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McCain's Spiritual Guide, Campaign Ally


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Be careful when you start trying to feed these stories....does McCain "owe" us an explanation just like Obama did? I said it before and I'll say it again, have a beef with the person, not the candidate. Fairness in this country does not mean guilt by association.

When you start playing these kinds of political games the can of worms is opened:

Parsley claims that Islam is an "anti-Christ religion" predicated on "deception." The Muslim prophet Muhammad, he writes, "received revelations from demons and not from the true God." And he emphasizes this point: "Allah was a demon spirit."

Parsley, who refers to himself as a "Christocrat," is no stranger to controversy. In 2007, the grassroots organization he founded, the Center for Moral Clarity, called for prosecuting people who commit adultery. In January, he compared Planned Parenthood to Nazis. In the past Parsley's church has been accused of engaging in pro-Republican partisan activities in violation of its tax-exempt status.


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Be careful when you start trying to feed these stories....does McCain "owe" us an explanation just like Obama did? I said it before and I'll say it again, have a beef with the person, not the candidate. Fairness in this country does not mean guilt by association.

When you start playing these kinds of political games the can of worms is opened:

Parsley claims that Islam is an "anti-Christ religion" predicated on "deception." The Muslim prophet Muhammad, he writes, "received revelations from demons and not from the true God." And he emphasizes this point: "Allah was a demon spirit."

Parsley, who refers to himself as a "Christocrat," is no stranger to controversy. In 2007, the grassroots organization he founded, the Center for Moral Clarity, called for prosecuting people who commit adultery. In January, he compared Planned Parenthood to Nazis. In the past Parsley's church has been accused of engaging in pro-Republican partisan activities in violation of its tax-exempt status.


I have read Parsley's "Silent No More" book and if you do your research you will find that for the most part he is dead on. I don't agree with some of the practices of his church but I know for a fact that Islam is anti-American, anti-Christian and pretty much anti-anything that does not align with Islam. Islam was founded on violence and the murdering of all that didn't take part of their religion. All you have to do is do a little research on World Religion. With that being said I highly doubt that Mcain will be getting my vote regardless of who endorses him. One last point though. Rod Parsley is not Mcain's pastor nor has Mcain ever been a member his church.

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Parsley has not been Mcain's pastor for 20 years. As far as Hagee, Parsley, Robertson and many other televangilist out there I take them for what they are. They all have good points and some really bad points that make me cringe sometimes. Like I said I doubt I vote for any of the remaining three candidates because they are all liars. I could care less who endorses them. It's a very sad day in America when we are left with such horrible candidates to choose from. I don't believe in voting for someone just because they are a republican or democrat.

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Is Parsley not a spiritual advisor to him and an ally of his campaign?

Ally? Yes. Spiritual advisor? I don't think so. Let's not play this game.

If a spiritual advisor is what all these candidates are looking for maybe they should try Jesus Christ. He hasn't let me down, not one time. IMHO that is where all these candidates are going wrong. They keep seeking man as a spiritual advisor and we can see by their fruits where that has got them.

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Let's see now. Obama's present senior pastor, the one who Obama has sat and worshiped under for the past 20+ years, shows himself as a racist, an idiot and a fool. Now you in the spirit of CHANGE and STAYING ON THE HIGH ROAD want to come out with some off the wall BS and think it has merit.


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One of McCain's spiritual advisors,Rod Parsley, supports ligilation that"anyone involved in an extramarital fling can be prosecuted of first degree criminal sexual conduct"

So if you have an affair you go to jail.This brings up an interesting question? Could John McCain then run for President as an convicted felon? *1

A good Rev.(its a good thing he doen't take the poverty thing in the Bible seriously) Parsley quote,

"The fact is that America was founded with the intentions of seeing this false religion destroyed"

Should McCain walk away from the endorsement he recieved from John Hagee*2

"I believe that New Orleans had a level of sin that was offensive to God and they were recipients of the judgement of God for that"

Besides being anti -gay,anti-female,anti catholic.

