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Bob Riley sweeps state newspaper endorsements


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Wow. Even a newspaper that has always endorsed a democrat has decided Riley's record speaks for itself.

MONTGOMERY — Republican Gov. Bob Riley swept the endorsements of daily newspapers across the state — a first since the GOP became competitive in gubernatorial elections in Alabama in the 1980s.

Riley was the choice of 18 daily papers, while Democratic Lt. Gov. Lucy Baxley was the pick of none.

Seven did not publish an endorsement.

The Anniston Star broke a long-standing Democratic tradition when it endorsed Riley. Editor Bob Davis said it is believed to be the first time the 123-year-old newspaper has endorsed a Republican for governor.

The Star wrote that Riley's record is "perhaps the best of any governor in 30 years."


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That is great! It must really speak volumes for what the Governor has done with Alabama Politics! Finally bringing accountability to Alabama. I for one am proud to work for and vote for Governor Riley! Four more years!


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Well, the man did give us a budget surplus for the first time in forever. The critics said we needed a lottery to raise the money needed for education. Riley did it without a lottery. He did it without killing us with taxes. He did the very rare way when it comes to politicians...he made the state government more responsible with the spending and he cut out the crap that was wasting money. He also brought in a lot of new business and industry in his four year term. People know a good thing when they see it. Baxley may not be a bad candidate herself, I can think of worse democratic candidates, but she has no chance of winning because of Riley's record. This may be the biggest lopsided governor's race we have seen in a long time.

However, I will be voting for a few on the democratic ticket today, mostly local stuff. I am not a straight party guy. Been a long time since I voted a straight republican ticket. If they don't get their act together at the federal level, they may start getting less of my votes. That does not mean I will vote for the democrat opponent unless I actually think they are the better choice. It just means I may be a write-in candidate for some future offices. :lol:

Politicians in general really just suck these days. Most get into politics because the see they corruptness and want to change it. However, one of two things usually happen. Either that good person caves in to the corruptness themselves because they figure that is the only way they can play the game and keep their position, or they refuse to compromise themselves and get out (J.C . Watts comes to mind). So, the ones that stay good don't stay long.

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Wow. Even a newspaper that has always endorsed a democrat has decided Riley's record speaks for itself.

MONTGOMERY — Republican Gov. Bob Riley swept the endorsements of daily newspapers across the state — a first since the GOP became competitive in gubernatorial elections in Alabama in the 1980s.

Riley was the choice of 18 daily papers, while Democratic Lt. Gov. Lucy Baxley was the pick of none.

Seven did not publish an endorsement.

The Anniston Star broke a long-standing Democratic tradition when it endorsed Riley. Editor Bob Davis said it is believed to be the first time the 123-year-old newspaper has endorsed a Republican for governor.

The Star wrote that Riley's record is "perhaps the best of any governor in 30 years."


Well, the fact that he has a 70% approval even among Democrats speaks volumes. And Riley has my everlasting gratitude for flattening Roy Moore.

However, I take serious issue with the "perhaps the best of any governor in 30 years" aside in the newspaper. I would offer that he is the best governor this state has had since at least the first Folsom. Probably earlier than that.

Honest to God, if his second term is as good as his first, we will be building a monument to the man in about twenty years.

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Just as a side note, if anyone was at the Riley Campaign Party, you would have seen just before he came out to greet everyone some handed out Riley Signs with "President" stickers slapped on it. There were also Pins, and 2008 Signs.

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Well, the fact that he has a 70% approval even among Democrats speaks volumes. And Riley has my everlasting gratitude for flattening Roy Moore.

What exactly is your beef with Roy Moore?

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Well, the fact that he has a 70% approval even among Democrats speaks volumes. And Riley has my everlasting gratitude for flattening Roy Moore.

What exactly is your beef with Roy Moore?

Oh, aside from being a one-issue demogogue who tried to hijack the constitution to advance his own loopy ultra-right version of Christianity? You mean aside from disobeying court orders against putting his stone Ten Commandments in the Alabama Supreme Court? Or perhaps it was the millions of dollars of state money the man blew on the court cases when he knew absolutely he would lose out in the Supreme Court. Or maybe the man who cynically manipulated thousands of faithful people to advance his political career?

