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Hate may be strong...but McCain sure was quick to denounce this "trivial issue." Very telling.

It's fear-mongering at the very least. And you all know that is true.

So, Barack's middle name is 'fear mongering' ??? Wow, I've heard some doosies before....

Let's put it this way, and you know I'm right on this...if his middle name was "Steve" or "Bill" or some similarly common name to Americans, his full name would not have been used. The only reason it was said at all was to imply some kind of connection with Muslim extremists and Saddam Hussein and provoke mistrust and fear. It's stupid and juvenile. There are plenty of actual, substantive issues to disagree with Obama on without stooping to this kind of ridiculousness.

What if his middle named was Newhouse, Fitzgerald, Jefferson, Delanor, Herbert-Walker, W., Rodham, etc.? Weak argument, it kinda comes with the terratory. It sounds like you fear his name and what it may bring to light about his background and want to blame that on others.

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There was a guy in my town named Richard(Dick) Dangle.He was a well respected,college dean.He had a funny name too.

There's a woman in Birmingham named Mimi Head. She's president of Ram Tool Company. Her husband's name is Richard.

You can look it up.

My wife taught next to a guy at high school several years back named Richard (Dick) Weed. She said the kids used to walk by all day long and holler "Yo, what's up Dick Weed?!?"

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... Oh, I think it's a very sneak, passive aggressive thing to do. It's infantile, and it's really beneath a party that should be arguing issues. After all, 48 years ago, they were doing the same thing to JFK, holding up the bogeyman of Catholicism to scare whitebread America. The fact that Barack Obama does not have a nice, neat Anglo-Saxon surname is being used in the same way to try and scare the bejeezus out of white America.

First, it's important to look at intent. The evocation of the middle name is to associate the person depicted with something unpleasant. In the case of Hillary Rodham Clinton, the entire point of bringing up her middle name was to associate her with paleo feminism of the same stamp of Gloria Steinem. The entire point of using Hussein is to associate him with Saddam Hussein.

It's just stupid pandering and, besides that, it will backfire. Just debate the guy upfront on the issues and you'll have a fighting chance. Debate the guy on his ethnicity, and you will be absolutely destroyed at the polls in November.

Hang on. First of all, Hillary was the one to first insist she be referred to as Hillary Rodham Clinton, or 'HRC' as her backers like to use. And the purpose was to distinguish heself from just being Bill's wife. Feminist-think to be sure, but it was a labeling of her own making.

Barack's middle name happens to be Hussein. So what? Hussein is a very common Arab name. I want to know what kind of moron immediately associates Barack with Saddam? They could just as well associate it with the late King Hussein of Jordan.

This is politics, people. Barbs & jabs are flung out all the time. What is said on the campaign trail is meaningless compared to the realities of dealing with real world problems like Ahmadinejad, Chavez, the N. Korean Nutjob, etc. No one knows how a candidate will perform under pressure when they assume the office but one thing is certain: if they can't hold up to political opponents' campaigns calling them by their full name (oh, the horror!) then it's a good bet they don't have the right stuff to be in office.

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Hate may be strong...but McCain sure was quick to denounce this "trivial issue." Very telling.

It's fear-mongering at the very least. And you all know that is true.

So, Barack's middle name is 'fear mongering' ??? Wow, I've heard some doosies before....

Let's put it this way, and you know I'm right on this...if his middle name was "Steve" or "Bill" or some similarly common name to Americans, his full name would not have been used. The only reason it was said at all was to imply some kind of connection with Muslim extremists and Saddam Hussein and provoke mistrust and fear. It's stupid and juvenile. There are plenty of actual, substantive issues to disagree with Obama on without stooping to this kind of ridiculousness.

What if his middle named was Newhouse, Fitzgerald, Jefferson, Delanor, Herbert-Walker, W., Rodham, etc.? Weak argument, it kinda comes with the terratory. It sounds like you fear his name and what it may bring to light about his background and want to blame that on others.

It sounds like you don't do pop psychology very well. I'd stick to the day job.

The issue that keeps escaping you, though for most it's rather low-hanging fruit, is that unless a person uses their full name themselves we don't generally refer to them that way unless we're trying to make a point or are invoking it in some formal ceremony. In this case, the point is to scare people into thinking "with a name like Hussein, he must be weak on terror/a Muslim sympathizer/can't be trusted." And that's weak. Pathetic really. But it fools the dense, so why not?

