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Al Sharpton Attacks Obama!... Says he Grandstands for Whitey!


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AL BE DARNED: Al Sharpton, with Nicole Paultre-Bell yesterday, was furious

over Barack Obama's reaction to the Sean Bell verdict, sources said.

April 29, 2008 -- Barack Obama made a call for nonviolence in the aftermath of the Sean Bell verdict - infuriating the Rev. Al Sharpton, who accused the presidential candidate of trying to "grandstand in front of white people," sources told The Post.

During what a source described as a "heated" phone call yesterday, Sharpton told Obama he was disappointed with the Illinois senator's words on Friday, when Obama said "resorting to violence to express displeasure" was "completely unacceptable and counterproductive."

"[Obama] issues this statement and not a single rock had been thrown," said a source. "How does the candidate of change ask people to accept a verdict that is unjust?"

The source said Sharpton had hoped Obama would "side with the Bell family" and not use it as an "opportunity to grandstand in front of white people."

An Obama spokesman described the conversation as a chance to "hear [sharpton's] views and to get his perspective."

Sharpton ratcheted up the pressure on federal prosecutors yesterday by bringing Rep. John Conyers (D-Mich.), chairman of the House Judiciary Committee, to Kalua, the Queens strip club where the Nov. 25, 2006 shooting took place.

"We are going to put together a federal strategy on how to deal with the case," Conyers said.

Also yesterday, Queens Supreme Court Justice Arthur Cooperman, who rendered the not-guilty verdict, refused to comment on his decision.

"He said what he had to say on the bench," his law clerk said.

Additional reporting by David Seifman and Ikimulisa Livingston



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Sharpton's attack on Obama is an endorsement in itself. Sharpton is nothing more than a racial ambulance chaser.

Still can't figure out how they fired 50 shots at an unarmed man,though

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Poor Obama. Can't catch a break this week. First, after Obama successfully put the lid on the first Wright dustup, the halfwit preacher basically spews all kinds of junk at the National Press Club in a hamhanded grab for the limelight.

Now, Sharpton is unloading on the guy because he's not black enough--whatever the heck that means.

Two black preachers are basically doing their level best to make sure that a black man doesn't win the White House. Does this make any sense to anybody?

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He was right about Tawana Brawley, as well wasn't he?

To which him or the "Good Reverend Jackson" have never apologized for. Talk about injustice, those boys lives are ruined!

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As much as I dislike Obama, I like Sharpton even less. The quote about a "racial amblance chaser" was spot on - that dude causes more problems than he could ever hope to solve.

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Two black preachers are basically doing their level best to make sure that a black man doesn't win the White House. Does this make any sense to anybody?

yes it does and i agree with this assessment

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Two black preachers are basically doing their level best to make sure that a black man doesn't win the White House. Does this make any sense to anybody?

yes it does and i agree with this assessment

Yes it does make sense or yes to the statement of two black preachers doing their best to make sure a black man doesn't win the White House?

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I'm really trying to figure this head scratcher, I have to admit it. My guess is that the Al Sharptons and the Jesse Jacksons of the world have everything to lose if a black man is elected president. After all, if you game things long enough, an Obama election would mean they could no longer say that the country is treating blacks as second. Then where would they be? They would represent the past. So maybe they're fighting obsolescence. It's a cynical way to look at things, but Sharpton is a cynical man.

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I'm really trying to figure this head scratcher, I have to admit it. My guess is that the Al Sharptons and the Jesse Jacksons of the world have everything to lose if a black man is elected president. After all, if you game things long enough, an Obama election would mean they could no longer say that the country is treating blacks as second. Then where would they be? They would represent the past. So maybe they're fighting obsolescence. It's a cynical way to look at things, but Sharpton is a cynical man.

Your statement reminds me of this one from Booker T Washington:

“There is a class of colored people who make a business of keeping the troubles, the wrongs, and the hardships of the Negro race before the public. Having learned that they are able to make a living out of their troubles, they have grown into the settled habit of advertising their wrongs—partly because they want sympathy and partly because it pays. Some of these people do not want the Negro to lose his grievances, because they do not want to lose their jobs.” — Booker T. Washington

I see what you are saying about them not being able to say that the country treats blacks as second. That is the only thing I can think of. Someone also mentioned on Fox News Sunday after the interview (from the panel) that is seems like that it seems that Wright wants Obama to lose so he can "see, I told you so!" Maybe that is it. I haven't a clue as to what they are thinking.

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I think Sharpton's and Jackson's criticism of Obama is a little more simple then that. I think they don't like the idea of some other black guy taking their spot as the "leaders" of the black community. Think it about, how many African-Americans are going to listen to Sharpton and Jackson when they can look to Obama if he is elected President of the United States?

Sharpton's comments come down to plain old selfishness and jealousy if you ask me.

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I think Sharpton's and Jackson's criticism of Obama is a little more simple then that. I think they don't like the idea of some other black guy taking their spot as the "leaders" of the black community. Think it about, how many African-Americans are going to listen to Sharpton and Jackson when they can look to Obama if he is elected President of the United States?

Sharpton's comments come down to plain old selfishness and jealousy if you ask me.

I think that's a valid theory. But surely they can figure out how much credibility they stand to lose within their own communities, don't you think?

Another possibility is that the Clintons have gotten to the two figures and bought them off some way. I don't think that's outside of the real of possibility.

All in all, some very creepy politics at work in the Democratic Party right now.

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I think Sharpton's and Jackson's criticism of Obama is a little more simple then that. I think they don't like the idea of some other black guy taking their spot as the "leaders" of the black community. Think it about, how many African-Americans are going to listen to Sharpton and Jackson when they can look to Obama if he is elected President of the United States?

Sharpton's comments come down to plain old selfishness and jealousy if you ask me.

Agreed. I wouldn't be surprised if they start bringing up the fact that he's half n half soon. I can see it now: "Sharpton calls Obama white" or some such.

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To be fair and balanced, Sharpton did come out this week and say that Obama showed courage in distancing himself from Wright.

Does that mean he was against him before he was for him, but he was for him all along? dims can be so confusing. :)

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