I don't have a beef with Roy Moore. I have an entire cattle ranch.

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Well, the fact that he has a 70% approval even among Democrats speaks volumes. And Riley has my everlasting gratitude for flattening Roy Moore.

What exactly is your beef with Roy Moore?

Oh, aside from being a one-issue demogogue who tried to hijack the constitution to advance his own loopy ultra-right version of Christianity? You mean aside from disobeying court orders against putting his stone Ten Commandments in the Alabama Supreme Court? Or perhaps it was the millions of dollars of state money the man blew on the court cases when he knew absolutely he would lose out in the Supreme Court. Or maybe the man who cynically manipulated thousands of faithful people to advance his political career?

I don't have a beef with Roy Moore. I have an entire cattle ranch.

I will agree he did not run a great campaign but I wonder If you even listened to anything he said or checked out the facts behing the ten commandments court case. Well obviously you did'nt do your homework. First of all the ten commandments issue. Show me in the state constitution where he was wrong. You can't. Secondly he spoke more about combattting illegal immigration than any other candidate including Bob Riley. He also is the only one who talked about term limits and getting them back to the way they used to be and were intended to be. Originally, state elected politicians were not allowed to stay in office for 10,20, and some 30 years. It was not even considered a full time job. So tell me what was on Bob Rileys platform? Property tax reappraisals yearly? Turning a deaf ear to the overflow of Illegal immigrants into this state especially up here in north alabama. All you had to do was a little investigating of your own on all of the issues mentioned. I am not saying I dislike Bob Riley he certainly is alot better than the last man who sat in his seat and many before that. All i am saying is I think if roy moore would have spent less time defending the ten commandments issue and in turn talk about his agenda that I mentioned above we would have a better man running the state the way our forefathers intended on.

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Well, the fact that he has a 70% approval even among Democrats speaks volumes. And Riley has my everlasting gratitude for flattening Roy Moore.

What exactly is your beef with Roy Moore?

Oh, aside from being a one-issue demogogue who tried to hijack the constitution to advance his own loopy ultra-right version of Christianity? You mean aside from disobeying court orders against putting his stone Ten Commandments in the Alabama Supreme Court? Or perhaps it was the millions of dollars of state money the man blew on the court cases when he knew absolutely he would lose out in the Supreme Court. Or maybe the man who cynically manipulated thousands of faithful people to advance his political career?

I don't have a beef with Roy Moore. I have an entire cattle ranch.

I will agree he did not run a great campaign but I wonder If you even listened to anything he said or checked out the facts behing the ten commandments court case. Well obviously you did'nt do your homework. First of all the ten commandments issue. Show me in the state constitution where he was wrong. You can't. Secondly he spoke more about combattting illegal immigration than any other candidate including Bob Riley. He also is the only one who talked about term limits and getting them back to the way they used to be and were intended to be. Originally, state elected politicians were not allowed to stay in office for 10,20, and some 30 years. It was not even considered a full time job. So tell me what was on Bob Rileys platform? Property tax reappraisals yearly? Turning a deaf ear to the overflow of Illegal immigrants into this state especially up here in north alabama. All you had to do was a little investigating of your own on all of the issues mentioned. I am not saying I dislike Bob Riley he certainly is alot better than the last man who sat in his seat and many before that. All i am saying is I think if roy moore would have spent less time defending the ten commandments issue and in turn talk about his agenda that I mentioned above we would have a better man running the state the way our forefathers intended on.

Oh, I read up on Roy Moore. Everything else in his campaign was a fig leaf.

But let's just go one step further. Tell me which Ten Commandments should be up on teh courthouse wall. Please name them for me.

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And Riley has my everlasting gratitude for flattening Roy Moore.

That right there is reason enough for me to want to name my next child 'Bob.' :)

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Well, the fact that he has a 70% approval even among Democrats speaks volumes. And Riley has my everlasting gratitude for flattening Roy Moore.

What exactly is your beef with Roy Moore?

