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What would you say if you were an advice columnist

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Dear Wooster,

Do these pics turn you on? Do they remind you of a time when soft love may have been the best choice? If so, those days ar gone and nobody wants your crusty ass any more. So just do like John Lennon and let it be. But before you go, please give the rest of us the link to the page you are discussing so that we may better judge. It may be that one of those MILF sites will pay your friend a few extra "vacation" bucks. We'll decide.


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DEAR ABBY: I'm a sophomore in a good university, studying chemical engineering. My mother feels that since I'm studying such a potentially rewarding and well-paying field, I should date only other engineers or pre-med students. She says she wants me to date people who will benefit me if we stay together.

Earlier this year, I met a girl who goes to a local community college and plans to be a teacher, and introduced her to my mother on the phone. Afterward, my mother asked me what school and major she was in. When I told her, she said I could do better and should date people on my own level.

This was extremely hurtful. My mother never gives the girls I introduce her to a chance. I really like this girl and don't want something like this to interfere. What can I do about my mother's narrow-minded thinking? -- HURT IN HACKENSACK, N.J.

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Dear Mamma's boy,

You are in college. You do not have to introduce every girl/woman you date to your mother. If you continue along this road, eventually your mother will get the one she wants. While the right one is gone. You don't want to go through your life singing "Two Out Of Three Ain't Bad". The best advice I can give you is grow a set and date who you wish!


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Dear hurt without a sack,

Momma says you can't date this girl, momma says you can do better. What momma don't know won't hurt her. Unless you and Momma plan on some sick threesome , I wouldn't let momma run/ruin my life. Date who you want, tell momma to STFU, Be a man for pete's sake. Be happy with your choice of dates, don't choose dates to make momma happy, you wimp.


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DEAR ABBY: I am a 39-year-old mother of four and have lived with "Arnold" for 18 years. Arnie has always promised he'd marry me "someday," and I believed him -- until last Valentine's Day.

Before Valentine's Day, I had been dropping hints about how romantic it would be if he proposed on that day. We found a sitter and he took me to a fancy restaurant for dinner. I was thrilled, because it was the first time we'd been out alone in a long time.

My heart was pounding all through dinner because I thought this would be the night. Arnie kept repeating how much he loved me -- something he has a hard time saying. But that's as far as it went! When we were walking to the car, I finally said, "You're not going to pop the question, are you?" He then removed a tiny ring from his pocket and said, "This is a promise ring. I promise to marry you -- someday."

I was devastated. It was as though we were teenagers and he was asking me to go steady. Arnie went on to add that he "wasn't ready" for marriage yet. Well, I don't think he'll EVER be ready!

Am I wrong to expect this man to make a legal commitment? For heaven's sake, we have four children together! We have been a couple for almost two decades. Brides are supposed to be young and pretty. I'm turning old and gray with every day that passes. Should I continue to hang onto the hope that Arnie will keep his "promise" -- or is it time to leave? -- MOTHER OF HIS CHILDREN IN CANADA

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Dear old maid.

If it's marriage you want, you should have pressed the issue, sometime before you had 4 kids. Why would Arnie buy the cow now, milk's been free for almost 20 years. You have let Arnie give you this same BS line for all this time, now he's going to change? I think not. You have been used and Arnie wont change. If you're serious about it, give Arnie an ultimatum, marry me or we split up. If you're too gutless to do this, then quit writing me letters crying about it.


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Dear MILKOTH (Mom I'd Like to Keep on the Hook),

Just hang in there. I promise that Arnold will marry you someday. Ooh, what's that? I just saw the Easter Bunny chasing Santa Claus who was helping Satan push a snowplow across Florida in August.

Just hang in there, you will get married someday.


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Dear Stupid in Canada,

After 18 years and four children he gives you a promise ring? Just because you are getting old and fat is no reason for Arnold to want to do anything different now. You know the old saying, made your bed sleep in it.


Let's back up just a minute.


Did Fountains of Wayne recently have a song about your friend? Does she have a son named Stacy?

What is the URL?

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Desr crazy, withered, dried up female canuck?

Arnie has you right where he wants you. Unfortunately for him, he is unaware that in most places he is legally bound to you anyway. Divorce his ass (SUE) and you will have enough free money to have a younger sorrier boyfriend who you know is only there for your money, but at least you get what you pay for. Why must you people continue to ask the obvious questions? Please give me something a little deeper. I mean if Arnie were to be having relations with the next door neighbor's declawed cat, that would be a good one. Until then, don't write.


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DEAR ABBY: Our son, "Jonas," got into trouble with the law because of drugs. He is now in rehab seven days a week, and lives here with his father, "Harry," and me. I'm proud to say Jonas is doing well. However, one condition set by the court is that alcohol not be on the premises where he lives.