Footnote*1 "divorced first wife who raised his 3 children while he was a POW to chase after a rich 23 year old"

Footnote*2 John Hagee "the white Louise Farrakhan" Andrew Sullivan

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Be careful when you start trying to feed these stories....does McCain "owe" us an explanation just like Obama did? I said it before and I'll say it again, have a beef with the person, not the candidate. Fairness in this country does not mean guilt by association.

When you start playing these kinds of political games the can of worms is opened:

Parsley claims that Islam is an "anti-Christ religion" predicated on "deception." The Muslim prophet Muhammad, he writes, "received revelations from demons and not from the true God." And he emphasizes this point: "Allah was a demon spirit."

Parsley, who refers to himself as a "Christocrat," is no stranger to controversy. In 2007, the grassroots organization he founded, the Center for Moral Clarity, called for prosecuting people who commit adultery. In January, he compared Planned Parenthood to Nazis. In the past Parsley's church has been accused of engaging in pro-Republican partisan activities in violation of its tax-exempt status.


I have read Parsley's "Silent No More" book and if you do your research you will find that for the most part he is dead on. I don't agree with some of the practices of his church but I know for a fact that Islam is anti-American, anti-Christian and pretty much anti-anything that does not align with Islam. Islam was founded on violence and the murdering of all that didn't take part of their religion. All you have to do is do a little research on World Religion. With that being said I highly doubt that Mcain will be getting my vote regardless of who endorses him. One last point though. Rod Parsley is not Mcain's pastor nor has Mcain ever been a member his church.

"For a fact" you and Mohammad must have been tight

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Be careful when you start trying to feed these stories....does McCain "owe" us an explanation just like Obama did? I said it before and I'll say it again, have a beef with the person, not the candidate. Fairness in this country does not mean guilt by association.

When you start playing these kinds of political games the can of worms is opened:

Parsley claims that Islam is an "anti-Christ religion" predicated on "deception." The Muslim prophet Muhammad, he writes, "received revelations from demons and not from the true God." And he emphasizes this point: "Allah was a demon spirit."

Parsley, who refers to himself as a "Christocrat," is no stranger to controversy. In 2007, the grassroots organization he founded, the Center for Moral Clarity, called for prosecuting people who commit adultery. In January, he compared Planned Parenthood to Nazis. In the past Parsley's church has been accused of engaging in pro-Republican partisan activities in violation of its tax-exempt status.


I have read Parsley's "Silent No More" book and if you do your research you will find that for the most part he is dead on. I don't agree with some of the practices of his church but I know for a fact that Islam is anti-American, anti-Christian and pretty much anti-anything that does not align with Islam. Islam was founded on violence and the murdering of all that didn't take part of their religion. All you have to do is do a little research on World Religion. With that being said I highly doubt that Mcain will be getting my vote regardless of who endorses him. One last point though. Rod Parsley is not Mcain's pastor nor has Mcain ever been a member his church.

"For a fact" you and Mohammad must have been tight

And there is no slaughter or murder in the Bible?

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Are you guys freakin' kidding me?! What a weak counter to the crap that Obama's personal pastor has said. Why can't you just say he was wrong and move on? Instead you have to try to deflect with something that really has no relevance to the topic. You come back with what some televangelists have said, none who are McCain's current pastor, and their only alliance is that they support McCain. I am not a big McCain guy either, but you can't hold him responsible for what every one of his supporters say and then act like they are all good buddies and spiritual advisers to him. What if I brought up every crazy thing a big name Obama supporter has said? I could probably start with Oprah.

RunInRed, You yourself were critical in the thread that was posted about the Obama campaign office that had Cuban flags in it. You said Obama could not be held responsible for that, but yet you come back with this playground crap.I will point it out once more...maybe you need to watch some of the more seasoned liberal debaters on the board, because you really don't help them out bro. Kudos to Tex for pointing out the misinformation in your post.

