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How about that booming economy?


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During a recent U.S. Senate Committee on Veterans' Affairs hearing it was announced that 20 to 24 year old veterans now have an unemployment rate of over 15 percent - nearly twice the rate of their non-veteran peers. The numbers of young unemployed veterans has grown dramatically since the start of military operations in Afghanistan. In response the Senate Committee has called for an urgent and improved effort to help veterans returning from the war on terror find work. Witnesses at the Senate hearing pointed to a wide variety of changes in government policies that might help. The Department of Labor plans to provide $162 million in federal grants to state agencies this year to help veterans find work. To help support our returning veterans, let your public officials know how you feel!


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During a recent U.S. Senate Committee on Veterans' Affairs hearing it was announced that 20 to 24 year old veterans now have an unemployment rate of over 15 percent - nearly twice the rate of their non-veteran peers. The numbers of young unemployed veterans has grown dramatically since the start of military operations in Afghanistan. In response the Senate Committee has called for an urgent and improved effort to help veterans returning from the war on terror find work. Witnesses at the Senate hearing pointed to a wide variety of changes in government policies that might help. The Department of Labor plans to provide $162 million in federal grants to state agencies this year to help veterans find work. To help support our returning veterans, let your public officials know how you feel!



You get the Well Duh! Award today...


Unemployment Drops to 4 1/2-Year Low


Cincinnati Post

By Jeannine Aversa

WASHINGTON -- The nation's unemployment rate dropped to a 4 1/ 2-year low as businesses cranked up hiring in January, an encouraging sign that the economy started the year on the right foot.

The latest jobs picture, provided by the Labor Department on Friday, suggested that companies are feeling better about the economy's prospects as well as their own and thus are more inclined to hire. Good weather in parts of the country also helped, especially for construction work.

The unemployment rate dropped from 4.9 percent to 4.7 percent, the lowest since July 2001.

For blacks, the rate fell to 8.9 percent, the best since September 2001. The unemployment rate for Hispanics dipped to a five- month low of 5.8 percent.

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During a recent U.S. Senate Committee on Veterans' Affairs hearing it was announced that 20 to 24 year old veterans now have an unemployment rate of over 15 percent - nearly twice the rate of their non-veteran peers. The numbers of young unemployed veterans has grown dramatically since the start of military operations in Afghanistan. In response the Senate Committee has called for an urgent and improved effort to help veterans returning from the war on terror find work. Witnesses at the Senate hearing pointed to a wide variety of changes in government policies that might help. The Department of Labor plans to provide $162 million in federal grants to state agencies this year to help veterans find work. To help support our returning veterans, let your public officials know how you feel!


Soldiers need to be a little more responsible and actually have a plan for when they get out. I don't know how many times I've had the following conversation:

ME: So, PVT Joe Snuffy, I see you're up for re-enlistment. When do you want to do it?

JOE: Never sir, I'm getting out.

ME: Oh? Why's that?

JOE: I don't want to spend another year in Iraq and I don't think the NCO's really care about me.

ME: Well I guess I can understand that. What are you going to do when you get out?

JOE: I dunno sir, maybe go to school or something.

ME: You do realize you're only 60 days out from your ETS (getting out) date? You don't have a plan?

JOE: Not really sir, I just want to get out.

ME: Well I know that, but how are you going to survive. Money doesn't grow on trees.

JOE: I'll figure it out. I'll probably move back in with my mom or something.

ME: I think you should really consider to re-up for at least another two years and then reevaluate your position. If you still want to get out at that time at least have yourself a roadmap for success.

JOE: Nah, I'll be alright sir, don't worry about it.

ME: Alright then, it's your life, I just don't want to see you screw it up.

I'm just taking a stab here, based on what I've seen, but I have to think that unemployed soldiers have no one but themselves to blame if they don't have a job. It's not that hard to find civilian work...really. I almost got out last summer and in less than 30 days I was offered a $73k job in Louisiana. The excuse "there's no jobs" is a load of crap. Civilian employers are chomping at the bit to get their hands on combat veterans!

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Sorry...anybody who can't find a job in this economy just isn't looking that hard.

In Birmingham, the unemployment rate is 2.8%. According to economists, anything under 5% constitutes full employment. And that doesn't even include all the illegal immigrants here. If it weren't for those guys, no construction work would be getting done in town right now.

I do marketing work, and specialize in real estate developments. I cannot tell you how many contractors have told me about the labor shortage. One guy is paying unskilled labor 18 bucks an hour, yet these are Katrina evacuees who are bitterly complaining about their benefits running out.

In north Shelby County, I was at a c-store and I saw this sign on the door: "Counter Help Wanted. 22-25K, BC/BS, 401(k)." That was for COUNTER HELP.

So don't whine to me about a lack of jobs. What a bunch of baloney.

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