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"My helicopter was shot down long after you proclaimed


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Looks as if people have had enough failure, in the past 5 years, to last a lifetime. It's time to put the criminals in jail, starting with Gonzales.

Associated Press

Candidate-Veteran Attacks Bush on Iraq

By DENNIS CONRAD , 09.30.2006, 02:28 PM

An Illinois congressional candidate who lost both her legs during combat in Iraq said Saturday that President Bush has no real strategy for securing the war-ravaged nation, just political talk designed to appeal to voters.

"Instead of a plan or a strategy, we get shallow slogans like 'mission accomplished' and 'stay the course,'" former Army Capt. Tammy Duckworth said in the Democrats' weekly radio address. "Those slogans are calculated to win an election. But they won't help us accomplish our mission in Iraq."

Duckworth's address served as a response to the president's weekly radio talk and gave the Democratic Party a chance to showcase one of its strongest candidates as it seeks to regain control of the House in November's elections.

Duckworth, who copiloted a Black Hawk helicopter that crashed while under a rocket grenade attack almost two years ago, also criticized Bush and others in his administration for accusing anyone who challenges the president's policies of "cutting and running."

"Well, I didn't cut and run, Mr. President. Like so many others, I proudly fought and sacrificed," Duckworth said. "My helicopter was shot down long after you proclaimed 'mission accomplished.'"

At a GOP fundraiser Thursday in Alabama, Bush said, "The party of FDR and the party of Harry Truman has become the party of cut and run."

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I remember when she crashed. I'm not going to give specifics but she crashed in my battalion's area of operations. We were responsible for getting her out. She had no business flying where she was at. We had not requested any sort of air support of any kind. The area she crashed in was well known to be a hotbed of enemy activity. She was told to steer clear. She did not. She was shot down and she lost her legs. Damn hotshot pilot ego got the best of her and instead of being mad at herself she blames the loss of her legs on the President. Typical. What a bitch.

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Sounds like another case of sour grapes from a Left leaning loser. The mission , to take down Saddam and destroy his army was accomplished. That b*tch should and does know this, but she'd rather put her F-ups as the President's fault rather than fess up to it herself.

That makes her a lying c*nt in my book. Service or no service. She's probably a dyke too.

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