I am like Titan, I may lean toward a certain political philosophy, but I am not going to blindly agree with somebody when they make a absurd post, even if we might agree politically.

With all of that said....Parsley, I have nothing for him because of spiritual differences I have with things he says and does. I really don't care much about most of the televangelists. I have also said this several times also, no religion has had the market on remaining pure when it comes to extremists perverting that religion. Unfortunately, Christianity has had some historical figures give it a black eye because of their twisted interpretation of the Bible. I have read and know enough about the Islamic faith that I will disagree with those that say it is based upon violence and hate. Don't forget that they say the same about Christianity. I may not agree with their way of salvation, but I am not going to lump all Islams as violent anti-Americans. I have served with and worked with Muslims that love this country as much as me, but they still practice their faith. I worked right beside two of them and was watching the TV with them on 9/11. One of them had tears streaming down her cheek because somebody was doing this to her country in the name of her faith.

Christians, you don't have to agree with Islam, but let's not forget there was a group from Germany that claimed to be the "voice of Christianity" at one time. Luckily nobody has ever held my faith accountable to that and accused me of being a Jew murder because one extremist group decided to pervert my faith so that they could try to conquer the world. Power hungry men know that the best way to gain followers is to claim they are doing it whatever divinity is popular in that particular part of the world.

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It is true that there are many Muslims who are not full of the hate and violence that Islam is based on but that doesn't change the facts of the history and birth of Islam. There are many who claim to be Christians but their lives show otherwise. But that doesn't change the message of Christianity. It works both ways.

Islam will play a major role in the downfall of the world. Hide and watch.

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It is true that there are many Muslims who are not full of the hate and violence that Islam is based on but that doesn't change the facts of the history and birth of Islam. There are many who claim to be Christians but their lives show otherwise. But that doesn't change the message of Christianity. It works both ways.

Islam will play a major role in the downfall of the world. Hide and watch.

Okay, we are brothers so we can agree to disagree on this one. I have actually had a translated Koran in my hand. I chose to see what it was in the Koran that leads Muslims to be so violent and hate freedom. So, I took it home for a few months and looked it over. I never found anywhere that substantiated the claim that it is a religion founded on hate, violence, murder, and war. However, it does have parts in it when believers were told to kill in the name of Muhammed.

However, one could take the Bible and twist it, such as what extreme Muslims like Al-Qeada have done, and claim that Christianity is based upon murder, violence, and war towards any that do not believe the Bible. Just like they twist the parts of the Bible where God ordered the kings of the Old Testament to go to war in His name and kill the unbelievers, there has now been others to do the same to the Islamic faith. Hitler, used the parts in the Bible when God had the believers to go to war in His name as a teaching tool to convince those that his Nazi beliefs were correct. History has not always been kind to the Christian faith either. I wish it was, but if I am going to paint Islam as violent based religion, then I have to be prepared what may get thrown back in my face. As a matter of fact, my Muslim co-worker did throw that in my face, which is what led me to take a copy of Koran home to look over, because I was challenged to find what I was accusing their faith of. I had to swallow a lot of pride a few months later.

From what I have read of the Koran, and actually understood, it actually teaches of morals and peace also. Heck, most religions are all about morals, being kind to your neighbor and the such, or it would be hard to ever get any believers. However, as it goes with all those non-Christian religions, I believe they are wrong in their way to salvation. If I actually though that Islam was a religion of murderers, then shouldn't I take out any Muslim I meet before they took me out. Isn't that what Muslims extremists say about Jews and Christians, so why would we make the same stereotype of Islam?

