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There is no party that represents the conservative American voter. Neither party is truly a conservative party. Lowering taxes while spending money like there is no tomorrow? I mean who, in their right mind, would vote for either party?

I'm sure there are individual candidates who are conservative, but evidence of this fact can only be found in one, Congressman Ron Paul (TX). He refuses to vote for legisaltion and spending that does not align with the constitution.

Many conservatives have touted the Fair Tax proposal as an issue in the upcoming election. A pure consumption tax like the Fair Tax would be better than the current system only if we truly did away with the income tax by repealing the 16th amendment. Otherwise, we could end up with both the income tax and a national sales tax. A consumption tax also provides more transparency and less complexity. But the real issue is total spending by government, not tax reform. In other words, why change the tax structure if spending stays the same? Once we accept that the federal government needs $2.7 trillion from us – and more each year – the only question left is from whom it will be collected. Until the federal government is held to its proper constitutionally limited functions, tax reform will remain a mirage.


Then there is the honest reporting of the GAO:

Why is America so fiscally unprepared for the next century? Like many of its citizens, the United States has spent the last few years racking up debt instead of saving for the future. Foreign lenders — primarily the central banks of China, Japan and other big U.S. trading partners — have been eager to lend the government money at low interest rates, making the current $8.5-trillion deficit about as painful as a big balance on a zero-percent credit card.

In her part of the fiscal wake-up tour presentation, Rogers tries to explain why that's a bad thing. For one thing, even when rates are low a bigger deficit means a greater portion of each tax dollar goes to interest payments rather than useful programs. And because foreigners now hold so much of the federal government's debt, those interest payments increasingly go overseas rather than to U.S. investors.

BF Comment: This is no different than allowing Mexicans to continue to work here illegally. We all know the money they save goes to Mexico. If no one here believes it, then I'm telling you that's what is happening. I have worked around them that's what they tell me.


And finally, where do conservatives find conservative candidates?

The hard truth is that if you are a genuine political conservative, you don't have a party. The Democrats are practically socialists; the Republicans are closer to corporate fascists. Neither one offers conservatives anything but rhetoric.

A true conservative recognizes that the Constitution is a binding contract that should be interpreted literally and in the context of the time at which it was written and ratified. A Constitution that means anything a judge says it means means nothing. Abraham Lincoln and his Republican Party were the first to violate it in a blatant manner. One of Lincoln's cronies referred to it as "a worthless piece of parchment."

A true conservative is fiscally responsible. Laying debt and interest payments on posterity is neither conservative nor liberal. It is just obscenely irresponsible.

A true conservative believes in noninterference in the affairs of other countries. Regime change is a policy favored by fascists or communists, but it has nothing to do with American conservatism. Americans have the right to govern only one country - their own. Americans have an obligation to defend only one country - their own.

A true conservative believes in a free economy and that beyond protecting the public from force and fraud, the government should not interfere in private affairs.


These are the questions I ask myself every single day. And, why can't we have a fiscally responsible government of the people? Is it the lobbyist, greed, or do the legislators know something we don't about the end game the we the people do not? Why? Why can't we regenerate our country into the country of our forefathers? Anyone? Anyone? Bueller?


I know this sounds kind of infantile, but...I need answers.

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