Oh, aside from being a one-issue demogogue who tried to hijack the constitution to advance his own loopy ultra-right version of Christianity? You mean aside from disobeying court orders against putting his stone Ten Commandments in the Alabama Supreme Court? Or perhaps it was the millions of dollars of state money the man blew on the court cases when he knew absolutely he would lose out in the Supreme Court. Or maybe the man who cynically manipulated thousands of faithful people to advance his political career?

I don't have a beef with Roy Moore. I have an entire cattle ranch.

I will agree he did not run a great campaign but I wonder If you even listened to anything he said or checked out the facts behing the ten commandments court case. Well obviously you did'nt do your homework. First of all the ten commandments issue. Show me in the state constitution where he was wrong. You can't. Secondly he spoke more about combattting illegal immigration than any other candidate including Bob Riley. He also is the only one who talked about term limits and getting them back to the way they used to be and were intended to be. Originally, state elected politicians were not allowed to stay in office for 10,20, and some 30 years. It was not even considered a full time job. So tell me what was on Bob Rileys platform? Property tax reappraisals yearly? Turning a deaf ear to the overflow of Illegal immigrants into this state especially up here in north alabama. All you had to do was a little investigating of your own on all of the issues mentioned. I am not saying I dislike Bob Riley he certainly is alot better than the last man who sat in his seat and many before that. All i am saying is I think if roy moore would have spent less time defending the ten commandments issue and in turn talk about his agenda that I mentioned above we would have a better man running the state the way our forefathers intended on.

Oh, I read up on Roy Moore. Everything else in his campaign was a fig leaf.

But let's just go one step further. Tell me which Ten Commandments should be up on teh courthouse wall. Please name them for me.

Thou shalt not question your daddy(me). Thou shall not be a member of any racist org., club, THE FREE MASONS. I wonder who would that be.

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Well, the fact that he has a 70% approval even among Democrats speaks volumes. And Riley has my everlasting gratitude for flattening Roy Moore.

What exactly is your beef with Roy Moore?

Oh, aside from being a one-issue demogogue who tried to hijack the constitution to advance his own loopy ultra-right version of Christianity? You mean aside from disobeying court orders against putting his stone Ten Commandments in the Alabama Supreme Court? Or perhaps it was the millions of dollars of state money the man blew on the court cases when he knew absolutely he would lose out in the Supreme Court. Or maybe the man who cynically manipulated thousands of faithful people to advance his political career?

I don't have a beef with Roy Moore. I have an entire cattle ranch.

I will agree he did not run a great campaign but I wonder If you even listened to anything he said or checked out the facts behing the ten commandments court case. Well obviously you did'nt do your homework. First of all the ten commandments issue. Show me in the state constitution where he was wrong. You can't. Secondly he spoke more about combattting illegal immigration than any other candidate including Bob Riley. He also is the only one who talked about term limits and getting them back to the way they used to be and were intended to be. Originally, state elected politicians were not allowed to stay in office for 10,20, and some 30 years. It was not even considered a full time job. So tell me what was on Bob Rileys platform? Property tax reappraisals yearly? Turning a deaf ear to the overflow of Illegal immigrants into this state especially up here in north alabama. All you had to do was a little investigating of your own on all of the issues mentioned. I am not saying I dislike Bob Riley he certainly is alot better than the last man who sat in his seat and many before that. All i am saying is I think if roy moore would have spent less time defending the ten commandments issue and in turn talk about his agenda that I mentioned above we would have a better man running the state the way our forefathers intended on.

Oh, I read up on Roy Moore. Everything else in his campaign was a fig leaf.

But let's just go one step further. Tell me which Ten Commandments should be up on teh courthouse wall. Please name them for me.

Thou shalt not question your daddy(me). Thou shall not be a member of any racist org., club, THE FREE MASONS. I wonder who would that be.

No, seriously, Bojack...please tell list the Ten Commandments for me.

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Well, the fact that he has a 70% approval even among Democrats speaks volumes. And Riley has my everlasting gratitude for flattening Roy Moore.

What exactly is your beef with Roy Moore?