If you want to make the point that you think Obama's policies are bad (and some of them are), talk about those. If you think his foreign policy ideas wouldn't work, make your case. That's what intelligent people do. Don't play games and resort to bull**** tactics like the name thing.

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Isn't Obama's middle name Hussein? Why is it "hate-mongering" to use his middle name? If you got called by your middle name would it be "hate-mongering"?

Because, again, the only reason his middle name is being said at all is to make an implication that somehow he's not to be trusted or is some closet radical Muslim because he has a Middle Eastern name. The purpose is to incite fear and worry. And it's utterly ignorant and stupid.

OK, who defines the phrase "hate-mongering"? And who made it a "rule" that we can't call him Barack Hussein Obama, just as we sometimes call Hillary, Hillary Rodham Clinton?

It's not a rule. But neither is it just some innocent invoking of a guy's middle name. Don't play dumb. Everyone knows the only reason that the guy used it was to liken Obama to Saddam Hussein and give a not so subtle nod to the whole "closet Muslim" smear.

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Barack's middle name happens to be Hussein. So what? Hussein is a very common Arab name. I want to know what kind of moron immediately associates Barack with Saddam? They could just as well associate it with the late King Hussein of Jordan.

You're reaching. You know as well as I do, unless you just routinely lie to yourself, that 1) the vast majority of Americans hear the name "Hussein" and think of Saddam and, 2) the ONLY reason that pinhead invoked Barack's middle name was to make that subtle connection.

This is politics, people. Barbs & jabs are flung out all the time.

Yeah, and I'm sick of the barbs and jabs being over idiotic crap like this instead of things that matter and have substance.

What is said on the campaign trail is meaningless compared to the realities of dealing with real world problems like Ahmadinejad, Chavez, the N. Korean Nutjob, etc. No one knows how a candidate will perform under pressure when they assume the office but one thing is certain: if they can't hold up to political opponents' campaigns calling them by their full name (oh, the horror!) then it's a good bet they don't have the right stuff to be in office.

Another reach. The issue is, we're better than resorting to jabs at a person's ethnicity to score political points in the minds of the ignorant. Elevate the debate or at least pretend to. All this kind of stupidity does is make Republicans look weak...like they can't present better ideas or show how his ideas are flawed or wrong for the country, so they have to resort to scare tactics.

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I don't like the guy and I think he is the most unqualified of the remaining big three candidates, but his name has nothing to do how I feel about him. However, I will admit that it would be a little weird saying President Barack Obama with the current war on terrorism. Yet, like I said, his name has nothing to do with what I think about him, but it does unfortunately make a difference to a lot of other people. That is sad.

My last name is German, so does that mean I am a closet Nazi? Of course not. This country is more of a melting pot then ever and we are going to have to get used to it, whether we like it or not. There are going to be more and more names that are not typical American names running for office. I just wish our government would do a better job of controlling the melting pot before it boils over. You want to move and live in this country, then follow the laws to become a legal citizen. Barack Obama is a native born US citizen and should not be ashamed of his heritage either.

I have fought against Muslims. I have been shot at by Muslims, some of them kids even, and I have been forced to shoot back. It took me a long time to get over that and not group all of those of those of the Islamic faith with those carrying out jihad. Personally, I don't believe in their faith and I think they have it wrong. However, after getting to know others of that faith and also reading some of the Koran itself, their faith is not a violent religion. It is being held captive by an extreme group that has grossly twisted and misinterpreted scripture.

Again, I don't agree with their beliefs because I am a Christian. I believe in Christ, not Muhammed. Unfortunately, throughout history, there have been those that claimed to be a Christian and used violence also for their own selfish gains. Those people, just like Muslim extremists of today, twisted the scriptures in which God commanded His followers to go to war for Him in the Bible and misinterpreted it to mean that we should go to war and kill anybody that does not believe like us. A lot of English kings did just this thing folks, so Islam is not the only religion in which violence has been used. A lot of religions have had very bad people hijack their faith for selfish gain through violence. The leaders of the jihad are doing it not because of religious conviction, but because they hunger for power. They are able to manipulate others, just like a cult leader does, to do their dirty work by disguising it as a "matter of faith".

