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Deconstructing Anti-Israel Bias:


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Mr. Wolf deconstructs the pervasive anti-Israeli bias of the media

March 09, 2008

Deconstructing Anti-Israel Bias: The Jerusalem Yeshiva Massacre

By Gary Wolf

The bias of the mainstream media against Israel never ceases to amaze me. It must rank as one of the most curious sociopolitical phenomena of our era. The further the Palestinian Arabs move toward a barbaric Islamic theocracy, the deeper the support for them among the cadre of "progressive" journalists.

An example of the entrenched bias is last Thursday's (March 6) article from the Associated Press, "7 die in shooting at Jerusalem seminary."

Let us first examine the headline: "7 die." Seven what-people? Jews? Martians? And they are not killed, they simply "die," in the passive sense, as if from a stroke. The main reason why this is so insidious is that such language is never used when the enemies of Israel are the ones who die. One of the calling cards of Leftist journalism is that when Arabs die, you know how they died, who killed them, and whether they had any special characteristics worthy of pity. If the sides were reversed, the headline would read, "Israeli extremist massacres 7 youths learning Koran at Gaza holy place."

Let us now move to the body of the article:

A gunman infiltrated a Jewish seminary in Jerusalem and opened fire in a library Thursday night, killing at least seven people and wounding dozens, police and rescue workers said.

A gunman? Don't use the T-word, Mr. AP reporter, it hurts too much. Sure, a gunman, a man who happened to have a gun. It was probably just a liquor-store holdup that went bad.

"Killing at least seven people." Okay, we now know that the gunman killed someone. The victims remain just vague people, however. Not students, rabbis, youths, boys, teenagers, whatever.

In Gaza, the Islamic militant Hamas praised the attack but stopped short of claiming responsibility. Thousands poured into the streets to celebrate in Hamas-ruled Gaza, firing rifles in the air. "We bless the (Jerusalem) operation. It will not be the last," Hamas said in a text message sent to reporters.

The militant Hamas? Nothing like a little air freshener to sanitize one of the world's premiere Islamofascist terror groups. Militant, that sounds like hippies holding a sit-in demonstration. We should be grateful they weren't called activists.

Hezbollah's Al-Manar television in Lebanon said a previously unknown group called the Martyrs of Imad Mughniyeh and Gaza claimed responsibility for the attack. Mughniyeh, a top Hezbollah commander, was killed Feb. 12 by a car bomb in Syria. Hezbollah blamed his assassination on Israel, which denied any role.

Here we begin the obligatory recitation of Israel's recent bad behavior, to give us the context for the terror attack. First we learn that the old martyr's club pulled off the caper because Israel killed their hero, Mughniyeh. Israel of course "denied any role," which is to be expected from those tricky devils.

But wait, there's more Israeli mischief behind all this:

The attack in Jerusalem came a day after Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice persuaded moderate Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas to return to peace talks with Israel and on the same day Egyptian officials were trying to mediate a truce between Gaza militants and Israel. Abbas suspended the talks after Israel launched a military offensive against Gaza militants barraging southern Israel with rockets. Palestinian officials say more than 120 were killed in Gaza during the weeklong operation. Four Israelis were also killed.

Well why didn't you say so? It was only after Israel decided to kill 120 people that the great moderate leader, His Excellency the President Mr. Abbas, was obliged to suspend the talks. Bad, bad Israel. At least the rocket attacks against Israel were mentioned, but note the odd sentence structure, with the sequence of events reversed. Ah, those cute little militants, "barraging southern Israel with rockets." Not bombing, not raining death, but barraging.

By the way, what does all this have to do with the event the article purports to be covering?

"He came out of the library spraying automatic fire. ... The terrorist came to the entrance and I shot him twice in the head," claimed [Yitzhak Dadon].

The T-word is finally used, but put in the mouth of an Israeli. We have been told that the gunman is a militant, so the use of the word terrorist seems misplaced and extreme. Another classic calling card of Leftist journalism.

"They were still shooting when we got here," he told Channel 10 TV. "We took cover and the ambulance was hit. It's horrible inside - dead bodies and wounded - it's horrific."

Similarly, descriptions of the carnage in the mouth of an Israeli, rather than being stated as fact. And even for this crumb, we had to wait until the 13th paragraph.

