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UF-Urban Renewal

DKW 86

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Urban Renewal may have been the worst hiring decision since Zook, Terry or Tommy Bowden.

Right now, Les Miles and Urban Meyer both dont look that good. They are first year in the SEC coaches, but not like advertised.

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I think it's too early to say, they have only coached 2 SEC games. UM is 1-1 with a victory over UF's archnemisis. Remember Spurrier lost his 2 second SEC game (@UT) 42-3, he turned out to be a pretty good coach. I'm not so sure that UF is as talented across the team as the Zook lovers would have you believe. They looked pretty thin at most positions. It will take time, probably not 5 years.

Les had a game in the bag and managed to fold under the pressure. Bigger questions for Les than Urban.


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as much as it pained me to see alabama dominate i am glad it happened to urban's team. It would be a slap in the face to the entire sec if he brought that stupid spread offense into the sec and it was productive. I only wish we got a shot at the gators. It may be a bit premature (waiting to see if georgia will be consistent) but it appears as if auburn and alabama are the best teams in the sec at this point. Let's just hope this isn't the beginning of the injury bug for bama, i'm tired of hearing should, if, could have, etc.

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I had heard some sports talk guests question whether the Utah spread offense would be successful against the speed on D in the SEC. At the time I did not really understand but they were also referring to the QB keeping the ball on 25% to 30% of the running plays and finishing the season. After watching UF against UT and UAT, I believe they made a good observation. UT, I think, would have beaten UF if Clausen had started. Leak is not the option QB and is also not big.

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I think it is too early to tell for UM. I think Les Miles is a bit overrated. UM may be able to get his offense to work, but will have to make some adjustments. I think UM has the brains to be a great coach in the SEC and I think he will be able to adjust as he learns more about the SEC. He at least got a signature win in his first season in the SEC ( :poke::ua: ) and he was able to go undefeated for a season in Div-1 footall. Even in a weak conference, that is still an accomplishment, just not as a big one as if he would have did it in the SEC like we did. If UM is too stubborn to adjust, then he will not be in the SEC too long, but like I said, I think he is a smart coach and will adjust. I mean, c'mon, he has to. He just got outcoached by Shula! :lol: Actually, UM and Shula re kind of alike. They are both young coaches in the SEC. Shula looks like he is starting to get a grasp on his job and what it takes to win in the SEC and it may take UM a few years just like it did Shula to start getting a feel for the conference. Shula has a little advantage because he played in the SEC before coaching in the SEC, so his learning curve may not have been as big as UM's will be. I am glad to see Shula coming along. I think bammers were being too impatient with a young coach he was hired in the wrong time of year for college football and he had to deal with scholarship limitations. On top of that, his in state rival was becoming the #1 program in the state. No coach in UAT history has had to deal with what Shula has had to deal with. Then we at AU Nation helped out the bammer nation intolerance by piling on Shula as much as we could. :lol: It is starting to look like Shula has fought through all that. I think they is enough room for two in state powerhouses. IMO it will bring back some of the "excitement" that has been lost in the Iron Bowl when UAT was down. How much more exciting could it be if the Iron Bowl determined who wins the division every year and advances to the SECCG?!!! Then that team get so play an UM coached Florida team or a Phil Fulmer coached UT team (maybe UGA every now and then). We want the SEC to be the toughest conference in the nation. We need the conference to get that respect back if we ever want to have a chance at a NC with no hopes of a playoff system being implemented anytime soon.

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Then that team get so play an UM coached Florida team or a Phil Fulmer coached UT team (maybe UGA every now and then).

Like two of the last three years

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That was the lamest offensive strategy I have seen in awhile.

1. That thing where they're in the shotgun with one back behind leak and the other back comes in motion right to where the qb and tb are is so lame I can't even explain it. Reminds me of that play we ran with nallsminger where the guy would come in motion towrds the end and stop at the end and face the line and stutter step for a second or two before the ball was snapped and the play ran right towrds the motion man. Those are the kinda plays you only run once in a rare while not 15-20 times a game. If he doesn't adjust his offense soon for the speed defenses of the SEC he is in for a rough ride.

2. I am beginning to think that Strong is one of the most overestimated defensive co-ordinators around. He has too much talent to get shown up like he often does.

Congrats to Bama though, they whooped that A$$.

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Then that team get so play an UM coached Florida team or a Phil Fulmer coached UT team (maybe UGA every now and then).

Like two of the last three years


:lol: I made that remark just for you SL!

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