Politics are always going to be dirty, so if you throw your hat in, you better be ready for anything. That does not make it right, but that is just the way it is. I think most Americans are sick of that kind of crap, but politicians are mostly selfish and don't care what we think, at least not near as much as they try to make us think they do. Neither party has cornered the market on clean campaigns. That is why I laugh when a democrat or liberal wants to accuse the other of dirty campaigning. What they heck did they expect as a politician? Especially when the accuser either has or is in the process of doing the same thing.

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My last name is German, so does that mean I am a closet Nazi? Of course not.

But to put this in perspective. do you think you would have gotten many votes with a German last name if you ran for president during WWII? So this happens to be the point today. Many in this country feel we are at war with muslims, be it extreme or apathetic, we still die from THEIR bombs. Others feel like we should just coddle and love on them and discuss our differences and all would be well. Those are the folks voting for achmed Obama.

There is no way a German named citizen of this country would have gotten many votes during a war with Germans. There weren't as many nazi sympathizers during WWII as there are muslim sympathizers during our current "evil occupation of an innocent muslim country/war on terror".

I guess we are just more enlightened now. "Better safe than sorry" now, sadly, only applies to condoms.

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It sounds like you don't do pop psychology very well. I'd stick to the day job.

Listen, no offense to you, but I beg to differ from your little bitch fest. It's NOT a big deal, and only became one when he became a "martyr" (no pun intended) for someone using his freaking middle name. Get over it. It has become routine for his campaign to cry foul about what ever the other campaign(s) say and then he "acts" like he is taking the high ground by diverting the issue and not even talking about it himself. He should have came out and said that is my freaking name, who gives a flip. Like another poster said, it is a very common muslim name. Think of it what you will. I, for one, think he has this "woo is me" strategy going for him that is about to turn against him on the campaign finance reform issue.

Sheesh, mighty defensive and very minor issue to get your panties in a wad about.

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It sounds like you don't do pop psychology very well. I'd stick to the day job.

Listen, no offense to you, but I beg to differ from your little bitch fest. It's NOT a big deal, and only became one when he became a "martyr" (no pun intended) for someone using his freaking middle name. Get over it. It has become routine for his campaign to cry foul about what ever the other campaign(s) say and then he "acts" like he is taking the high ground by diverting the issue and not even talking about it himself. He should have came out and said that is my freaking name, who gives a flip. Like another poster said, it is a very common muslim name. Think of it what you will. I, for one, think he has this "woo is me" strategy going for him that is about to turn against him on the campaign finance reform issue.

Sheesh, mighty defensive and very minor issue to get your panties in a wad about.

Because I'm just sick of politics constantly boiling down to stupid crap and Republicans like this boob at the McCain rally resorting to tactics like this that just make conservatives look bad. As if we need any help in that area given the general bent of the media in this country, we get dumbasses going around repeating a guy's middle name over and over (and Ann Coulter referring to him in every column as B. Hussein Obama) handing them more and more ammo. It just wears me out. So when people come on here and try to act like he was just mentioning his middle name innocently just like you'd say "Rodham" or "Delano", I call bull****.

Nut up and just admit what the guy is trying to pull. If he was a real man, he'd just come out and say exactly what he's trying to convey instead of this silly crap. Just flat out say, "Look, the guy had a Muslim father and stepfather and I think he probably sympathizes with them and will thus be weak on terror. Don't trust him." At least then I could respect the candor even if I think he's a loon. But to try and be sly and then go all, "What? Who me?" when someone calls him on it is pitiful. And so is trying to pass it off like he meant nothing by it.

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If McCain's middle name was "Adolf," you know a left wing radio host would call him "John Adolf McCain" because it would associate him with Hitler. And that's not right.

I agree with Titan, debate on the issues, not his name.

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If McCain's middle name was "Adolf," you know a left wing radio host would call him "John Adolf McCain" because it would associate him with Hitler. And that's not right.

I agree with Titan, debate on the issues, not his name.

But the Germans aren't killing us right now.(nor did they bomb pearl harbor. for some of you)

It's just a little uneasy to me that a man with such strong family ties to islam is running for president of the United States of America that was founded on the Christian religion.

