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PS2 game question

Tiger in Spain

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Have any of you played Kill Zone? The box says there is some strong language in the game, and I am wondering exactly how much and to what level? Will the violence turn him into a sociopath? :big:

The reason I ask is my 13-year old son wants the game, and just going by what is printed on the box, I don't think it's going to happen.

Any help you can offer will be greatly appreciated.

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Go with your gut, if you don't think he should play it then tell him no. Now that doesn't mean you can't buy and play it when he isn't around.

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This game has nothing on Grand Theft Auto as far as craziness goes. It's basically a futuristic military type game. If your son can watch war movies on t.v. then everything should be alright. He'll definitely not participate in any crack deals or beating of hookers with baseball bats in the game.

Although I know nothing of parenting skills, I'd like to say that 13 years old is reasonable for this one.

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I never understood the whole, "violent video games make kids violent". Maybe I was right, but come on if a kid is that easily influenced by a video game there is something wrong with that child. I have played several violent video games including several Grand Theft Autos and I never felt the need to steal a car and beat up a hooker.

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I never understood the whole, "violent video games make kids violent". Maybe I was right, but come on if a kid is that easily influenced by a video game there is something wrong with that child. I have played several violent video games including several Grand Theft Autos and I never felt the need to steal a car and beat up a hooker.


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I don't know, guys. I'm not prude, but whenever I see my nephews or a friend's kids play those things, I find the violence pretty appalling. I look at that and think, "You know, that's just not right. Or healthy."

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Obviously, ten year olds shouldn't be playing these games. However, it all comes to the parent on how a child perceives on what he takes in with these games. Back in the day I watched my fair share of violent movies and played some hefty shooters on the ole genesis. Haven't done heroin, clubbed a puppy, or anything of that nature yet.

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We enjoy playing the shoot 'em up war games together, especially when we can go head-to-head against one another. I don't subscribe to the theory that violent games breed super psychos, but I don't think gratuitous car jacking, drive by shooting, or hooker beating is healthy for a young persons psyche either. That is why I would never allow him to play GTA.

The thing I don't want him over exposed to is unnecessarily vile language far exceeding what he would encounter from watching regular prime time TV. The violence I can explain, the needless use of the F word (among others) I prefer to shield him from...at least for now.

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My biggest rule of thumb is, if it has humans killing other humans, then its out. The only exception would be Start Wars where there are mostly helmeted foes. Does not give a face to it.

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the needless use of the F word (among others) I prefer to shield him from...at least for now.

THis is funny with you being in the Navy! :big:

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I do all my cussing at work! :roflol:

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