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I've been reading off and on for a couple of months, and finally decided to join. I've been an :au: fan for 27 years, although I'm 30 mins. from Starkville, 1 hr from T-town and about 2 hrs. from Oxford, It gets rough sometimes. Anyway just thought I'd say Hey and WAR EAGLE!!!!

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Welcome and War "BY GOD" Eagle........You'll find out soon enough that this Board is Flippin' Awwwsome, sometimes someone on this board has some Inside Info. that you'll hear it here first one or two days before it hits the Paper, if it's true of course.

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Welcome aboard!

So tell me, who are the worst fans?

:ua: , :om: , or :msu: ?


I'll have to say that :msu: are probably the worst. They are so fair weather. Back when Sherrill had them winning a game or 2 a year it was real bad, they were everywhere. Hope we keep 'em shut up this weekend.

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I'm gonna piggy-back on aubie57's topic. I'm also new to the board. A buddy introduced it to me a while back, I registered last week and this is my first post. I'm a 1997 :au: grad and a third generation Tiger.

I live up in DC and we don't get Auburn media coverage like they have back home, so this site is nice to help keep me informed about what the rest of the Auburn Faithful are thinking.


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Welcome to the best college posting board available and War Eagle!!

'57 was an excellent year for AU and myself, as I was born that year.

Looking forward to your comments, opinions, and ideas.

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