Therefore I don't mind pointing out that he has a predominantly MUSLIM name. Not to mention I think he and hitlary are vying to see which one is the devil and which one is beelzebub.

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Another reason this tactic is stupid: it's likely helping Obama rather than hurting him because of how he's handling it. He doesn't spend much time on it and when he does, he gets to appear magnanimous by not taking the Jesse Jackson/Al Sharpton tirade tact, but rather being gracious and accepting apologies when offered or not dwelling on comments very long at all when asked about them. This article gives some good examples:


Now, we can argue until the cows come home as to whether some of these folks should have apologized or not, but the point is, anytime someone makes a jab, real or unintentional, at him, he just deflects it and doesn't use it as a hammer. It's the utter opposite of what we've seen from the likes of Jackson, Sharpton and other self-proclaimed black leaders we've grown to despise. It makes him appear above the fray and reinforces his message themes of "reconciliation", "working together" and so on. After he's done not freaking out about it, the person looks like twice the ass they did before.

If Republicans want to win this election, they'd better rid their toolbox of this kind of stuff because it will get them crushed in November.

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Come on guys, be honest with yourself. Didn't you out grow this kind of thing at about twelve years old? How can you honestly think that this is helping your candidate win? This kind of juvenile crap WILL backfire every time. I have no intention of ever voting for Obama, but it has nothing to do with his name. There are PLENTY of real issues that I have with Obama. I'm not going to waste my time trying to make some vague implication. This type of behavior will wind up bettering Obama's chances in the long run.

If the Hussein thing gets old we can always just call him a big doo-doo head.

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RNC denounces use of 'Hussein' in Obama's name


(CNN) – Republican National Committee Chairman Mike Duncan formally denounced Thursday the Tennessee Republican Party's use of Barack Obama's full name in a recent press release questioning the Illinois senator's commitment to Israel.

“The RNC rejects these kinds of campaign tactics," RNC Chairman Mike Duncan said in a statement. "We believe this election needs to be about the critical issues confronting our nation.”

The statement in question, which was released Monday, said the state party is joining a "growing chorus of Americans concerned about the future of the nation of Israel…if Sen. Barack Hussein Obama is elected president of the United States.” It also included a photograph of Obama from a 2006 trip to Kenya in which he is dressed in traditional attire worn by area Muslims.

The press release was sparked by recent praise for the Illinois senator from Nation of Islam Leader Louis Farrakhan, who has made several derogatory remarks about Judaism and has indicated his support for Obama. At Tuesday night's MSNBC debate, Obama said he denounced those comments and did not seek Farrakhan's support.

On Wednesday night the party removed both the photo and the reference of Hussein from the statement after Tennessee Sen. Lamar Alexander called to express his belief that using them had become a distraction, Tennessee GOP Communications Director Bill Hobbs told CNN.

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Now, we can argue until the cows come home as to whether some of these folks should have apologized or not, but the point is, anytime someone makes a jab, real or unintentional, at him, he just deflects it and doesn't use it as a hammer. It's the utter opposite of what we've seen from the likes of Jackson, Sharpton and other self-proclaimed black leaders we've grown to despise. It makes him appear above the fray and reinforces his message themes of "reconciliation", "working together" and so on. After he's done not freaking out about it, the person looks like twice the ass they did before.

If Republicans want to win this election, they'd better rid their toolbox of this kind of stuff because it will get them crushed in November.

Confirmation that there is at least one person who gets it.

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I agree with Titan. If this name thing was an isolated incident then it would simply be juvenility along the lines of a fifth-grader giggling because he farted in class. Unfortunately, it's part of a broader attempt to falsely discredit Obama with Islamic allusions and innuendo, along with other 'name-games' like Barack Osama. Then you have the silly e-mails questioning his patriotism because he doesn't wear a flag on his lapel or put his hand on his heart during the national anthem to the outright lies that said he was sworn in using a Koran.

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If McCain's middle name was "Adolf," you know a left wing radio host would call him "John Adolf McCain" because it would associate him with Hitler. And that's not right.

I agree with Titan, debate on the issues, not his name.

