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The United States Post Office


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Just a pet peeve of mine, but why does the USPS spend millions a year with advertising on TV, Billboards, NASCAR and such. I just got thru watching a very well written, and probably very expensive, commercial on TV with the jingle "I'm gonna mail myself to you!".

The Post Office has always operated in the red, and then they spend useless money on advertising. It's not like we have a choice on who is going to deliver our snail mail. We must use the post office. We have no choice and they have no competition.

Now, my second gripe. I heard the US Mint (Treasury Dep't) spent 20 million dollars advertising the new 20 Dollar Bill. I showed my three year old grandson the new bill, and he knew immediately what it was. It's not like we need a public awareness campaign costing 20 million dollars to help us recognize money.

Thank you for my vent of the day.

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I'm sure there is some typical gov. waste there. But I had to answer.

They advertise to keep their market share. I like less gov. but wouldn't want to see the post office put out of business and the corresponding rate hikes by all other mail/parcel carriers.

I'm guessing the treas. was advertising to put the word out to all people about the new style of the bill. You may already be aware but counterfeiting is a much larger problem than most people realize. I think they are doing it as a notice to people to know what to look for on a valid bill. I have heard that they will now be changing every few years or so to keep an advantage on the counterfeiters. They are getting better and better with all the new readily available technology.

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There's no reason, isn't illegal to use any other service as a primary first class mail provider. Can't they audit you and charge you for all lost postage if you DO do this?

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I think the USPS is advertising their other services such as overnight deliveries and such, not the run of the mill letter delivery. Trying to compete with FedEx and "Brown."

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I think the USPS is advertising their other services such as overnight deliveries and such, not the run of the mill letter delivery. Trying to compete with FedEx and "Brown."

Yeah, what he said. They are competing for parcel service, hence why the commercials are about parcel service, comparing their prices to Fed-Ex and UPS, instead of regular mail.Heck, I can't remember the last time I used regular snail mail. I pay all of my bills online or through monthly drafts and when I do use the US postal service it is because I am mailing a package or important document, so I use priority mail for that. At work, it is all Fed-Ex.

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In re: the $20 bill - one of the tellers at my bank told me last week that he was in San Antonio at a mall, and the clerk refused to accept the new $20 bill. He had to get a MANAGER to come over and tell her that it was legitimate U.S. currency. You guys give people in this country WAY too much credit for being smart!!! Not everyone went to Auburn!! ;)

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In re: the $20 bill - one of the tellers at my bank told me last week that he was in San Antonio at a mall, and the clerk refused to accept the new $20 bill. He had to get a MANAGER to come over and tell her that it was legitimate U.S. currency. You guys give people in this country WAY too much credit for being smart!!! Not everyone went to Auburn!! ;)

Ah. The voice of reason. Welcome my fellow cynic.........

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Live by this motto and you'll be much happier:

People are basically stupid.

Do that and you won't get so frustrated when people act accordingly. And the upside is, you get a pleasant surprise and day-brightener when they go off course and do something smart!

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Live by this motto and you'll be much happier:

People are basically stupid.

Do that and you won't get so frustrated when people act accordingly. And the upside is, you get a pleasant surprise and day-brightener when they go off course and do something smart!

Now you've pissed off the local optimists.

I generally look for the intelligence in people. And it has nothing to do with the education of an individual. When the world goes to pot, let me be with the uneducated intelligent people. The others will still be hongry. There are the rare educated intelligent people who see the world as it is, not as it could be.....they are usually referred to as conservatives in this country.

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