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i'm shocked that USC didn't take #2....not that they should have, but you know how that goes.

good move up by :ut: after destroying :uga: , good move up for :arky: too. seems like a pretty sensible poll.

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well i'm glad we didn't drop out of the top 11 in either poll....hopefully we can regroup this week and come out strong and beat florida....I think arkansas is a much better team than they were being given credit for before the game yesterday...they took it to us physically. anyways, glad we aren't too far down...although it's not top 5 or number 2, I'll take it as yesterday showed we've still got a lot of work to do, and hopefully yesterday's whipping will serve as a wakeup call to the team and coaches.....

War Eagle!!

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i guess 11th isn't too bad after how we played. i disagree with some of the other rankings but overall it's not too bad. i think the bigger surprise is that herbie didn't have usc in his top 5 anymore; he had ohio state, florida, michigan, west virginia, and louisville. i'm pretty sure that's what it was, but he said usc is out of his top 5 after these last two weeks. too bad he still probably ranked them higher in the poll when he voted, just like he's done the opposite of what he's said before.

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I think Louisville may be under rated. We will see when they play WV on Nov.2.

i think louisville is going to beat wvu. i think wvu is overrated, they don't play defense

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Congrat, Mustain Ranch......now, go out and back that ranking up.

We did'nt

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I say that Ark should feel a lot like Texas should right now: You've got only one loss and it's to either USC or OSU. In other words, they should feel perhaps a little underrated since they just drubbed the #2 team and have only lost to USC.

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I agree - how are they not ranked higher? I mean I know how... but it's ridiculous. They whooped us and we are still ranked higher. I don't care if we beat LSU - they deserve to be ranked higher, but that's not how the system works.

Arkansas has the best victory on their resume compared to all the other top 10 teams with only one loss.

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Congrat, Mustain Ranch......now, go out and back that ranking up.

We did'nt

Great game by Arkansas against us, no doubt. But if someone shuts down their running game, they are in trouble; they still have a young, inexperienced QB...

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I think Louisville may be under rated. We will see when they play WV on Nov.2.

i think louisville is going to beat wvu. i think wvu is overrated, they don't play defense

They don't have to play defense when the QB-RB can score pretty much whenever they want to. The few times I've seen them play on ESPN always leave me stunned at how fast they are. Steve Slaton is one of the best in the nation, the only RBs I think that are better than him are Adrien Petersen and Michael Bush (pre injury)

I personally can't wait to see them play Louisville. There are gonna be plenty of points scored in that contest.

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I think Louisville may be under rated. We will see when they play WV on Nov.2.

I think Louisville is good, but just like WV, they have not played anybody yet. Louisville's toughest opponent was Miami, but we all see that Miami is not much to worry about this year. Their game against WV will be a good one, but if you look at Louisville's schedule, they really don't play anybody worthy of a BCS bid.

Louisville schedule and results

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I agree that on the whole the polls are about right. This year there really is a number 1 (Ohio State deserves it), then a whole bunch of other teams.

:au: can get back in the picture w/ a win next week. My expectations are not that high after the trip to the woodshed against Arkansas, but we have often come up with big wins against the gators (1993, 1994 and 2001 all jump to mind).

If :uf: wins their next couple in a row, then they certainly deserve the two-spot.

USC almost lost to Washington. They just are not that good.

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I agree - how are they not ranked higher? I mean I know how... but it's ridiculous. They whooped us and we are still ranked higher. I don't care if we beat LSU - they deserve to be ranked higher, but that's not how the system works.

Arkansas has the best victory on their resume compared to all the other top 10 teams with only one loss.

Yeah, but looking like Ned in the first reader against USC on national TV is gonna take a long time for voters (and for Hog fans) to forget. On a brighter note...we did actually outscore the Trojans 14-6 after Mustain entered the game (admittedly vs. their reserves).

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LSU w/ 2 losses is sitting @ #14? WTF! It makes me ill to see wuss teams w/ wuss schedules like Louisville & WVa sitting there undefeated like they deserve to sit on the porch w/ the big boys. Go USF, beat Louisville AGAIN, this year.

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