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Achmed's plan for defense


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At the end, he should have said, "And a big jar of anal lube for all Americans." Do some of you out there really believe this approach will work? If so, please, I beg of you, mark your houses so the terrorists will blow you up first.

Achmed's defense paln

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You disagree that wasteful spending is also present in the military? It wasn't too long ago that I was reading an article where military officials had told Congress that they had no use for the high priced equipment they were willing to send them. Yet, several members of Congress went ahead and authorized the use of funds for the unnecessary equipment because it could possibly help them get re-elected.

I think all areas of government spend too much money and that policies should be implemented to eliminate waste. Wasteful spending is everywhere. Just because Bush and Congress have spent money like there's no tomorrow doesn't mean you have to accept it.

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You disagree that wasteful spending is also present in the military? It wasn't too long ago that I was reading an article where military officials had told Congress that they had no use for the high priced equipment they were willing to send them. Yet, several members of Congress went ahead and authorized the use of funds for the unnecessary equipment because it could possibly help them get re-elected.

I think all areas of government spend too much money and that policies should be implemented to eliminate waste. Wasteful spending is everywhere. Just because Bush and Congress have spent money like there's no tomorrow doesn't mean you have to accept it.

Won't much matter when we have no capability to defend ourselves. Oh kinda like we are now after slick Willy saved all that wasted money on the military. Maybe we should just invest in the technology to create a big bubble to protect us from the bad guys. Then we wouldn't need all those murderous military thugs.

There is wasteful spending everywhere, like entitlement programs. Cut those, not the military.

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I don't think tax dollars should be wasted by a welfare agency or the Pentagon.

If military leaders explicitly tell Congress that there is no need for certain equipment, then there should be no reason to fund it. I know you don't disagree with this CCT. I know you don't...

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I don't think tax dollars should be wasted by a welfare agency or the Pentagon.

If military leaders explicitly tell Congress that there is no need for certain equipment, then there should be no reason to fund it. I know you don't disagree with this CCT. I know you don't...

I am actually quite militant on this. If you are screwing my country(ME) out of money, then I think you and your company should be strung up by the nads. The $50 hammer should be used to break all of the bones in your hand. But that's just me. But in the case of military spending, he proposes nothing less than capitulation. The USSR has been gone for how long? And hoe many of their nukes have been destroyed?

THERE WILL ALWAYS BE A BAD GUY AND HE CANNOT BE REASONED WITH. So as soon as you cut your defenses, he will find a way to attack. Unfortunately, that is the plight of man. To believe differently is to be a fool.

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I think we actually agree.

I recognize the need for a strong national defense as much as anybody. But to say that needed programs should be the recipient of unwanted funds is wrong. There is no need for three ice cream cones when you only have (and want) two hands to hold them with.

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What I don't like about Obama's ad

-Ending the war

-Cutting wasteful spending

-Independant board to review spending

-Doing away with nuclear weapons

Boy,he is really pissing me off.

Didn't we sign nuclear treaties with the Soviets about weapons starting with Nixon,Ford,Carter, and Reagan.Three out of Four being Republican Presidents.

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Do you think there is any way we could recoop some of the billions of dollars that have been ripped off by American contracters doing work in Iraq?

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