Yeah, yesterday I felt great. I even went outside and helped my dad fix the lawn mower, and I thought I was going to work today. But I woke up and....wow. I can't keep my pills down so I had to get supasatories(sp?).....Did chunks of your gums fall out when you had it done?


That was a bit graphic on more than one level. Yuck!

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Yeah, this thread got derailed FAST...

Sultry, as expected, in metro Houston...but, football season is officially under 40 days away now.


Sultry?? :blink: Hosuton is SULTRY? Greta Garbo was sultry. :angry: This is what hell would be like if it ever flooded - steamy and sticky and nasty and mosquito swarmed. :puke: I guess you called T.S. Allison a "little rain" too?

Sorry - I am indeed grumpy from the heat. I HATE HATE HATE being hot. I have to remind myself that spring and fall make up for these few weeks, but sometimes it's hard to do that.

I guess we Houstonians will just have to experience the NIP vicariously through the rest of you guys. :no:

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That's why I go outside as little as possible right now...that's where it's hot, after all. B)

I guess my perspective is a little different...Houston isn't the most humid place I've lived.

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