The seminar is the Mercaz Harav yeshiva in the Kiryat Moshe quarter at the entrance of Jerusalem, a well-known center of Jewish studies identified with the leadership of the Jewish settlement movement in the West Bank.

Implying that the institution is all about that nasty West Bank stuff. Our intrepid correspondant might have let us know that Mercaz Harav is one of the most important Jewish theological seminaries in the world. Harav ("the Rabbi" in Hebrew) refers to Rabbi Kook, the first chief rabbi of Israel, a great preacher of love and reconciliation. The students who were murdered and maimed by the militant were engaged, among other things, in study of the Bible. Where are the photos and heart-rending accounts of Bibles riddled with bullet holes?

The "entrance of Jerusalem"? What does that mean, and what does it have to do with anything?

There were no attacks by Palestinian militants in Jerusalem during 2007, though police and the military claimed to have foiled many attempts. Between 2001 and 2004, at the height of Palestinian-Israeli fighting, Jerusalem was a frequent target of Palestinian attacks, including suicide bombings on buses.

Note that Israeli spokesmen are always labeled as the military or police, not the "government" or "Israeli authorities." And these military/police types "claimed to have foiled many attempts." They only claim; surely they must be lying. After all, we're talking about those peace-loving Palestinians.

We are told that the heyday of militancy, 2001-2004, occurred "at the height of Palestinian-Israeli fighting." An interesting way to describe the wave of terrorism that swept across Israel during those years. "Fighting," as if the Palestinian Arabs came out to meet the Israeli army head-on, rather then sending Jihad-crazed human bombs into crowded urban areas.

I wonder whether the article would have looked any different if the militant had shot up AP headquarters in New York, killing seven people and wounding ten.


Let us imagine what on-the-scene coverage of 9/11 might have looked like if the media's anti-Israel bias were brought to bear:

2000 Die in New York Plane Crash

NEW YORK - Someone got behind the joystick of an airliner and leaned into it at the wrong angle, causing the plane to collide with a very tall structure in its path.

Rescue workers said that thousands of people, who happened to be physically present in the buildings, were dead. American police, FBI, and army officers allege that the person purposely flew the plane into the office building.

The militant Iranian government praised the crash but stopped short of taking responsibility. Thousands poured into the streets to celebrate. "We bless the [N.Y.] operation. It will not be the last," said Teheran militants in a press release.

In Afghanistan, a militant rebel television station said that a previously ignored militant group called the Martyrs of American Imperialism (also known as Al-Qaeda) claimed responsibility. Muhammed al-Shill, a leading militant, was tortured to death last week by the CIA, which denies any role in the killing of the militant.

The New York plane crash came a day after North Korean President Kim Jong persuaded moderate Iranian President Mohammad Khatami to consider peace talks with the United States. The Iranian president nixed the idea after it was disclosed that the U.S. is the number one oppressor of Muslims worldwide.

John Q. Public, a passenger on the plane, could be heard over the cockpit radio in the seconds before the crash. "Stop the terrorists, stop the terrorists," he shouted. Psychologists say that Mr. Public was suffering from temporary insanity caused by his imminent death.

Paramedic Whitey Johnson was on the scene shortly after impact. "It was horrible-dead bodies and debris all over the place," said Johnson, in a thick redneck accent.

Hundreds of cops surrounded the area as scores of office workers poured onto the sidewalk. "At least 2,000 were killed," said a N.Y. Fire Department operative.

The office building is the World Trade Center in the Wall Street quarter at the entrance of New York, a well-known workplace identified with capitalism, inequality, and exploitation of the Third World, particularly Muslims.

There were no plane crashes with Muslim pilots in 2001, though American police and military claim they had prevented several similar incidents.

Gary Wolf is the author of futuristic novels that portray worlds in which multiculturalism and political correctness have run amok. His website is http://www.awolcivilization.com/.


Oh, and the "moderates" in the so-called Middle East peace process have now honored the mass murdering terrorist: http://www.pmw.org.il/Bulletins_mar2008.html#b090308

Mahmoud Abbas's official Palestinian Authority daily newspaper has honored the killer of the eight high school students gunned down this week with the status of Shahid - Holy Islamic Martyr. In so doing, the PA is sending its people a straightforward message of support for the terror murders and the murderer. According to the PA interpretation of Islam, there is no higher status that a human being can achieve today than that of Shahid.

