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It's all our fault!: "Well, you know, let's face it, the scientific jury is in, folks. The planet is getting warmer, we're making it worse. And the fact is the Bush administration has not made this a priority." — CNN's Miles O'Brien

Clift "Supports" the Troops: "I think what we're coming to grips with is the fact that we actually have a mercenary Army." — Newsweek magazine's Eleanor Clift

Mocking progress: "[President Bush] did do a few minutes of work this month, calling a Shiite leader in Baghdad a few days ago to lobby him to reach a consensus with the Sunnis, so Iraq doesn't crack apart. But the Shiites and Kurds ignored the president and skewered the Sunnis. Iraq, it turns out, is the one branch of American government that the Republicans don't control." — Maureen Dowd

Good question: "Though the President and White House officials have been asked repeatedly in recent days about anti-war protesters, it's difficult to measure with any precision just how strong the anti-war movement actually is. People may tell pollsters they oppose the war, but are they part of any real anti-war movement?" —ABC's Charles Gibson ++ Not so good question: "Real quickly, let me ask you about Cindy Sheehan. She's proven very hard for the President to deal with. He's now talking about her in speeches. In some ways it seems he's adjusted his vacation plans to deal with the attention that she's receiving. Are you surprised, Chris, that the administration...has not handled the Cindy Sheehan situation better?" — NBC's Matt Lauer to Chris Matthews

From the Media Misleadia Files: "Nancy Pelosi is the Democratic leader of the House of Representatives. Harry Reid is the Democratic leader of the Senate." — USA Today with a misleading byline for a joint op-ed written by the MINORITY leaders in the respective houses of Congress

Who's watch?: "[We have to] stop nations such as North Korea and Iran, which on President Bush's watch have greatly expanded nuclear programs, from joining up with the evil ideology of al-Qa'ida." — Harry Reid and Nancy Pelosi in a USA Today op-ed, seeming to "forget" that the North Korean nuke program is courtesy of Bill Clinton

Said with a straight face: "[John Roberts] had a sense of humor that is subject to interpretation, on women's rights for example. Whether that was a joke, or whether it represents his real view, I don't know. We'll try and find out." —Sen. Dianne Feinstein, on one memo in which Roberts wondered whether "encouraging homemakers to become lawyers contributes to the common good." ++ From the "Blow Hard" Files: "If John Roberts is confirmed, he will have a vital role in setting the direction of the country for generations to come. The Supreme Court is often the last line of defense for the freedoms and liberties for hundreds of millions of Americans... Every Senator, Republican or Democrats, has a responsibility to determine whether Mr. Roberts deserves to join the currently closely divided court when so much is at stake. It's wrong for any Senator to be a rubberstamp." — press release from Ted Kennedy

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Unreal. Even with all of the pain and suffering taking place in the South, the libs still have the lyin' "machine" in high gear. <_<

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I'm completely dumbfounded as to how these pointy headed, elitest liberals, perched from upon high in their towers of Ivory can succumb to such shuckster drivel as 'global warming' and that it some how is all Bush's fault.

This planet is BILLIONS of years old. Changes occuring on a global scale don't take decades , but 100's, 1000's of years. Unless there's a massive erruption from a Super Volcano, or a 10k wide meteor falls from the sky, this planet goes on its merry way, changing very slowly over the millennia. Most elistist Libs seem to recall that tiny factoid when the isssue of Evolution pops up.

But what sickens me more is when those in the media convieniantly forget such details, and then knowingly report such partisan rhetoric, never minding the facts. This just reenforces the template which the Libs work from....

You little people are idiots. Morons who need guidence from your social, economic and moral betters. We, the elite Left wing media are your betters, You will listen to us. :puke:

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