But the Germans aren't killing us right now.(nor did they bomb pearl harbor. for some of you)

It's just a little uneasy to me that a man with such strong family ties to islam is running for president of the United States of America that was founded on the Christian religion.

Therefore I don't mind pointing out that he has a predominantly MUSLIM name. Not to mention I think he and hitlary are vying to see which one is the devil and which one is beelzebub.

I thought America was founded on religious freedom.I think Article III says that no one seeking public office will have to take a "religious test"

I also think that the 1st Amend. mentions freedom of religion.I think our founders ment all religions.

CCATU,you seem to link all Muslims(there,like, millions of theme dude) with the very small(albeight growing because of our invasion of Iraq)group who don't want us on their soil.What if the rest of the world judged all Christains based on Pat Robertson, Ferry Fallwell,Ted Hagard,Jimmy Swaggart,Earnest Ansley,The guy whose wife wore loots of make-up,that Church in the Midwest who protest at the funerals of our soliders,the leaders of the Crusades,etc.......................

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More on the topic...

RNC denounces use of 'Hussein' in Obama's name


(CNN) – Republican National Committee Chairman Mike Duncan formally denounced Thursday the Tennessee Republican Party's use of Barack Obama's full name in a recent press release questioning the Illinois senator's commitment to Israel.

“The RNC rejects these kinds of campaign tactics," RNC Chairman Mike Duncan said in a statement. "We believe this election needs to be about the critical issues confronting our nation.”

The statement in question, which was released Monday, said the state party is joining a "growing chorus of Americans concerned about the future of the nation of Israel…if Sen. Barack Hussein Obama is elected president of the United States.” It also included a photograph of Obama from a 2006 trip to Kenya in which he is dressed in traditional attire worn by area Muslims.

The press release was sparked by recent praise for the Illinois senator from Nation of Islam Leader Louis Farrakhan, who has made several derogatory remarks about Judaism and has indicated his support for Obama. At Tuesday night's MSNBC debate, Obama said he denounced those comments and did not seek Farrakhan's support.

On Wednesday night the party removed both the photo and the reference of Hussein from the statement after Tennessee Sen. Lamar Alexander called to express his belief that using them had become a distraction, Tennessee GOP Communications Director Bill Hobbs told CNN.

As I said before,if you have nothing to sell,just try to scare the hell out of people into voting for you.

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Auburn once had a football player named Karibi Didi.That's an unusal name.I wonderif he was Muslim?

Wolf Blitzer is a funny name.I wonder if he is German.Maybe he shouldn't run for President

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If McCain's middle name was "Adolf," you know a left wing radio host would call him "John Adolf McCain" because it would associate him with Hitler. And that's not right.

I agree with Titan, debate on the issues, not his name.

But the Germans aren't killing us right now.(nor did they bomb pearl harbor. for some of you)

It's just a little uneasy to me that a man with such strong family ties to islam is running for president of the United States of America that was founded on the Christian religion.

Therefore I don't mind pointing out that he has a predominantly MUSLIM name. Not to mention I think he and hitlary are vying to see which one is the devil and which one is beelzebub.

I thought America was founded on religious freedom.I think Article III says that no one seeking public office will have to take a "religious test"

I also think that the 1st Amend. mentions freedom of religion.I think our founders ment all religions.

CCATU,you seem to link all Muslims(there,like, millions of theme dude) with the very small(albeight growing because of our invasion of Iraq)group who don't want us on their soil.What if the rest of the world judged all Christains based on Pat Robertson, Ferry Fallwell,Ted Hagard,Jimmy Swaggart,Earnest Ansley,The guy whose wife wore loots of make-up,that Church in the Midwest who protest at the funerals of our soliders,the leaders of the Crusades,etc.......................

I would be happy if they judged Christians on those guys. Those guys denounce killing in the name of religion. Even those nut-wads in the mid west do not KILL. I have hardly heard an muslim (and there are like millions of them , DUDE) denounce the killings.

And you are so right, we were attacked on 9/11 because we were in Iraq. Oh, wait a minute we weren't there yet. Maybe they just interpreted killing everyone who is not a muslim in the wrong way. If you think muslims are blowing up folks just because we are in Iraq, YOU ARE A DAMN FOOL. And anything you say after that is meaningless.

