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The Bush Family Legacy and Why I Hate Them


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AUDIENCE QUESTION: Yes. How has the national debt personally affected each of your lives? And if it hasn't, how can you honestly find a cure for the economic problems of the common people if you have no experience in what's ailing them?

PEROT: May I answer that?

SIMPSON: Well, Mr. Perot -- yes, of course.

PEROT: Who do you want to start with?

AUDIENCE QUESTION: My question is for each of you, so-

PEROT: It caused me to disrupt my private life and my business to get involved in this activity. That's how much I care about it. And believe me, if you knew my family and if you knew the private life I have, you would agree in a minute that that's a whole lot more fun than getting involved in politics.

But I have lived the American dream. I came from very modest background. Nobody's been luckier than I've been, all the way across the spectrum, and the greatest riches of all are my wife and children. That's true of any family.

But I want all the children -- I want these young people up here to be able to start with nothing but an idea like I did and build a business. But they've got to have a strong basic economy and if you're in debt, it's like having a ball and chain around you.

I just figure, as lucky as I've been, I owe it to them and I owe it to the future generations and on a very personal basis, I owe it to my children and grandchildren.

SIMPSON: Thank you, Mr. Perot. Mr. President.

BUSH: Well, I think the national debt affects everybody.

AUDIENCE QUESTION: You personally.

BUSH: Obviously it has a lot to do with interest rates --

SIMPSON: She's saying, "you personally"

AUDIENCE QUESTION: You, on a personal basis -- how has it affected you?

SIMPSON: Has it affected you personally?

BUSH: I'm sure it has. I love my grandchildren -- :roflol:


BUSH: I want to think that they're going to be able to afford an education. I think that that's an important part of being a parent. If the question -- maybe I -- get it wrong. Are you suggesting that if somebody has means that the national debt doesn't affect them? :roflol:

AUDIENCE QUESTION: What I'm saying is --

BUSH: I'm not sure I get -- help me with the question and I'll try to answer it.

AUDIENCE QUESTION: Well, I've had friends that have been laid off from jobs.

BUSH: Yeah.

AUDIENCE QUESTION: I know people who cannot afford to pay the mortgage on their homes, their car payment. I have personal problems with the national debt. But how has it affected you and if you have no experience in it, how can you help us, if you don't know what we're feeling?

SIMPSON: I think she means more the recession -- the economic problems today the country faces rather than the deficit.

BUSH: Well, listen, you ought to be in the White House for a day and hear what I hear and see what I see and read the mail I read and touch the people that I touch from time to time. I was in the Lomax AME Church. It's a black church just outside of Washington, DC. And I read in the bulletin about teenage pregnancies, about the difficulties that families are having to make ends meet. I talk to parents. I mean, you've got to care. Everybody cares if people aren't doing well.

But I don't think it's fair to say, you haven't had cancer. Therefore, you don't know what's it like. I don't think it's fair to say, you know, whatever it is, that if you haven't been hit by it personally. But everybody's affected by the debt because of the tremendous interest that goes into paying on that debt everything's more expensive. Everything comes out of your pocket and my pocket. So it's that.

But I think in terms of the recession, of course you feel it when you're president of the US. And that's why I'm trying to do something about it by stimulating the export, vesting more, better education systems.

Thank you. I'm glad you clarified it. :roflol:

SIMPSON: Governor Clinton.

CLINTON: Tell me how it's affected you again.


CLINTON: You know people who've lost their jobs and lost their homes?

AUDIENCE QUESTION: Well, yeah, uh-huh.

CLINTON: Well, I've been governor of a small state for 12 years. I'll tell you how it's affected me. Every year Congress and the president sign laws that make us do more things and gives us less money to do it with. I see people in my state, middle class people -- their taxes have gone up in Washington and their services have gone down while the wealthy have gotten tax cuts.

I have seen what's happened in this last 4 years when -- in my state, when people lose their jobs there's a good chance I'll know them by their names. When a factory closes, I know the people who ran it. When the businesses go bankrupt, I know them.

And I've been out here for 13 months meeting in meetings just like this ever since October, with people like you all over America, people that have lost their jobs, lost their livelihood, lost their health insurance.

What I want you to understand is the national debt is not the only cause of that. It is because America has not invested in its people. It is because we have not grown. It is because we've had 12 years of trickle down economics. We've gone from first to twelfth in the world in wages. We've had 4 years where we've produced no private sector jobs. Most people are working harder for less money than they were making ten years ago.

It is because we are in the grip of a failed economic theory. And this decision you're about to make better be about what kind of economic theory you want, not just people saying I'm going to go fix it but what are we going to do? I think we have to do is invest in American jobs, American education, control American health care costs and bring the American people together again.

Another reason Bush should not be on my land. Bush 43 allowed cocaine to be shipped into the United States of America. Bush 43 use to work in the CIA and I'm sure he knew about the shipments. I look at all of the people who were affected by this criminal act, lives lost to addiction, families torn apart by addiction and theft of property by addicts. If the conservatives were truly compassionate as the portray, they would do everything in their power to eradicate drugs from this country. Instead they allow the shipments of cocaine and other drugs to continue into this country with their blessing via CIA. Dems are no different, but the GOP blesses it as it pumps up stock prices and CEO bonuses. The Bush dynasty continues to support this criminal activity. Oh yeah, the Bush dynasty got it's money by financially supporting Nazi Germany during WWII. Blood Money, Blood Profiteers! I have no doubt they'll all go to the lake of fire, even Battle-Axe Barbara. (Iran-Contra?).

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