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"we have fans like that too" mantra:


Good to see that Bama fans dont have the market cornered on obsessive, hate the other team more than I like my own, homerism...like you guys often say we do.

Either he's got a short term memory problem, or he thinks all you guys do.

I think he has about 55 posts today with the phrase "bama cheats".

Dude, you must not be an engineering student, or you would have realized that you could have been more efficient by putting that drivel on ONE thread...instead of spreading it around.

And now for the move...im sure ill find this thread on the woodshed tomorrow :)

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"we have fans like that too" mantra:


Good to see that Bama fans dont have the market cornered on obsessive, hate the other team more than I like my own, homerism...like you guys often say we do.

Either he's got a short term memory problem, or he thinks all you guys do.

I think he has about 55 posts today with the phrase "bama cheats".

Dude, you must not be an engineering student, or you would have realized that you could have been more efficient by putting that drivel on ONE thread...instead of spreading it around.

And now for the move...im sure ill find this thread on the woodshed tomorrow :)


And to think we still got hit with 10 penalties for 95 yards. Man, maybe LY should throw in some new H3's for the refs kids next time.

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"we have fans like that too" mantra:


Good to see that Bama fans dont have the market cornered on obsessive, hate the other team more than I like my own, homerism...like you guys often say we do.

Either he's got a short term memory problem, or he thinks all you guys do.

I think he has about 55 posts today with the phrase "bama cheats".

Dude, you must not be an engineering student, or you would have realized that you could have been more efficient by putting that drivel on ONE thread...instead of spreading it around.

And now for the move...im sure ill find this thread on the woodshed tomorrow :)


And to think we still got hit with 10 penalties for 95 yards. Man, maybe LY should throw in some new H3's for the refs kids next time.


Got to agree Bama GRad, 95% of the posters on this board are respectful, level headed, reasonable rivals. But this guy has Brodie on the grassy knole for crying out loud. :huh:

I dont get it, look at the top 5 active posts on this board. Three and sometimes four of them are about Bama. Auburn just came off a great win yet the "news of the day is Bama and southern miss".

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I have to admit that after the GT loss, there were little or no threads started about Bama. I almost started one myself cause' I was going into Bama insult DTs. :D

I don't mind the occasional shot back and forth. Part of the rivalry and all in good fun. Look at our threads on the hurricane devastation and other prayer requests and you'll see the true measure of the man or woman be they Auburn, Alabama, Georgia, LSU or whoever.

Just a suggestion but let's try to keep the other forums on topic without all the insults. Go to the Shed all you want and talk about each other's mamas. Hey, that's what it's for and everyone who wants to join in will do so.

On that note, Bamagrads mama is so ugly..... :big:

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