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Rival Teams Forums


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I, like some of you, like to read what other teams fans are thinking. What the best forums for other teams?

I figured we could start a list and I'll update this as people post









Miss St.

Miss St's Scout Forum




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I read www.crimsontusks.com sometimes. I think they actually call it by another name, but that's the URL.

It's not bad. The guys that post there for the most part are decent, and not total idiots like many of the other bama sites. Of course, the past 24 hours, they have been having quite a good time over there making fun of us, but that's just part of it I guess...

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I, like some of you, like to read what other teams fans are thinking. What the best forums for other teams?

I figured we could start a list and I'll update this as people post




:puke:www.tidefans.com :thumbsdown:


Tidefans.com are the biggest cry-babies around. If you speak of anything that's not pro-crimson, then your a$$ is grass. They're a bunch of manipulative babies who think that they figured this whole thing out and you have not right to object or even voice out your opinion. Sometimes they ban you for conspiracies and destruction of team morale. tidefans moderators Paahhhhleeaaase, why dont you get a life dumbasses and start calling it for what it is. If we suck, we should just say we suck because our coaches, players, whoever is just plain dumb without trying to put a spin on it..

dont know much about the other forums...

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crimisontusks seems to be populated by 14-22 year old kids who are clueless, they also have quite a few out of state out of touch bammers who rely upon the 14-22 year old kids for news and insight. I have never seen any insight on their board, but it is fun to troll over there because it is so easy.

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I dont post at TideFans but I like most of them with the exception of one Admin...and only one...who IMO is a huge prick

As for UGA sites

DawgChat.com - UGA's Rivals Site - Don't waste your time. It's all Chat...no football...the free Sports section also on Rivals...nobody visits anyway

DawgPost.com - Not a fan anymore...havent really posted in awhile...Admin there are ok but posters are pricks a lot of the time and a lot of rival trolls visit there

DawgRant.com - Not too bad. Posters seem nice and Admins are cool. Not a fan of the board software though

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