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The funny thing is, until Saban came along, you people (bammers), hated Finebaum. Now, because he is on his knees polishing your knob, he is the greatst thing in the world. The only JOURNALIST with the integrity to tell it like it is. :puke:

Warning to bammers: These things go in cycles. It is only a matter of time before Finebaum bites YOU in the butt.

Need proof: We just finished 11-2, in the top 10, and we are in the process of having a top 10 recruiting class. CTT has won 50 games over the last five years and our win percentage is topped by only Texas and USC. We have one of the top programs in the nation and we are getting stronger every day. Even with all that, Finebaum has turned on Tubs.

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I would like to humbly ask a question. SInce I don't live in Alabama and was unable to read his column until recently, I am unaware of the reason for Finebaum's animosity toward all things Auburn. What's the deal? Who hurt his feelings?

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"We have one of the top programs in the nation and we are getting stronger every day. Even with all that, Finebaum has turned on Tubs."

The thing is, NO, you don't. Even with EVERY imaginable deck stacked in your favor, you couldn't win a Championship. Facts are a stubborn thing. Auburn just gets no respect Nationally. You know it, I know it. It's a fact. Even with Bama being down, the whole sports world was riveted on Bamas coaching search. That says a LOT, like it or not.

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"We have one of the top programs in the nation and we are getting stronger every day. Even with all that, Finebaum has turned on Tubs."

The thing is, NO, you don't. Even with EVERY imaginable deck stacked in your favor, you couldn't win a Championship. Facts are a stubborn thing. Auburn just gets no respect Nationally. You know it, I know it. It's a fact. Even with Bama being down, the whole sports world was riveted on Bamas coaching search. That says a LOT, like it or not.

The Bammer football program has been a joke for the last 10 or 15 years. And Nick Saban hasnt won one game so far in Tuscaloser.

Finebaum forgot to mention that every time the Bammer football program has risen from the ashes over the last 25 years, they have been knocked back down a short time later.

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Here are some examples of how the Bammer football program has been knocked back down every time they have risen from the ashes over the last 25 years.

The Bammer football program wins the national championship in 1992, but they get knocked back down a couple of years later when they get placed on probation.

The Bammer football program wins the SEC championship in 1999, but they get knocked back down the very next year when Mike DuBose gets fired for going 3-8. They also get put on probation a couple of years later.

The Bammers go 10-3 in 2002, but they get knocked back down when Franchione leaves Tuscaloser to become the head coach at Texas A&M at the end of the year.

The Bammers finish the season 10-2 in 2005, but they get knocked back down the very next year when Mike Shula gets fired for going 6-6 during the regular season.

Finebaum and the Bammers are celebrating the hiring of Nick Saban, but history says it wont be long before they get knocked back down again.

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Alabamas most famous sports columnist expounds again......

Link to the dolt

Bama's been a rotting (from within) corpse for years...you guys just don't know it.... :no:


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Well, if so, the whole nation likes to see that corpse rot. Most people don't even know where Auburn is.

Hey BP...you know where it is, don't you?

Shula knows where it is...so does Croyle. Even $aban knows where it is. He's obsessed w/ Auburn. If by "most people", you mean the rank-and-file Bama fans, then that's understandable, since they can't find Tuscaloosa either.

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Well, if so, the whole nation likes to see that corpse rot. Most people don't even know where Auburn is.

sure they do.. ahead of uat.

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However, if you study the rivalry between these two schools, that's like a sonic boom going off in the middle of the night. You better believe they are worried. And they should be ... Bama appears to be back.

this is what bama fans have reduced themselves to celebrating about. Appears, and seems and most likely are the new catch phrases in t-town. They will proclaim that bama is back but why? Because they emptied their pockets to buy a drifter control freak? Sure he'll win games but what has that proven now? This is why i hate the majority of the bama fan base. They think that they have to prove nothing and should be accepted as college football elite because finebaum says so. When saban puts together back to back top ten recruiting classes and consective nine or ten win seasons then i will say yes, they are making strides to return to become relevant in college football again. But until then they are a circus sideshow filled with an impatient delusional fanbase, a football team that showed zero respect to their former coach, and a trustee who wouldn't let the bear come back to life if he could because it would mean that he had to relinquish control and limelight.

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Wow, Finedung writes ANOTHER column honking the bama bobo. Shocker. I will bookmark this thread. When he writes his first scathing article on Saban after he loses the first game he should have won, I'll bring it back up. But I'm sure by then he'll be labeled a 'barner'. I've seen the cycle too many times.

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I have picked up the language of Fineblower...I will translate.

