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From the Left


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From the Peanut Gallery: "The President's speech...was more of the same. Just a speech. Empty rhetoric from a man and a party who have consistently failed to lead our country on the most pressing issues." —San Fran Nan Pelosi ++ "Domestically, the President ignored the Middle Class and short changed the economic well being of the American people. He proposes to give more to the rich, while cutting health care for people in the middle." —Jim McDermott ++ "[N]ot surprisingly, there was nothing but bluster in his defense of NSA domestic surveillance and no apologies for misleading this country into war." — John Conyers

Advice from the Primo-Prevaricator: "You can't ignore those social, cultural values voters. You don't have to switch on their issues, but you have to talk to them. You can't go around and just ignore them... We should be able to address that with equal credibility with the Republicans, but when you simply ignore it, you're going to lose." — Bill Clinton on "those people"

Have mercy: "[Judge Alito was nominated because] the president was under fire from his conservative base for nominating Harriet Miers, a woman whose judicial philosophy they mercifully [sic] attacked." — John Kerry ++ "I think [Alito] is the wrong judge at the wrong time in the wrong place. I do not believe he is going to be part of the whole movement of the continued march towards progress in this country." — Ted Kennedy, whose cue cards were mixed up with John Kerry's

Priorities: "First, I worry about climate change. It's the only thing that I believe has the power to fundamentally end the march of civilization as we know it, and make a lot of the other efforts that we're making irrelevant and impossible." — Bill Clinton, adding more hot air to the mix


"I'm proud that Cindy's my guest tonight. She has made a difference in the debate to bring our troops home from Iraq." — Congresswoman Lynn Woolsey, who invited Sheehan to attend the SOTU. Sheehan was promptly lead out in handcuffs for her antics.

From the Secretary of Moonbats: "[President Bush is] 10 times the bigger terrorist than Osama bin Laden." — Cindy Sheehan

From the Global Village: "Enough already with the imperialist aggression! Down with the U.S. empire!" — Venezuela's Hugo Chavez, Cindy Sheehan's new best friend

From the Terrorist Village: "The whole world has discovered the magnitude of the United States' lies and failure and how barbaric it is in its fight against Islam and Muslims." — al-Qa'ida number two man, Ayman al-Zawahiri (D-Baghdad)

Feel good about Islam: "I believe the repeated rhetorical linkage of Islam to terms of violence and extremism is counterproductive and complicates our legitimate foreign policy initiatives. American Muslims stand ready to serve as a bridge of understanding to the Islamic world. We can best fulfill that role by offering advice that can help prevent misperceptions and misunderstandings between different nations and cultures." — Council on American-Islamic Relations Chairman Parvez Ahmed

As the Left World Turns:"Supporters of women's rights, civil rights and the separation of powers lost this pivotal battle because senators who should have been fighting for their constituents chose not to do so. But in the process we exposed the despicable agenda of the Right wing, and their unrelenting determination to undermine our rights and liberties." — Kim Gandy, President of the National Organization for Women on Alito's confirmation

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