Some of you know this and some of you don't, but I was in the Army when several of my Ranger brothers were gunned down by Muslim men, women, and children in October of 1993. It took my a very long time to not look at a Muslim American and not fill up with hate towards them. God really tested me in 1994 when I took my first civilian job after my discharge from the Army in which I was working the night shift with a very outgoing Muslim co-worker. I admit I was very bigoted towards her even though I now realize she was a very nice person. That is why I say be careful when saying a certain religion is a certain way unless I know for sure myself that it is. It can lead you down an ugly road before you know what has happened. I had to eventually realize my hatred was geared to the power hungry man that manipulated those men, women, and children into doing what he wanted because those people were starving and he controlled all the food the UN was shipping in. People are real easy to manipulate when they are starving and their faith had nothing to do why they were shooting at us.

We, as Christians, hope the world looks at us as a light to the way to salvation. We don't want the world to look at the Hitlers or Timothy McVeighs and think that is the message that Christianity preaches. So, why say that the peaceful Muslims must not be good practicing Muslims? Why, because they are not blowing stuff up? Maybe they are the ones practicing their faith as it should be while their "Nazis" aka Al-Qeada are hijacking their faith for greedy, selfish reasons that have nothing really to do with anything spiritual at all.

Some of you may not agree with me, but if you read nothing else I posted, at least try to chew on that last paragraph. We are fighting a war against very evil, greedy men and not a religion. The terrorists want us to think it is a spiritual war because it deflects from the fact that Osama Bin Laden is a power hungry punk. Nobody wants to follow a power hungry man, but some will follow a man they think is the savior of their religion, no matter how much he twists their religion for his own gain. If your belief about Islam is based upon what you hear others say are what you glean from the internet, I probably am not going to change your mind probably anyway. However, history has also shown when we group all people of a certain religion or nationality together with somebody or a group that has done evil in their name, it is very dangerous thing. Don't believe, then just go back and study what was done with German and Japanese immigrants during WWII. Many German immigrants that were not Nazis before WWII became Nazis during it because they were rounded up and put in camps. That is why you must be careful with what you say about somebody beliefs or culture, because even though they may not believe that way, they could be pushed that way by those making the accusations.

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It is true that there are many Muslims who are not full of the hate and violence that Islam is based on but that doesn't change the facts of the history and birth of Islam. There are many who claim to be Christians but their lives show otherwise. But that doesn't change the message of Christianity. It works both ways.

Islam will play a major role in the downfall of the world. Hide and watch.

Okay, we are brothers so we can agree to disagree on this one. I have actually had a translated Koran in my hand. I chose to see it was in the Koran that leads Muslims to be so violent and hate freedom. So, I took it home for about a month a looked it over. I never found anywhere that substantiated the claim that it is a religion founded on hate, violence, murder, and war. However, it does have parts in it when believers were told to kill in the name of Muhammed.

However, one could take the Bible and twist it, such as what extreme Muslims like Al-Qeada have done, and claim that Christianity is based upon murder, violence, and war towards any that do not believe the Bible. Just like they twist the parts of the Bible where God ordered the kings of the Old Testament to go to war in His name and kill the unbelievers, there has now been others to do the same to the Islamic faith. Hitler, used the parts in the Bible when God had the believers to go to war in His name as a teaching tool to convince those that his Nazi beliefs were correct.

From what I have read of the Koran, and actually understood, it actually teaches of morals and peace also. Heck, most religions are all about morals, being kind to your neighbor and the such, or it would be hard to ever get any believers. However, as it goes with all those non-Christian religions, I believe they are wrong in their way to salvation. If I actually though that Islam was a religion of murderers, then shouldn't I take out any Muslim I meet before they took me out.

Isn't that what Muslims extremists say about Jews and Christians, so why would we make the same stereotype of Islam? Don't forget I was in the Army when several of my Ranger brothers were gunned down byy Muslim men, women, and children in October of 1993. It took my a very long time to not like at a Muslim American and not fill up with hate towards them. God really tested me in 1994 when I took my first civilian job after my discharge from the Army in which I was working the night shift with a very outgoing Muslim co-worker. I admit I was very bigoted towards her even though I now realize she was a very nice person. That is why I say be careful when saying a certain religion is a certain way, especially if you are just going by what others say or what you glean from the internet. It can lead you down an ugly road before you know what has happened.

