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David Housel "Press Box"?


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I have just learned that Auburn Officials have announced that at halftime of the Ole Miss game, the AU Press Box will be "named" the "David Housel Press Box". :blink:

Have they all forgotten a fellow by the name of JIM FYFFE? :au:

I have read every article and book written by David Housel for many years. Whether or not you hold a grudge against the man for the whole petrinogate"thing"

is debatable. He is an Auburn man...period. I do not so much have a problem with naming something for Mr. Housel as I do resentment for overlooking JIM!

Am I missing something here? I wonder, what do the fans and supporters of our beloved University think about this?

We still have an "unamed" athletic complex. I do not know if it would not have been a better idea to name that for Mr. Housel and name the Press Box after Jim.

Either way, So long as I have air filling my lungs, I will remember Jim and will tell all who will listen about the VOICE of Auburn...Now and forever. :au:

Just my two cents.

"My time is up. I thank you for yours." :cheer:


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I totally agree Tim. I have no problem with honoring Housel for his dedication and service to Auburn. Agree or disagree with some of his moves, you can't dispute that he has worked for Auburn as hard as any man or woman over the years.

But, THE PRESS BOX??? :blink:

That should be reserved for Jim and Jim alone.

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agreed.....there are some "good ole boys" in places of authority (AD,for one)that are going to keep certain members of the regime in places of honor. Jim Fyffe's family and his memory deserve some symbol of rememberence in the athletic dept.

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Thanks for the replies. As I stated, I am not against honoring David Housel. He is a GREAT AU man and served the University well for many years. I just really feel that something needs to be done to honor Jim and I had in the back of my mind that naming the press box for him may be the thing. :au::cheer:

Oh well, again, what do I know? :blink:

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I know you guys probably don't want my opinion on this, but you're gonna get it anyway. ;)

I know Housel did a lot for Auburn. From what I've read, he basically dedicated his life to Auburn U. So, I think he deserves something to honor him.

But, to name the press box after someone other than Jim Fyffe is almost a tragedy imo. Jim Fyffe was THE voice of Auburn Football for a long time. Anyone in the southeast could hear that voice, and automatically Auburn would come to mind. The press box was Jim Fyffe's "office" and should be named after him if they are going to name it after anyone.

Just the opinion of your local neighborhood Bama :homer:

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I know you guys probably don't want my opinion on this, but you're gonna get it anyway.  ;)

I know Housel did a lot for Auburn. From what I've read, he basically dedicated his life to Auburn U. So, I think he deserves something to honor him.

But, to name the press box after someone other than Jim Fyffe is almost a tragedy imo. Jim Fyffe was THE voice of Auburn Football for a long time. Anyone in the southeast could hear that voice, and automatically Auburn would come to mind. The press box was Jim Fyffe's "office" and should be named after him if they are going to name it after anyone.

Just the opinion of your local neighborhood Bama  :homer:


To the contrary, I appreciate your opinion Bo. Especially when you agree with me. B)

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To the contrary, I appreciate your opinion Bo. Especially when you agree with me.  B)


This is probably the first and ONLY time that's gonna happen. :big:

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You never know. I am always hopeful that those of the uat "ilk" can and will see the Light and turn from the "darkside". :D:poke:

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Guest Tigrinum Major
I don't understand why Auburn has to name everything.  The press box should be called....the press box.  The football field should be called....the football field.  Enough of the names already.  We don't need any more cheesy names.


God forbid we try to memoralize anyone for their contribution to Auburn University. Let's take down all the other names while we are at it. We can play in the Stadium, next to the Coliseum, across the street from the Baseball Field.

On the original topic, Fyffe name should be on the pressbox, but I understand the rationale behind putting Housel on there. He was the SID and that was his realm even before Fyffe got there.

I agreed with whoever said that the as yet unnamed athletic complex should have been reserved for Housel, but if they did the same as they did with Dye, then they probably gave him a choice. He chose the pressbox, it sounds like.

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tigrinummajor, what is your deal with responding to all my posts directly? Must have touched a nerve. If you have a problem with me about something, lets talk about it. SO what if I think naming every damn thing on campus is a dumb idea. It takes away from the honor in my opinion. The stadium is Jordan-Hare. That's it. No need for any more names. In response to your other remark about what I think about Arkansas, why do you care. Quit being so sensitive. :au: I am not an fan.

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Guest Tigrinum Major

You aren't an :au: fan?

I responded to those two directly because I disagreed with them. Nothing special about it being your posts. Do a search and you will find plenty of my posts are in direct response to things others have posted, in much the same manner as I responded to yours.

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Sorry, I am most definitely an Auburn fan TigrinumMajor. I graduated from Auburn. I meant to say I am not an LSU fan, because some people think because my screenname is cajuntiger I am an LSU fan. I am not an angry person or whatever else you said. I really want to stir the pot with some Arky fans. I think Auburn fans are too nice to opposing teams all the time. I don't know, I guess it is the feisty cajun blood in me. I do not like naming everything. I just think it is a little tacky and makes the really important names on campus less meaningful. I would like to discuss more topics with you directly. Please post something that we can debate. I enjoy a good debate. :D:au: War Eagle

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Guest Tigrinum Major

No harm, no foul. I thought you were an Auburn fan, I seem to remember that you are a semi-recent graduate living in Florida.

Feel free to jump in any time to any thread. I lived in Louisiana for three years, so I know how you cajuns are. I was in West Louisiana (closer to Texas than anything), but I was exposed to plenty of folks from south LA.

Hang around more and jump in at any time! We will probably disagree again. I don't take anything personal, but I will give my opinion on just about any subject. Except religion and politics. And I will there sometimes also.

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I really don't like naming anything after Housel.

I guess if you want to have something named after you on campus the first step is to end your career in a big stinky mess of some sort.

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Guest Tigrinum Major
Hey TigrinumMajor, Did you get that message I sent you?


I did and I appreciated it. Check your PMs later.

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I don't understand why Auburn has to name everything.  The press box should be called....the press box.  The football field should be called....the football field.  Enough of the names already.  We don't need any more cheesy names.


That's why you are a corndog. :poke:

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Guest Tigrinum Major
I don't understand why Auburn has to name everything.  The press box should be called....the press box.  The football field should be called....the football field.  Enough of the names already.  We don't need any more cheesy names.


That's why you are a corndog. :poke:


He's not an LSU fan, despite appearances (name.) He might seem a bit grouchy, but cajun is a good guy. I'll stick up for our Louisiana transplanted Auburn Alumnus.

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I guess I willl be the contrarian here. I loved Jim Fyffe as much as anyone but there is a lot more to running a press box than broadcasting a game. Ask any PA guy who has been around awhile and they will tell you there was no one better than Housel. JMHO.

Since we seem to be on a naming kick, why not name the scoreboard afer Jim and have a Jim Fyffe recording blast off after every TD screaming.....

Touchdowwwwwwwwwwwwnnn Auburn :cheer::cheer:

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All that's been said of Housel's strong points are true, but Jim definately deserves something significant be named for him at Auburn and I feel as the WEN we should contact Jacobs about that. After all, Jim didn't have "jetgate" as a final legacy. ;):au:

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