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PS2 v PS1 question


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first off, do PS2 systems play all PS1 games?

also, i'm looking to upgrade from PS1 to something...primarily for my 2 daughters (ages 12, and 9) and my son (age 4).

any advice?


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PS2s technically play MOST PS1 games; I have yet to find one that PS2 won't play though. It's possible some of the very old ones won't play but I highly doubt it.

PS2 is a good choice for all around games. GameCube would probably work for a younger kid too

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Duder's right, Gamecube is better for younger kids. My seven year old son can handle our X-Box okay, but he does better with Gamecube. Heck, I have problems with all the buttons on the X-Box. I only play mine about once a month, so I am far from an expert on the game consoles.

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ok...help me out here, because Atari was my last system prior to the PS1 i bought off of ebay...

GameCube is a hand-held deal, or one you hook up to the TV?

and, are you guys suggesting i get a PS2 for the girls, and a GameCube for the boy, or when you say "kids", you're including the 12/9 year olds...

my "issue" is that there are a couple of PS1 games they like, and i was thinkig that if we go w/ a PS2, we keep those few games, and get some better games for the PS2... but i imagine we can always hook up the PS1 if/when they want those games.

would you all predict they'll leave the PS1 games in the dust once they get the cooler PS2 games?

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Gamecube is the one you hook up to the TV. It is Nintendo's "equivelentl" to the PS2 and X-Box. Gameboy is the handheld game. The Gamecube would be great for both of your kids. I would not worry about the PS1 thing because once they start playing the PS2 or Gamecube games, they are going to lose interest in their PS1 games.

You may want to keep in the back of your head that a new X-Box system has either just came out or will be coming out very soon and also PS3 will be out soon.

Also, for all those game systems, you can buy game controllers that are made a little smaller for smaller hands. You usually find them at any of the gaming or electronics stores.

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