We, as Christians, hope the world looks at us as a light to the way to salvation. We don't want the world to look at the Hitlers or Timothy McVeighs and think that is the message that Christianity preaches. So, why say that the peaceful Muslims must not be good practicing Muslims? Why, because they are not blowing stuff up? Maybe they are the ones practicing their faith as it should be while their "Nazis" aka Al-Qeada are hijacking their faith for greedy, selfish reasons that have nothing really to do with anything spiritual at all.

Some of you may not agree with me, but if you read nothing else I posted, at least try to chew on that last paragraph.

None of my findings of Islam come from the internet. I have never read the Koran nor do I ever plan to. Most of what I know of Muhammad I got from a book on Islam and world religions a few years ago and a biography on History channel. My point was that not all Muslims do as Muhammad commanded them to do just as not all Christians do as Christ commanded them to do such as; love your enemies, pray for your enemies, etc. The central message of Christ all centers around love. Muhammad never once commanded his followers to love the people that rejected "his" doctrine. I in no way support violence towards anyone because of their beliefs or lack thereof. I'll let God take care of that.

In defense of Rod Parsley, it has been a while since I read his book Silent No More but I don't remember him commanding Christians to go out and wage a Holy War on Muslims. Like I said earlier I am not a big fan of Parsley but "most" of what is in his book IMO is dead on. Perhaps I will do some more researching on these issues to refresh my memory since we both know how bad that is. It is possible that I am wrong but I doubt it since the year is still young and to date I have only been wrong once this year. LOL! Maybe my mind is little cloudy from the baseball your son hit me in the head with yesterday.

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At least you did not get hit in the head with a bat.

My problem biggest problem with Parsley is he is a "prosperity preacher" now. Back when he started several years ago he had a lot of good things to say and I enjoyed listening to him. However, as he became more popular and his church and TV program got bigger, what he preached changed also and he started sounding more like every other televangelist.

The problem with books is just like on the internet or what you hear from other people, the author of the book can have an agenda and take anything out of context to prove their point. I had read books about the Muslim faith also, before I actually had a chance to read most of the Koran. I now realize those books I read truly did have an agenda and I was mad for falling for it.

Look at it this way, as a Christian, if you tell a Muslim that there religion is based upon violence and hatred, how could you then possibly reach them if God has lead you to witness to them about Jesus Christ? You can't. However, if you have a decent knowledge of things said in the Koran, you can find some common ground and then work from there. ;)

Now, I would not suggest that anybody go out and read The Book of Satan to try to find common ground with a Satan worshiper. I doubt there is any common ground there to find except the fact that God and Satan are enemies.

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For the record, this was not posted as a "counter argument" to the Obama pastor story. If anything, it was posted as an example of what a slippery slope we put ourselves on when we try to play these guilt by associations political games.

As I said in my originial posts, if you have beefs with Wright, Parsley, Hagee then fine...but to throw in the candidates who they support is a ridiculous stretch and nothing more than politics as usual where the opposition tries to play the "gotcha game."

IMO, this is just as stupid as the Wright situation. While not exacty the same scenario, the overlying point is well made.

The righties and lefties need to put down the pom poms and see all of this for it is. Both Obama and McCain would strongly disagree with many of the positions and statements these guys have put forth.

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Is Parsley not a spiritual advisor to him and an ally of his campaign?

Ally? Yes. Spiritual advisor? I don't think so. Let's not play this game.

If anything i'm saying let's not engage in these stupid games. But you are wrong TT...my initial description was 100% accurate: McCain called Parsley a "spiritual guide" at a recent Cincinatti rally before the Ohio primaries.

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Is Parsley not a spiritual advisor to him and an ally of his campaign?

Ally? Yes. Spiritual advisor? I don't think so. Let's not play this game.