Oh, aside from being a one-issue demogogue who tried to hijack the constitution to advance his own loopy ultra-right version of Christianity? You mean aside from disobeying court orders against putting his stone Ten Commandments in the Alabama Supreme Court? Or perhaps it was the millions of dollars of state money the man blew on the court cases when he knew absolutely he would lose out in the Supreme Court. Or maybe the man who cynically manipulated thousands of faithful people to advance his political career?

I don't have a beef with Roy Moore. I have an entire cattle ranch.

1. thou shalt have no other Gods before me. 2. thou shalt not worship any graven image.3.thou shalt not take God's name in vain.4.remember the sabbath to keep it holy.5.honor thy father and thy mother.6.thou shalt not kill.(abortion is murder as well)7. thou shalt not commit adultery.8. thou shalt not steal.9. thou shalt not bear false witness.10.thou shalt not covet.

I will agree he did not run a great campaign but I wonder If you even listened to anything he said or checked out the facts behing the ten commandments court case. Well obviously you did'nt do your homework. First of all the ten commandments issue. Show me in the state constitution where he was wrong. You can't. Secondly he spoke more about combattting illegal immigration than any other candidate including Bob Riley. He also is the only one who talked about term limits and getting them back to the way they used to be and were intended to be. Originally, state elected politicians were not allowed to stay in office for 10,20, and some 30 years. It was not even considered a full time job. So tell me what was on Bob Rileys platform? Property tax reappraisals yearly? Turning a deaf ear to the overflow of Illegal immigrants into this state especially up here in north alabama. All you had to do was a little investigating of your own on all of the issues mentioned. I am not saying I dislike Bob Riley he certainly is alot better than the last man who sat in his seat and many before that. All i am saying is I think if roy moore would have spent less time defending the ten commandments issue and in turn talk about his agenda that I mentioned above we would have a better man running the state the way our forefathers intended on.

Oh, I read up on Roy Moore. Everything else in his campaign was a fig leaf.

But let's just go one step further. Tell me which Ten Commandments should be up on teh courthouse wall. Please name them for me.

Thou shalt not question your daddy(me). Thou shall not be a member of any racist org., club, THE FREE MASONS. I wonder who would that be.

No, seriously, Bojack...please tell list the Ten Commandments for me.

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1. thou shalt have no other Gods before me. 2. thou shalt not worship any graven image.3.thou shalt not take God's name in vain.4.remember the sabbath to keep it holy.5.honor thy father and thy mother.6.thou shalt not kill.(abortion is murder as well)7. thou shalt not commit adultery.8. thou shalt not steal.9. thou shalt not bear false witness.10.thou shalt not covet.

I have already posted this once but i will do it again just for you.

Obviously you don't own a BIBLE

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1. thou shalt have no other Gods before me. 2. thou shalt not worship any graven image.3.thou shalt not take God's name in vain.4.remember the sabbath to keep it holy.5.honor thy father and thy mother.6.thou shalt not kill.(abortion is murder as well)7. thou shalt not commit adultery.8. thou shalt not steal.9. thou shalt not bear false witness.10.thou shalt not covet.

I have already posted this once but i will do it again just for you.

Obviously you don't own a BIBLE

Thank you for that. And, actually, I do own a Bible. Several in fact. What Roy Moore's knuckle-dragging crew don't realize is that, in the Catholic and Lutheran faiths, their version of Ten Commandments is quite different, based on the writings of St. Augustine, while Protestants base theirs on the writings of Origen. The two are substantially different. Compare their Ten Commandments with what Roy Moore snuck into the Supreme Court building. Note the differences especially between the 3rd, 9th, and 10th commandments:

1. "I am the LORD your God, who brought you out of the land of Egypt, out of the house of slavery; you shall have no other gods before me. You shall not make for yourself an idol, whether in the form of anything that is in heaven above, or that is on the earth beneath, or that is in the water under the earth. You shall not bow down to them or worship them; for I the LORD your God am a jealous God, punishing children for the iniquity of parents, to the third and fourth generation of those who reject me, but showing steadfast love to the thousandth generation of those who love me and keep my commandments."

