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Auburn Admissions


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This is random, but I am a junior in high school right now and I would really like to attend Auburn after I graduate high school next year. The problem is that I have wasted my first two years of high school. This year I have really improved my study skills and I am still improving. My G.P.A. for this semester will hopefully end up being a 3.5. Next semester I am going to try to make all A's. I still have to take the ACT this year and I hope to do very well on it. If I get my grades up this year, my G.P.A. overall will be a 2.8. For anyone who knows, what are my chances of getting in Auburn if I pull my grades up like I have previously described and do well on my A.C.T. I would be applying in-state.

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Having worked in admissions, I should be able to help you out. There are no minimum requirements for acceptance into AU. There are, however, auto-accept standards which are pretty much still in place. (They go back and forth on this, but if you got this then you're a shoe-in.)

'Automatic Acceptance':

GPA: 3.0

ACT: 22

SAT: 1030

These standards are lower for minorities. It's a fact of life, and I didn't agree with it, but what can you do? Also, the standards are lower for certain colleges that have trouble meeting quota such as in Ag.

Go online to their admissions page and send in an inquiry so you get on their mailing list and call list. Also, CALL THE ADMISSIONS OFFICE! They are there for your personal harassment.

My suggestions?

1) STUDY NOW! Crack down on your studies and get your grades up.

2) TAKE THE ACT OVER AND OVER! The highest grade counts! I HIGHLY suggest the June exam, it's the most comfortable as you have no prossures from other classes. I did my best in the June session. (29)

3) Join clubs and such. Make sure you get that extracurricular list up. It's not a major component, but it always helps if you're borderline.

4) Apply EARLY! As I remember it, they start accepting applications June 1st for the following year. They earlier you apply, the earlier you get accepted, the better housing you can get (assuming you send it in ASAP), etc.

Anything else?

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Guest Tigrinum Major
Yes, when planning to attend Auburn, don't apply four months before you graduate.  My 3.00/24 butt went to Southern Union for a year.


There is nothing wrong with SU. I went there from the time I was a junior in high school until I graduated. I started Auburn as a midyear sophomore right out of high school.

Which campus did you go to, Wryn?

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Also, if you DO plan to transfer, be sure to contact the admissions office for the transfer coordinator so you can work out the best classes to take to make the transfer smooth. DO THIS OR YOU WILL REGRET IT! It sucks transferring and losing hours/classes that don't count. Trust me, I know.

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My first choice would be to get in right out of high school. I also have joined three clubs this year. I know I can get some people to write recommendations for me. If I have an ACT score that is above a 22, how much will that help if I have a 2.8 for my G.P.A.?

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I can tell you that the one piece of advice that I got when I was a Junior in HS that I was rolling my eyes at before I applied to colleges (yet still did ) was doing extra-curreculars that were not sports or pointless clubs such as I did several Habitat for Humanity weekends (painted houses, feed the poor, ext...) and even got a group together and headed one myself.

Boy O Boy did those save me.

Without those ventures, I didnt have a chance in HELL of getting into the University of Georgia and I became good friends with one of their admissions ladies who told me that I probably got in strictly because I was borderline and had this on my application.

It helps, trust me.

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My first choice would be to get in right out of high school. I also have joined three clubs this year. I know I can get some people to write recommendations for me. If I have an ACT score that is above a 22, how much will that help if I have a 2.8 for my G.P.A.?


A 22 will help, as it is above the national average, but you will wnat it to go higher. I'll put it this way, if you get a 26 you'd be a shoein. (It'd say that you really are smart, but maybe just a little lazy in class, or whatever.)

I do not suggest wasting your time on the SAT, they average every score you make. I took the ACT three times myself.

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A 26 is what I am aiming for on the ACT. I hope to show them from my grades this year, how much I have changed. While I still have room for improvement, I am doing a lot better than last year. My transcript will probably look like this:

Freshman year-2.0,2.2(Technically a 2.5 and a 3.0 because my school changed to the ten point scale a year later).

Sophomore year(yikes)-2.0,1.9(Again, it was a nightmare of a year)

Junior year-3.5,4.0


I would consider myself a pretty smart guy. I just didn't have the discipline the past two years and I regret it, but if I got into Auburn I would be extremely happy. By the way, what exactly is the student body like. I have somewhat of an idea, but could anyone give me a good description?

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A 26 is what I am aiming for on the ACT. I hope to show them from my grades this year, how much I have changed. While I still have room for improvement, I am doing a lot better than last year. My transcript will probably look like this:

Freshman year-2.0,2.2(Technically a 2.5 and a 3.0 because my school changed to the ten point scale a year later).

Sophomore year(yikes)-2.0,1.9(Again, it was a nightmare of a year)

Junior year-3.5,4.0


I would consider myself a pretty smart guy. I just didn't have the discipline the past two years and I regret it, but if I got into Auburn I would be extremely happy. By the way, what exactly is the student body like. I have somewhat of an idea, but could anyone give me a good description?


Just remember that you'll be applying BEFORE your senior year. They won't know your grades or scores from your senior year until AFTER they review your application. You can still boost your ACT in october if you're not accepted yet, but you'll want to try to be in before that.

Student body? Well, the greek scene isn't overbearing. The first question from every girl isn't asking what frat you're in so anyone's fair game. ;) It's a conservative student body, but the liberals still get their say in the newspaper. (Dem party wasn't on campus until ~3 years ago. People like to go to bars and be laid back. There's something for everyone really, just like all but the most eccentric colleges (Ivy League and the like). If you can be more specific with your questions it would be helpful in getting exactly the info you want. :) I'll answer anything I can.

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The Kaplan guides/test prep for the ACT are exceptional.

Shot my English section up from a 28 to like a 34. And all i did was go through the examples in the book.

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Hey Streyder, could you tell me what the fraternities are like. Are worth fooling around with?


Frats are a personal choice. Some guys like to join up and others prefer to not be attached to an organization like that. It's not a major thing at AU, but it really depends on the indivual. I suggest going to some of the IFC information sessions when you get here and talk to a few frat brothers. I chose not to pledge because it's just not me, and I can't afford it anyway.

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Dem party wasn't on campus until ~3 years ago.


When you say this, is it more of war protesting? When I was at AU (92-97) they were always on the concourse, especially during election years. I remember them quite a bit during Clinton's first election (nothing bad, just out supporting their guy, seemed like the College Republicans let them do their own thing, never any mud slinging or anything like that). It would be a shame if they disappeared after I left, and only came recently.

And, AUFan88, like Strey said about the fratenities, it's a personal choice. I was in one and loved it. But, I know plenty of people that weren't in one, and they got the full Auburn experience just the same.

Good luck.

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Dem party wasn't on campus until ~3 years ago.


When you say this, is it more of war protesting? When I was at AU (92-97) they were always on the concourse, especially during election years. I remember them quite a bit during Clinton's first election (nothing bad, just out supporting their guy, seemed like the College Republicans let them do their own thing, never any mud slinging or anything like that). It would be a shame if they disappeared after I left, and only came recently.

And, AUFan88, like Strey said about the fratenities, it's a personal choice. I was in one and loved it. But, I know plenty of people that weren't in one, and they got the full Auburn experience just the same.

Good luck.


Well, sometime after you were there they dissolved and only three years ago got back together to become an organization again. As far as I can tell, they're still quite small.

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