In this sick religion, there is no higher status than that of Shahid; and no more subservient one than that of dhimmi. Mass murdering religious degenerates and mass media useful idiots---a match made in Allah's paradise.


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I am not pro Israli or Pro Palistinian.But let me ask this question.Suppose oneday the U.N.(for all the conspritors out there) came in and said,"you know what you treated the American Indians very badly.So we are going to take Alabama,your homes,pocessions,etc and throw you off the land and give it back to the Indians.We're going to put you in camps,segregated areas,limit which roads you can drive on,deny economic opportunity,not allow your day in court,only in military court,etc....

How long would it take you to put a bomb on yourself and blow up a disco?

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Your analogy stinks and makes no sense. Mainly because of your attempt to put the Palestinians on the high ground. They are not.

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My analogy doesn't stink.That is what happened.I said I'm not pro either group.The Israli's don't have all the moral high ground here.I know,I know, God is on their side.

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I am not pro Israli or Pro Palistinian.But let me ask this question.Suppose oneday the U.N.(for all the conspritors out there) came in and said,"you know what you treated the American Indians very badly.So we are going to take Alabama,your homes,pocessions,etc and throw you off the land and give it back to the Indians.We're going to put you in camps,segregated areas,limit which roads you can drive on,deny economic opportunity,not allow your day in court,only in military court,etc....

How long would it take you to put a bomb on yourself and blow up a disco?

Let's take a look at this. You start off saying you are not pro Israel or pro Palestinian. But then you go on to make an analogy about how bad the Palestinians have been treated and conclude with the assertion that they are justified to be lobbing rockets and bombs at Israel on a daily basis. Typical leftist lib BS. Claim you are not "on" either side then take a side. And it is no surprise that you took the Palestine side.

What about that land that Syria and Jordan was supposed to give the Palestinians? They haven't bothered to do that have they?

An essay about the bias of the mainstream media against Israel. And all you can come up with is an analogy making excuses for and agreeing with the PLO, Hamas and Hezbollah. But you are unbiased aren't you.

My analogy doesn't stink.That is what happened.I said I'm not pro either group.The Israli's don't have all the moral high ground here.I know,I know, God is on their side.

You may have said it but it was total BS.

Tell me all about that high ground the Palestinians occupy. Is that where they launch their rockets on a daily basis? If Palestinian kids want a HS education where do they go? If they want or need medical attention where do they go? What has the Palestinian leadership done for their people other keep the conflict going? Schools? No the Palestinian youth who actually want an education have to go to school in Israel. Basic infrastructure? BS, the PLO has failed miserably. Keeping the peace? Another big BS, they are shooting rockets daily into Israel.

To quote from the essay, "The further the Palestinian Arabs move toward a barbaric Islamic theocracy, the deeper the support for them among the cadre of "progressive" journalists." I would have to add the deeper the support from shallow, anti Semitic leftist around the world.

"The Israeli's don't have all the moral high ground here. I know, I know, God is on their side."

At this point and in this instance yes they are on the high ground. A murdering bastard Palestinian went into a school and killed 7 students. But go on and defend them to your hearts content. Make excuses for them all you want. From the left it never changes, America is wrong, the Israeli's are wrong and poor little innocent Palestinians are always right. As for whose side God is on, you will have to ask him. Or better still use some of your great reasoning skills to figure it out.

You started out with an assertion, then you proved the assertion invalid with your statements and your conclusion. So yes your analogy does stink.

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The question was very simple.What would you do if someone threw you off your land?

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How long would it take you to put a bomb on yourself and blow up a disco?

I wouldn't. But that seems to be perfect logic in your world. Murdering Palestinian and murdering Arab terrorist are A OK in your world. Terrorism is fine with you and the left isn't it. That explains why you have been against the WOT since the beginning.

The question was very simple.What would you do if someone threw you off your land?

Land I paid for? It's not going to happen. Are you speaking of land the Arabs and Israeli's have been fighting for for hundreds of years? The Israeli's have been kicking ass for all those years. Your leftist talking points just don't hold up. Go sit in the corner. Your logic still sucks.

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I don't know if I can be against it if I don't know what it is.That would be you. What's WOT?

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I don't know if I can be against it if I don't know what it is.That would be you. What's WOT?

How old are you?

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I don't know if I can be against it if I don't know what it is.That would be you. What's WOT?

How old are you?

45, TVO

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