2. "You shall not make wrongful use of the name of the LORD your God, for the LORD will not acquit anyone who misuses his name."

3. "Observe the sabbath day and keep it holy, as the LORD your God commanded you. Six days you shall labor and do all your work. But the seventh day is a sabbath to the LORD your God; you shall not do any work—you, or your son or your daughter, or your male or female slave, or your ox or your donkey, or any of your livestock, or the resident alien in your towns, so that your male and female slave may rest as well as you. Remember that you were a slave in the land of Egypt, and the LORD your God brought you out from there with a mighty hand and an outstretched arm; therefore the LORD your God commanded you to keep the sabbath day."

4. "Honor your father and your mother, as the LORD your God commanded you, so that your days may be long and that it may go well with you in the land that the LORD your God is giving you."

5. "You shall not murder."

6. "Neither shall you commit adultery."

7. "Neither shall you steal."

8. "Neither shall you bear false witness against your neighbor."

9. "Neither shall you covet your neighbor's wife."

10. "Neither shall you desire your neighbor's house, or field, or male or female slave, or ox, or donkey, or anything that belongs to your neighbor."

So basically, by posting your version of the Ten Commandments on the wall of the State Supreme Court, you just endorsed Protestantism over Catholicism. And preference of any religion over another is explicitly prohibited by the Bill of Rights. Now I suppose you could just put ten roman numerals on the wall. But what would be the point of that?

Further, our law is based on English Common Law and Roman Law, not the Bible. I don't see any statutes against swearing, I don't see Catholics being hauled into jail for their shrines to the Virgin Mary, and if we outlawed coveting, the entire United States economy would grind to a resounding halt.

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My point is still this, Roy Moore's platform was about alot more than the ten commandments. I only wish he had spent more time talking about that than the ten commandments but it seemed all the newspapers and media outlets wanted to talk about was the commandments and yes some of the fault falls on Moore's shoulders. When he was given a chance to talk about his agenda for our state he had a lot of great ideas that I and I believe alot of other people in the state would like to see put forth. As for your argument on God's version of the Ten Commandment, the only true version, I don't feel I have time to debate with you. I applaud him for recognizing God and could care less about the Islamic faith or any other false religion. Go ahead fire away.

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As for your argument on God's version of the Ten Commandment, the only true version, I don't feel I have time to debate with you.

"The only true version"? You just made my point, my friend. Even Christians cannot agree on something as basic as the Ten Commandments. So how can you post one "true" version on the courthouse wall? Yet you agree with doing precisely that, using a public building to ramrod your own interpretation of the faith down everybody else's throats.

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As for your argument on God's version of the Ten Commandment, the only true version, I don't feel I have time to debate with you.

"The only true version"? You just made my point, my friend. Even Christians cannot agree on something as basic as the Ten Commandments. So how can you post one "true" version on the courthouse wall? Yet you agree with doing precisely that, using a public building to ramrod your own interpretation of the faith down everybody else's throats.

Have you ever been inside the courthouse in Montgomery? I guess not or you would see alot more historical stuff hanging on walls etc. Nobody is ramrodding anything down anyones throat except the Islamists. Just from our brief discussion it seems to me that you are just like alot of other wackjobs out there who are always looking for someone to sue or something else to gripe about .

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As for your argument on God's version of the Ten Commandment, the only true version, I don't feel I have time to debate with you.

"The only true version"? You just made my point, my friend. Even Christians cannot agree on something as basic as the Ten Commandments. So how can you post one "true" version on the courthouse wall? Yet you agree with doing precisely that, using a public building to ramrod your own interpretation of the faith down everybody else's throats.

Have you ever been inside the courthouse in Montgomery? I guess not or you would see alot more historical stuff hanging on walls etc. Nobody is ramrodding anything down anyones throat except the Islamists. Just from our brief discussion it seems to me that you are just like alot of other wackjobs out there who are always looking for someone to sue or something else to gripe about .