If anything i'm saying let's not engage in these stupid games. But you are wrong TT...my initial description was 100% accurate: McCain called Parsley a "spiritual guide" at a recent Cincinatti rally before the Ohio primaries.

Yeah, he said that. That's politics. It's insincere. He hardly knows the guy.

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Are you guys freakin' kidding me?! What a weak counter to the crap that Obama's personal pastor has said. Why can't you just say he was wrong and move on? Instead you have to try to deflect with something that really has no relevance to the topic. You come back with what some televangelists have said, none who are McCain's current pastor, and their only alliance is that they support McCain. I am not a big McCain guy either, but you can't hold him responsible for what every one of his supporters say and then act like they are all good buddies and spiritual advisers to him. What if I brought up every crazy thing a big name Obama supporter has said? I could probably start with Oprah.

RunInRed, You yourself were critical in the thread that was posted about the Obama campaign office that had Cuban flags in it. You said Obama could not be held responsible for that, but yet you come back with this playground crap.I will point it out once more...maybe you need to watch some of the more seasoned liberal debaters on the board, because you really don't help them out bro. Kudos to Tex for pointing out the misinformation in your post.

I am like Titan, I may lean toward a certain political philosophy, but I am not going to blindly agree with somebody when they make a absurd post, even if we might agree politically.

With all of that said....Parsley, I have nothing for him because of spiritual differences I have with things he says and does. I really don't care much about most of the televangelists. I have also said this several times also, no religion has had the market on remaining pure when it comes to extremists perverting that religion. Unfortunately, Christianity has had some historical figures give it a black eye because of their twisted interpretation of the Bible. I have read and know enough about the Islamic faith that I will disagree with those that say it is based upon violence and hate. Don't forget that they say the same about Christianity. I may not agree with their way of salvation, but I am not going to lump all Islams as violent anti-Americans. I have served with and worked with Muslims that love this country as much as me, but they still practice their faith. I worked right beside two of them and was watching the TV with them on 9/11. One of them had tears streaming down her cheek because somebody was doing this to her country in the name of her faith.

Christians, you don't have to agree with Islam, but let's not forget there was a group from Germany that claimed to be the "voice of Christianity" at one time. Luckily nobody has ever held my faith accountable to that and accused me of being a Jew murder because one extremist group decided to pervert my faith so that they could try to conquer the world. Power hungry men know that the best way to gain followers is to claim they are doing it whatever divinity is popular in that particular part of the world.

I don't think us bed wettin libbies on here are trying to deflect anything. Obama has said basically"I don't agree with everything my preacher says"Just like McCain I hope doesn't agree with everything 2 of his more prominent Christain supporters say.

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I don't think us bed wettin libbies on here are trying to deflect anything. Obama has said basically"I don't agree with everything my preacher says"Just like McCain I hope doesn't agree with everything 2 of his more prominent Christain supporters say.

And we are saying there is a BIG difference between "supporters" and your pastor of 20 years.

The people have already seen this and the damage is done. I just hope they keep hammering away so that everyone knows that achmed is a poser. He wants to be black, but never really was. He wants to be a viable leader, but never has been. He wants to be seen as spiritual, but his spiritual leader seems more black activist than anything. As we learn more about the empty suit, we see exactly what it is filled with. And it makes most folks cringe.

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Hey runinred.....

Someone ever tries to kill you, you try to kill 'em right back!

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As we learn more about the empty suit, we see exactly what it is filled with. And it makes most folks cringe.

Not sure that you're the barometer for "most folks."

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As we learn more about the empty suit, we see exactly what it is filled with. And it makes most folks WHO THINK cringe.

Not sure that you're the barometer for "most folks."

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As we learn more about the empty suit, we see exactly what it is filled with. And it makes most folks WHO THINK cringe.

Not sure that you're the barometer for "most folks."

Not sure that you're the barometer for "most folks who think."

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