When Jonas told Harry about it, Harry went ballistic and claimed his own rights were being infringed upon by the courts. Harry stubbornly insists that he will drink beer in his own home if he chooses even though it could get our son sent to jail.

I am standing my ground that alcohol may not be brought into our home. I used to have a glass or two of wine in the evenings, but I'm willing to sacrifice that in order to protect our son's freedom.

I am so torn. I love my husband, but I can hardly stand to look at him right now, because he is willing to risk his son's freedom for a beer. How can he think like that? -- WORRIED MOTHER

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Dear Worried,

I believe your husband is an alcoholic. I also think the alcohol on premises thing, is more about your junkie son, going to bars. You remind me of someone who lets their kids run all over them. You need to decide if your junkie son is more important than your bammer alcoholic husband. I know it's a touigh choice, but your best option would be to send them both to rehab, and hope you can live a normal drug/alcohol free lifestyle. Good luck


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DEAR ABBY: I have a friend who, last year, became the guardian of her 3-year-old granddaughter. This has severely curtailed her dating due to the need to hire baby sitters.

If a gentleman knows her circumstances and asks her out anyway, who is responsible for paying the baby sitter? -- K.B. IN MACON, GA

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Dear KB,

Aren't you too old to be dating, and too old to be raising your grandkids. Just make these horny old buzzards stick around til the kid goes to sleep and then, get busy all you want. I'm sure that's all these old buzzards want is to pick at your flesh. Get one of the kids parents to sit with them otherwise, if they're out of jail that is.......


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Dear K.B.,

Now what kind of question is that. The rules don't change for grandparents. Whoever owns the little brat pays for the sitter. The guy already has to fead her horny a$$. Why should he pay for a sitter too. Really, the kid don't belong to him. You're friend's too stupid to date. Too bad she already reproduced.


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DEAR ABBY: I'm a 14-year-old girl with a problem. I am starting high school as a freshman. Last year I got into more trouble at school than I ever have been in my entire life. I even got kicked out of a program that's supposed to help students get into a good college. My grades went down, and I have been talking back not only to my teachers but also to my mother. Mom thinks it's because my father is dead.

Can you tell me something that will help me stop talking back? -- TALKING BACK IN VIRGINIA

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Dear Talking Back,

It's nice of you to write with your problem, however, the problem is your attitude and upbringing (or lack thereof). You are a spoiled little smartmouth brat. I think from the sound of things, you are using drugs, and probably abusing alcohol. Your mother needs to check your little juvenile delinquent a$$ in Juvy for a few days and maybe you will appreciate your freedom ,then. That or your mother needs to use one of your late fathers leather belts on you. A good strapping has been known to cure problem children. Good Luck.


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Luke and Galen

DEAR ABBY: I live upstairs in a fourplex. My across-the-hall neighbor is a pleasant single woman who loves animals. She has two cats and two ferrets. The problem, to put it bluntly, is they stink. I don't think she keeps up with their hygiene needs.

The stench drifts from inside her unit into our common hallway, and too often, into my apartment -- even with the door closed. I roll up a large towel and place it at the bottom of my front door to help with the smell while I'm home. But when I leave in the mornings to go to work, obviously I can't do that. When I return home at night, the smell has crept under my door. It's very embarrassing when I have guests. I'm forever burning incense, but it doesn't help. It only makes the air thicker, especially in the hall, which has no air conditioning.

I have tolerated this for a couple of years and I don't know if I should speak with her or the landlord. How can I broach the subject and still keep harmony between us? I don't want to have to move. I was here first. Please help me. I can't live like this anymore. -- HOLDING MY BREATH IN GEORGIA

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Dear Holding my Breath,

There is probably a reason that the lady is a nice SINGLE lady. You may want to drop hints by leaving animal shampoo at the door to start with. If that doesn't help, there's always a Rottweiler with a nasty disposition available for adoption at the humane society.


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Dear Holding My Breath,

Is a fourplex something for pornography?

Oh, well, anyway...You really need to get a high powered air conditioner and sit it right outside your door blowing directly at your stinky neighbor's apartment. If that doesn't give her a hint, then leave a poop bomb in front of her door. Can't help you if that doesn't work. I think it would be time to move then.


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DEAR ABBY: Please help me. I am scared about my feelings. I am 32, married and emotionally and physically attracted to my 18-year-old cousin, "Peter." He has been vacationing in our home this summer. Since he's been here we have had wonderful conversations -- he hasn't left my side. The truth is, Peter makes me feel wanted, loved and happy.

Abby, please explain what I am going through. I've been so caught up with Peter that I have neglected my husband. Is this an early midlife crisis? -- TOO CLOSE FOR COMFORT

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