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I like that new berries and cream diet soda from dr.pepper, although I try to stick with water most of the time.

I like some flavored martini's. Found a good watermelon mix and a peppermint one too that I'm gonna try. Never really drink that much because I don't like the taste so I usually go for the "girly" type drinks.

coke......vailla coke when it was available...

alcoholic: I'm with you here tiger88....those flavored martinis are awesome.....my favorite: Sour Apple Martini, YUM, YUM..or a Buttery Nipple....(let the jokes begin)...

A good recipe for a Sour apple tini is 2oz of Grey Goose and 1oz of Dekuyper Sour Apple pucker shake over ice stain and enjoy!!!!! BUttery Nipple is one of my most favorite shots I love Buttershots and Bailey's!!!!!!!

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Well, I tried the peppermint martini and it wasn't very good. I should have known on that one. The watermelon mix is excellent though. Gonna have to pick up a sour apple mix, I've had those at a restaraunt before and they are really good too.

Also gonna have to get the recipe for a melon martini, made with midori or another melon liquor. Those things are freaking awesome.

We must have similar taste buds pcola. I loved the vanilla coke too. I rarely ever drink a sugared soda but I would treat myself to that occasionally.

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Well, I tried the peppermint martini and it wasn't very good. I should have known on that one. The watermelon mix is excellent though. Gonna have to pick up a sour apple mix, I've had those at a restaraunt before and they are really good too.

Also gonna have to get the recipe for a melon martini, made with midori or another melon liquor. Those things are freaking awesome.

We must have similar taste buds pcola. I loved the vanilla coke too. I rarely ever drink a sugared soda but I would treat myself to that occasionally.

If you use 2 parts Vodka and 1 part mix (2oz-1oz) You can make any flavored Martini melon martini can be made with MIdori or if your on a budget Bols melon tastes good, Try Vanilla vodka and Godiva Choc liquor for a great choc martini!

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Favorite soft:

Sweet Tea, rarely though, the sugar knocks me out.

Un-Sweet Tea @ restaurants

Sugar Free Lemonade/Kool-Aid is my drink of choice.

Ice Cold filtered water.

Diet Mountain Dew or Diet Sunkist or Diet Code Red for a once a day soda.

A&W Diet Rootbeer, had one today, cant find them much though.


Carbarnet Sauvignon white zinfandel

Lite beer, Coors Light, Bud Lite, for everday beer. (I drink about 2-4 a week I guess, if that many.)

A melon ball, Blue Bols in a screw driver-very sneaky drink, kind of tastes like cantaloupe.

Schnapps-peach, peppermint, whatever.

Once in a blue moon Pina Colada. Too much sugar for me 99% of the time.

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Non-A: Water

A: Mack & Jacks' African Amber Ale (only sold up here in metro-Seattle area.) If that makes me a snob, so be it. This is the best beer I've ever tasted and I've been to Munich (Beer Mecca -- I know it's somewhat sacreligious but I don't care) and Belgium, Ireland, and a lot of other places. The only US domestic beer that comes anywhere close to it, taste-wise, is Sam Adams.

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Well, I tried the peppermint martini and it wasn't very good. I should have known on that one. The watermelon mix is excellent though. Gonna have to pick up a sour apple mix, I've had those at a restaraunt before and they are really good too.

Also gonna have to get the recipe for a melon martini, made with midori or another melon liquor. Those things are freaking awesome.

We must have similar taste buds pcola. I loved the vanilla coke too. I rarely ever drink a sugared soda but I would treat myself to that occasionally.

If you use 2 parts Vodka and 1 part mix (2oz-1oz) You can make any flavored Martini melon martini can be made with MIdori or if your on a budget Bols melon tastes good, Try Vanilla vodka and Godiva Choc liquor for a great choc martini!

Thanks! That sounds pretty good!

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Well, I tried the peppermint martini and it wasn't very good. I should have known on that one. The watermelon mix is excellent though. Gonna have to pick up a sour apple mix, I've had those at a restaraunt before and they are really good too.

Also gonna have to get the recipe for a melon martini, made with midori or another melon liquor. Those things are freaking awesome.

We must have similar taste buds pcola. I loved the vanilla coke too. I rarely ever drink a sugared soda but I would treat myself to that occasionally.

If you use 2 parts Vodka and 1 part mix (2oz-1oz) You can make any flavored Martini melon martini can be made with MIdori or if your on a budget Bols melon tastes good, Try Vanilla vodka and Godiva Choc liquor for a great choc martini!

Thanks! That sounds pretty good!

Cool...choc. martini....gonna have to try that...

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Non-A: Water

A: Mack & Jacks' African Amber Ale (only sold up here in metro-Seattle area.) If that makes me a snob, so be it. This is the best beer I've ever tasted and I've been to Munich (Beer Mecca -- I know it's somewhat sacreligious but I don't care) and Belgium, Ireland, and a lot of other places. The only US domestic beer that comes anywhere close to it, taste-wise, is Sam Adams.

I'm gonna have to try a sam adams. I've developed a slight beer palate over the years and love their commercials about the lengths they go to for quality.

Have no clue where to find mack and jacks.

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Have no clue where to find mack and jacks.

The greater Seattle-metro area is the only place to find it. They don't sell it anywhere else.

then i think you ought to start collecting addresses and mail us all out a sample... :big:

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Have no clue where to find mack and jacks.

The greater Seattle-metro area is the only place to find it. They don't sell it anywhere else.

then i think you ought to start collecting addresses and mail us all out a sample... :big:

Hey Im for that ;)

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Purple Haze or Sweetwater 420?

You probably think Coors Light is beer, D.

It is beer! Freakin TM, beer snob... ;)

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Purple Haze or Sweetwater 420?

I love 420.