Are you really serious? I have to admit that you have accomplished quite a feat. Somehow you manage to revere and trivialize the Ten Commandments at the same. The Ten Commandments are not a civil war relic. It constitutes one of the foundational ideas of the Abrahamic faiths. Further, I would define sneaking in a one-ton monument into the State Supreme Court building, without discussion with anyone else's knowledge, as ramrodding. That's the problem with the whackjob Roy Moore contingent: You uphold one very narrow interpretation of the faith and believe perfectly comfortable forcing it on everybody else, regardless of decades of legal precedent. And as a church-going, bible studying Christian, I'm completely comfortable with it, far more so than demogogues such as Roy Moore who use Roy Moore for little more than a way to advance his political career. Fools such as he are exactly why the Bill of Rights was written in the first place.

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As for your argument on God's version of the Ten Commandment, the only true version, I don't feel I have time to debate with you.

"The only true version"? You just made my point, my friend. Even Christians cannot agree on something as basic as the Ten Commandments. So how can you post one "true" version on the courthouse wall? Yet you agree with doing precisely that, using a public building to ramrod your own interpretation of the faith down everybody else's throats.

Have you ever been inside the courthouse in Montgomery? I guess not or you would see alot more historical stuff hanging on walls etc. Nobody is ramrodding anything down anyones throat except the Islamists. Just from our brief discussion it seems to me that you are just like alot of other wackjobs out there who are always looking for someone to sue or something else to gripe about .

Are you really serious? I have to admit that you have accomplished quite a feat. Somehow you manage to revere and trivialize the Ten Commandments at the same. The Ten Commandments are not a civil war relic. It constitutes one of the foundational ideas of the Abrahamic faiths. Further, I would define sneaking in a one-ton monument into the State Supreme Court building, without discussion with anyone else's knowledge, as ramrodding. That's the problem with the whackjob Roy Moore contingent: You uphold one very narrow interpretation of the faith and believe perfectly comfortable forcing it on everybody else, regardless of decades of legal precedent. And as a church-going, bible studying Christian, I'm completely comfortable with it, far more so than demogogues such as Roy Moore who use Roy Moore for little more than a way to advance his political career. Fools such as he are exactly why the Bill of Rights was written in the first place.

so you just go out and bash another man of faith. What kind of church are you a member of? I am pretty sure your pastor does'nt preach that type of behaviuor.

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As for your argument on God's version of the Ten Commandment, the only true version, I don't feel I have time to debate with you.

"The only true version"? You just made my point, my friend. Even Christians cannot agree on something as basic as the Ten Commandments. So how can you post one "true" version on the courthouse wall? Yet you agree with doing precisely that, using a public building to ramrod your own interpretation of the faith down everybody else's throats.

Have you ever been inside the courthouse in Montgomery? I guess not or you would see alot more historical stuff hanging on walls etc. Nobody is ramrodding anything down anyones throat except the Islamists. Just from our brief discussion it seems to me that you are just like alot of other wackjobs out there who are always looking for someone to sue or something else to gripe about .

Are you really serious? I have to admit that you have accomplished quite a feat. Somehow you manage to revere and trivialize the Ten Commandments at the same. The Ten Commandments are not a civil war relic. It constitutes one of the foundational ideas of the Abrahamic faiths. Further, I would define sneaking in a one-ton monument into the State Supreme Court building, without discussion with anyone else's knowledge, as ramrodding. That's the problem with the whackjob Roy Moore contingent: You uphold one very narrow interpretation of the faith and believe perfectly comfortable forcing it on everybody else, regardless of decades of legal precedent. And as a church-going, bible studying Christian, I'm completely comfortable with it, far more so than demogogues such as Roy Moore who use Roy Moore for little more than a way to advance his political career. Fools such as he are exactly why the Bill of Rights was written in the first place.

so you just go out and bash another man of faith. What kind of church are you a member of? I am pretty sure your pastor does'nt preach that type of behaviuor.

Well, you're the one who used "whackjob" first, so don't get pious with me. Second, Roy Moore is not a man of faith. He is a cynical manipulator of faithful people. There's a profound difference between the two.

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As for your argument on God's version of the Ten Commandment, the only true version, I don't feel I have time to debate with you.

