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Excellent Analysis Of The Clinton Campaign


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Watching senator Clinton attempt to regain some lift as she paraglides into history is almost enough to evoke pity. Almost. The Clintons come with their own boundless reserves of self-pity so further reinforcements seem unnecessary to me. And I suppose they could somehow still find a brutal, soul-grinding path to the nomination. But we've learned something important these past couple of weeks.

Clinton is a terrible manager of people. Coming into a campaign she had been planning for, what, two decades, she was so not ready on Day One, or even Day 300. Her White House, if we can glean anything from the campaign, would be a secretive nest of well-fed yes-people, an uncontrollable egomaniac spouse able and willing to bigfoot anyone if he wants to, a phalanx of flunkies who cannot tell the boss when things are wrong, and a drizzle of dreary hacks like Mark Penn. Her only genuine skill is pivoting off the Limbaugh machine (which is now as played out as its enemies). Her new weapon is apparently bursting into tears. I mean: really.

It's staggering to me that she blew through so much money for close to nothing (apart from the donuts). Without that media meltdown in New Hampshire, she would have been forced to bow out much earlier. She didn't plan for contests after Super Tuesday. She barely planned for any before that. She was out-organized in Iowa and South Carolina, and engaged in the pettiest form of politics in Florida and Michigan. Her fundraising operation was very pre-Internet. She has no message that isn't about her and the Republicans. Her trump card - Bill - managed to foment a 27 point loss in South Carolina. The Clintons, we can now safely say, got lazy. Or rather their old and now forgotten lackadaisical attitude toward governing returned like a persistent flu to campaigning. We tend to forget that their entire governing agenda after 1994 was essentially finessing Gingrich and battling impeachment. (Their entire agenda before 1994 was successful Eisenhower economics, and disastrous Hillarycare). It's been fifteen years since the Clintons actually stood for a coherent message, and it turns out they had forgotten that you kind of need that for a presidential run.

How did they come this close to losing this? They had all the money, all the contacts, all the machine levers, the entire establishment, the biggest Democratic name in decades, and they've been forced into a humiliating death-match by a first-term black liberal with a funny name. It seems obvious to me that the Clintons blew this because they never for a second imagined they could. So they never planned to fight it. Once put in a fair contest, they turned out to be terrible campaigners, terrible politicians, bad managers, useless executives, wooden public speakers. If you're a Democrat, that's good to know, isn't it? All that bull**** about Day One and experience? In retrospect: laughable.

Whatever happens in this campaign, if it finally puts the Clintons in our rear-view mirror, it will have been worth a great deal. We're not quite there yet, and the moment you feel any sympathy for a Clinton, they will use it to their own ends. But I'm enjoying the backward glance, however long it lasts. We're nearly free of them. Nearly.

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Whatever happens in this campaign, if it finally puts the Clintons in our rear-view mirror, it will have been worth a great deal. We're not quite there yet, and the moment you feel any sympathy for a Clinton, they will use it to their own ends. But I'm enjoying the backward glance, however long it lasts. We're nearly free of them. Nearly.


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Whatever happens in this campaign, if it finally puts the Clintons in our rear-view mirror, it will have been worth a great deal. We're not quite there yet, and the moment you feel any sympathy for a Clinton, they will use it to their own ends. But I'm enjoying the backward glance, however long it lasts. We're nearly free of them. Nearly.


No. No. And no.

Getting rid of Shrillary is not of any benefit if Obama is what we get out of it. She's a shrew. He's dangerous. Muy dangerous.

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Nothing. I said it was a pretty good article by a Republican who happens to be a homosexual.I've heard him say that he has had the dame partner for several years.It is a shame that they can't get married.It must be tough being hated by the same party that you are a memeber of.Go figure

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Nothing. I said it was a pretty good article by a Republican who happens to be a homosexual.I've heard him say that he has had the dame partner for several years.It is a shame that they can't get married.It must be tough being hated by the same party that you are a memeber of.Go figure

Ahhh the usual leftist smear and hate rhetoric from one of Obama's boys. But you guys are taking the high road aren't you.

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Nothing. I said it was a pretty good article by a Republican who happens to be a homosexual.I've heard him say that he has had the dame partner for several years.It is a shame that they can't get married.It must be tough being hated by the same party that you are a memeber of.Go figure

Well, personally I couldn't care less on the subject of gay marriage. To me, true conservatism is staying the hell out of people's lives.

That being said, please show me where legions of Democrats are lining up to support Gay Marriage outside of the enclaves of New York and Boston. I'm really interested in knowing where this groundswell is.

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Nothing. I said it was a pretty good article by a Republican who happens to be a homosexual.I've heard him say that he has had the dame partner for several years.It is a shame that they can't get married.It must be tough being hated by the same party that you are a memeber of.Go figure

Well, personally I couldn't care less on the subject of gay marriage. To me, true conservatism is staying the hell out of people's lives.

That being said, please show me where legions of Democrats are lining up to support Gay Marriage outside of the enclaves of New York and Boston. I'm really interested in knowing where this groundswell is.

Back during the last Presidental election all of these gay marriage propsals starting cropping up in State Houses to be voted on.Not one was put up to be voted on by gay rights groups.All were put up by Republicans to do the old lets scare the voter thing.Remeber the terrorist color warnings(if you don't vote for us we'll be attacked again).Always failing to mention that prior to 9/11 the most deadly attack had been under a Republican President in Beruit.What did Reagan do...he cut and ran.Anyway back to my point,what ever happened to the terror warnings after the election?

Democrats aren't lining up on the issue.Republicans are the ones lining up on the issue.

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