Check your history. There were no muslims founding America. They did not subscribe to persecuting them. But they NEVER thought our country would be guided by islamic views. EVER. Many of their writings and statements back their support of a government that relies on religion (Christanity) and morals. Nowhere did they separate the 2.

Achmed Obama is evil and is seen to be evil by many hardworking responsible Americans. His name and his lineage imply ties to islam. The religion that wants us dead. He may be on the up and up, but there's too much smoke there for many of us to ignore. I think all dims will find this out as soon as they nominate him. Not to mention, he is as left as any candidate the dims have. He's so far left that hollywood is holding their collective breath just begging for this guy to be nominated. He has introduced nothing to help the country become stronger economically or militarily. He hides behind leftist agenda social programs and calls that his legacy. As far as the experience to be president, he shows none. Empty suit is the correct term for this guy. But to have so many form the left experiencing the eternal orgasm over him is eerily disturbing. Almost cult like. And there is a helluva lot of us out here who will refuse to drink the kool-aid.

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I thought America was founded on religious freedom.I think Article III says that no one seeking public office will have to take a "religious test"

I also think that the 1st Amend. mentions freedom of religion.I think our founders ment all religions. ...

Geez, Dude ... when I read that I'm reminded of Jay Leno doing his interviews exposing the general ignorance of the man-in-the-street. FYI, Article III addresses the Judiciary branch. :no: The only requirements for a presidential candidate are that they be: (1) a natural born citizen, (2) at least 35 years of age, (3) fourteeen years residency in the US. That's it.

The 1st Amendment does guarantee that the government can never establish a state religion, and that individuals can worship freely whatever religion they so choose. However, there is no guarantee that if you practice some off-beat religion, that individual citizens have to respect your religious choice. For instance, Tom Cruise & Scientology -- good actor, but the poor fellow is brainwashed in that cult beyond help. But that's OK because as far as I can tell, nobody forced him to join.

Islam is another matter. It's very name means submission. Look at the history & spread of Islam -- it was accomplished mostly at sword point. When your options are either to submit or have your throat ritually cut like an animal to be slaughtered, it's amazing how quickly infidels will convert. The rise of Wahabbi Islam is particularly troubling. If you can find anything remotely related to our 1st Amendment guarantees in Wahabbi beliefs then kindly point them out. In fact, you will find that this branch of Islam is completely antithetical with the US Constitution.

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I thought America was founded on religious freedom.I think Article III says that no one seeking public office will have to take a "religious test"

I also think that the 1st Amend. mentions freedom of religion.I think our founders ment all religions. ...

Geez, Dude ... when I read that I'm reminded of Jay Leno doing his interviews exposing the general ignorance of the man-in-the-street. FYI, Article III addresses the Judiciary branch. :no: The only requirements for a presidential candidate are that they be: (1) a natural born citizen, (2) at least 35 years of age, (3) fourteeen years residency in the US. That's it.

The 1st Amendment does guarantee that the government can never establish a state religion, and that individuals can worship freely whatever religion they so choose. However, there is no guarantee that if you practice some off-beat religion, that individual citizens have to respect your religious choice. For instance, Tom Cruise & Scientology -- good actor, but the poor fellow is brainwashed in that cult beyond help. But that's OK because as far as I can tell, nobody forced him to join.

Islam is another matter. It's very name means submission. Look at the history & spread of Islam -- it was accomplished mostly at sword point. When your options are either to submit or have your throat ritually cut like an animal to be slaughtered, it's amazing how quickly infidels will convert. The rise of Wahabbi Islam is particularly troubling. If you can find anything remotely related to our 1st Amendment guarantees in Wahabbi beliefs then kindly point them out. In fact, you will find that this branch of Islam is completely antithetical with the US Constitution.

Got my Articles confused.ARTICLE 6

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Update II: Conservative flame-thrower radio host Bill Cunningham now states he is endorsing Hillary Clinton after "John McCain threw me under straight talk express bus."

Of course, I'm waiting for Obama or Clinton to distance themselves from the shrill, paranoid lunacy of the Daily Kos or MoveOn.org.

And you think that will happen when? Not only will it not happen but it will only get worse. The dims are being pushed farther to the left daily. But they want Georgie's money and the far left is and has been making a grab for the power pole. No pun intended.

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