"The only true version"? You just made my point, my friend. Even Christians cannot agree on something as basic as the Ten Commandments. So how can you post one "true" version on the courthouse wall? Yet you agree with doing precisely that, using a public building to ramrod your own interpretation of the faith down everybody else's throats.

Have you ever been inside the courthouse in Montgomery? I guess not or you would see alot more historical stuff hanging on walls etc. Nobody is ramrodding anything down anyones throat except the Islamists. Just from our brief discussion it seems to me that you are just like alot of other wackjobs out there who are always looking for someone to sue or something else to gripe about .

Are you really serious? I have to admit that you have accomplished quite a feat. Somehow you manage to revere and trivialize the Ten Commandments at the same. The Ten Commandments are not a civil war relic. It constitutes one of the foundational ideas of the Abrahamic faiths. Further, I would define sneaking in a one-ton monument into the State Supreme Court building, without discussion with anyone else's knowledge, as ramrodding. That's the problem with the whackjob Roy Moore contingent: You uphold one very narrow interpretation of the faith and believe perfectly comfortable forcing it on everybody else, regardless of decades of legal precedent. And as a church-going, bible studying Christian, I'm completely comfortable with it, far more so than demogogues such as Roy Moore who use Roy Moore for little more than a way to advance his political career. Fools such as he are exactly why the Bill of Rights was written in the first place.

so you just go out and bash another man of faith. What kind of church are you a member of? I am pretty sure your pastor does'nt preach that type of behaviuor.

Well, you're the one who used "whackjob" first, so don't get pious with me. Second, Roy Moore is not a man of faith. He is a cynical manipulator of faithful people. There's a profound difference between the two.

Roy Moore is not a man of faith? Who are you to judge,GOD? And I guess Bob Riley is huh?

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As for your argument on God's version of the Ten Commandment, the only true version, I don't feel I have time to debate with you.

"The only true version"? You just made my point, my friend. Even Christians cannot agree on something as basic as the Ten Commandments. So how can you post one "true" version on the courthouse wall? Yet you agree with doing precisely that, using a public building to ramrod your own interpretation of the faith down everybody else's throats.

Have you ever been inside the courthouse in Montgomery? I guess not or you would see alot more historical stuff hanging on walls etc. Nobody is ramrodding anything down anyones throat except the Islamists. Just from our brief discussion it seems to me that you are just like alot of other wackjobs out there who are always looking for someone to sue or something else to gripe about .

Are you really serious? I have to admit that you have accomplished quite a feat. Somehow you manage to revere and trivialize the Ten Commandments at the same. The Ten Commandments are not a civil war relic. It constitutes one of the foundational ideas of the Abrahamic faiths. Further, I would define sneaking in a one-ton monument into the State Supreme Court building, without discussion with anyone else's knowledge, as ramrodding. That's the problem with the whackjob Roy Moore contingent: You uphold one very narrow interpretation of the faith and believe perfectly comfortable forcing it on everybody else, regardless of decades of legal precedent. And as a church-going, bible studying Christian, I'm completely comfortable with it, far more so than demogogues such as Roy Moore who use Roy Moore for little more than a way to advance his political career. Fools such as he are exactly why the Bill of Rights was written in the first place.

so you just go out and bash another man of faith. What kind of church are you a member of? I am pretty sure your pastor does'nt preach that type of behaviuor.

Well, you're the one who used "whackjob" first, so don't get pious with me. Second, Roy Moore is not a man of faith. He is a cynical manipulator of faithful people. There's a profound difference between the two.

Roy Moore is not a man of faith? Who are you to judge,GOD? And I guess Bob Riley is huh?

Nope. He's not. Having had to deal with his campaign staff on a couple of occasions, I can guarantee you that Christianity is a mere fig leaf for the man. And given that my dealings with Bob Riley's campaign staff have given me the impression that they are the soul of ethics, there's is simply no comparison between the two.

I'm sorry that you're so taken with this fraud of a man. I'm sure that you really believe in him. But my dealings with him told me that he's cynical and unethical to the core.

Further, you should be very suspicious about mixing politics and religion. Because faith will always suffer in the bargain.

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