Blah, blah, blah, blaa, blaah, blaa, blah, Auburn sucks, blah, blaa, blahh ,

Bama rules, I love Bama, blaha, blah, blaa, blah, Bama is better then Auburn,

Blaha, blah, Auburn will never be better then Bama.

Yeah, that about sums it up. Refer to this post if you have problems trying to catch PF's point in future columns.

I can read about half of the first paragraph before I realize this is the same crap he spews on the radio and rehashes about every other week in his column. Another sorry attempt at journalism same old Paulie.

If it quacks like a duck, flies like a duck,...... it is probably a crow.

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Funny thing is how the state of Alabama is the world to most of the bama people....Sad but true I guess. Nobody outside of this state sees the whole Alabama coach carousel as anything but a circus. Another way to show how backwards the state is. The sad thing to AU faithful is that the national perception does not discriminate on what is happening in Tuscaloosa to just Tuscaloosa...It shines a bad light on the state as a whole. The University of Alabama has been and continues to be an embarrassment to the state of Alabama except for a few times it gets a nod on the sports page.

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"We have one of the top programs in the nation and we are getting stronger every day. Even with all that, Finebaum has turned on Tubs."

The thing is, NO, you don't. Even with EVERY imaginable deck stacked in your favor, you couldn't win a Championship. Facts are a stubborn thing. Auburn just gets no respect Nationally. You know it, I know it. It's a fact. Even with Bama being down, the whole sports world was riveted on Bamas coaching search. That says a LOT, like it or not.

In 2004, Auburn did not have everything "stacked" in our favor. Case in point, we started the season ranked 17th. Numer 1 and 2 did not lose all season long and we were never able to gain much traction beyond a #3 ranking for this very reason. It had nothing to do with national respect. The same thing would have happened to Bama.......

Oh wait a minute, the same thing did happen to Bama in 2005 through the first 9 weeks of the season when Bama was ranked 3rd behind Texas and USC. Trust me, had Bama won out, they would not have moved ahead of either of these two teams who were winning games by an average of 20+ per game.

Coach $aban should know about the decked being stacked in your favor like he did in 2003, when his Tigers got run out of their own stadium by Ron Zook, were ranked 3rd going into the final week of the season, and because Oklahoma tanked in the Big 12 Title Game, moved to #1 and got a title shot. Or, like in 2001 when LSU lost 3 conference games and still ended up playing for the SEC Title. That's called having the deck stacked in your favor.

For the last time, I don't care if Auburn gets respect nationally or not. I care about wins and losses. I care about recruiting. I care about the things that our players, coaches, and fanbase can control Period.

I don't give a damn about what some loser journalist in Oregon thinks about Auburn. I could care less about what some fat pit journalist in Chicago thinks about Auburn. I could care less what self loathing loser journalists who partake in the AP rankings think about Auburn. The way national championships are determined in college football is a complete and utter joke. There's no playoff and titles are nothing more than journalist awards. I could care less what Finebaum thinks too. He's one man's opinion, nothing more.

Finally, I would rather Auburn have a proven coach who has won championships and has a proven track record, as opposed to incessant ESPN coverage and media attention because my school can't find a coach. Good luck with coach number 5 on the list, idiot.

Mods, can you please remove this idiot from the board? I know that we're more liberal and lenient than TiderInsider in regards to opposing fans but still, this BamaPerry loser does nothing but insult Auburn and write posts that go directly to the woodshed. This guy is obviously a self loathing loser who has no life and nothing better to do than insult Auburn on this site.


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Congratulations bamaperry... out of several forums on sports and motorcycles of which I'm a member, you are the first and only poster I've put in an "ignore" list. Unlike most of the uat posters on this board, not one of your posts have any merit, value or logic. Your avatar is appropriate. :moon:

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Guest Tigrinum Major

Hey, don't shoot the messenger! I just posted a link to a newspaper column.

Well, that is not entirely true. You then came back and made some snide commentary after quoting some newspaper column.

You add nothing to the discussion, aside from derogatory comments about Auburn that tends to get some fired up around here, which appears to be your aim.

So, here's to you, Mr. Internet Board Troll. Have another Bud Light, type out some insults to a rival fanbase and watch the angst begin. (Mr. Internet Board Troll......)

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Part of the reason the Bama search got some much national attention was the mishandling of it by your own AD

it wasn't mishandled by our AD, there was just a lot of media speculation. Any AD that can go out and hire Saban away from the NFL pulled one heckuva coup.

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Part of the reason the Bama search got some much national attention was the mishandling of it by your own AD

it wasn't mishandled by our AD, there was just a lot of media speculation. Any AD that can go out and hire Saban away from the NFL pulled one heckuva coup throw $32MM+ in front of a money-hungry egomaniac should be able to land any coach they want.

Fixed that for you.

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