Non: ice cold Coca-Cola Classic

A: Get drunk beer: miller lite

enjoy a few beer: 420 or Winter’s Bourbon Cask Ale (during this time of year)

liquor: beam and coke or jack and coke.

but i also enjoy a good margarita and LIT

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Purple Haze or Sweetwater 420?

You probably think Coors Light is beer, D.

Is that some of that imported stuff?

My wife's uncle is retired from the State Department and has been to more countries then I can even think of. He mostly drinks nothing but imported stuff. One if his favorites is some type of Swedish lager. I am not a big beer drinker, but I can sip on one. However, when I tried that Swedish drink, I thought I was going to :puke: . You have to have a belly made up concertina wire to drink that stuff.

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Purple Haze or Sweetwater 420?

You probably think Coors Light is beer, D.

Is that some of that imported stuff?

My wife's uncle is retired from the State Department and has been to more countries then I can even think of. He mostly drinks nothing but imported stuff. One if his favorites is some type of Swedish lager. I am not a big beer drinker, but I can sip on one. However, when I tried that Swedish drink, I thought I was going to :puke: . You have to have a belly made up concertina wire to drink that stuff.

Nah...Purple Haze is made by Abita, which is based in Louisiana I believe.

Sweetwater is a micro-brewery outside of Atlanta. They have 420 (the original) and Blue (blueberry), Hummer, and a bunch of other varieties. Good stuff.

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Have no clue where to find mack and jacks.

The greater Seattle-metro area is the only place to find it. They don't sell it anywhere else.

One of my vacation trips in the future will be up the california coast and thru ore. and wash, maybe into canada and alaska. I'll get one then. That name is one that you won't forget easily.

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Diet Coke w/Splenda...better known as liquid crack.


Newcastle Brown Ale and Black & Tans

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N/A- Ice cold Coca-Cola , water and can usually be found with a cup of coffee in hand or near by at work all


A-A Diet miller, yuengling or corona light. Cna't live without Crown straight up. My bar is set up with regular Crown the SR and the XR. Also a good James Bond tini,equal parts gen and vodka.

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Here's mine


My Default -- Coke

Summertime -- Freshly-squeezed lemonade

On A TV Shoot -- Creme Soda

Business lunches -- Ginger Ale

Winter, or when I feel a cold coming on -- V8

Every damned day -- Coffee, premium beans. But I don't have a coffee fetish

Alcoholic--It's really situational, guys

My one-a-night beer at home on weekdays: Rolling Rock, Honey Brown, Pete's Wicked Ale, Yuengling.

My weekend beers: Fosters, Modelo

My beers when I'm treating myself -- Pilsner Urqell, just about any microbrew, Steinlager

Wine for dinner at home -- Petite Syrah, Grenache, Pinot Grigio, and Poilly Fuisse

Poker with the boys -- Bud

Dinner out with friends -- Dirty martini, with Grey Goose please and an extra olive

Sunsets at the beach house with friends and family, playing cards and saying funny things -- Gin & Tonic (Bombay, please. Tanqueray will do. But everything else is just piss)

Christmas mornings and, for some weird reason, airplane flights -- Bloody Mary. But it better be spicy, dammit

Church fundraisers -- Wine, lots of it, followed by tequila. Hey, I'm Episcopalian. Wherever there's four, there's a fifth.

Funderals -- Scotch. Again, don't ask me why. I have a bottle of Chivas that I've only touched three times in five years, all after funerals of people I really cared about.

On my NO list: Miller light, white Zindandel, flavored coffees, mixed drinks that require umbrellas, flames, or food coloring. Any mixed drink that requires sodas. Anything that requires more than three ingredients (My exception: Bloody Mary's)

By the way, when I went to New Zealand, about a dozen guys told me this joke: "Why is American beer like making love in a canoe? It's f******* too close to water."

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Neither here nor there, but reading that list made me think of this exchange.

otter = Sally

Waitress: Hi, what can I get ya?

Harry: I'll have a number three.

Sally: I'd like the chef salad, please, with the oil and vinegar on the side, and the apple pie a la mode.

Waitress (writes down): Chef and apple a la mode.

Sally: But I'd like the pie heated, and I don't want the ice cream on top, I want it on the side. And I'd like strawberry instead of vanilla if you have it. If not, then no ice cream - just whipped cream, but only if it's real. If it's out of the can, then nothing.

Waitress: ... Not even the pie?

Sally: No, just the pie, but then not heated.

Waitress: Uh huh.

(Harry is staring at Sally)

Sally: What?

Harry: Nothing, nothing.

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Purple Haze or Sweetwater 420?

You probably think Coors Light is beer, D.

It is beer! Freakin TM, beer snob... ;)

more like piss water....

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Purple Haze or Sweetwater 420?

You probably think Coors Light is beer, D.

It is beer! Freakin TM, beer snob... ;)

more like piss water....

SSHHHH (I am tweaking TM right now...)

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Neither here nor there, but reading that list made me think of this exchange.

otter = Sally

Waitress: Hi, what can I get ya?

Harry: I'll have a number three.

Sally: I'd like the chef salad, please, with the oil and vinegar on the side, and the apple pie a la mode.

Waitress (writes down): Chef and apple a la mode.

Sally: But I'd like the pie heated, and I don't want the ice cream on top, I want it on the side. And I'd like strawberry instead of vanilla if you have it. If not, then no ice cream - just whipped cream, but only if it's real. If it's out of the can, then nothing.

Waitress: ... Not even the pie?

Sally: No, just the pie, but then not heated.

Waitress: Uh huh.

(Harry is staring at Sally)

Sally: What?

Harry: Nothing, nothing.

Well, this is a first. Never been compared to Meg Ryan before. I'm pretty certain you'll be getting an angry letter from her publicist soon.

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