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What's happened to our recruiting?


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We seem to have hit a snag! There are plenty of top talent out there, but most of them remain uncommitted and we haven't been able to pull them in! i.e. Patrick, Smith, Farmer,Motta, et.al

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We seem to have hit a snag! There are plenty of top talent out there, but most of them remain uncommitted and we haven't been able to pull them in! i.e. Patrick, Smith, Farmer,Motta, et.al

A lot of that "top talent" love the spotlight. They will wait til NSD so that they can get as much attention as they want. They don't want to cut their time in the spotlight short. These are 18 year old kids that are loving the attention, IMO.

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We seem to have hit a snag! There are plenty of top talent out there, but most of them remain uncommitted and we haven't been able to pull them in! i.e. Patrick, Smith, Farmer,Motta, et.al

Geez, what on earth are you complaining about? We had 19 commits in July. Things are naturally going to slow down as football season and preseason practice gets going. Plus, most of the time, the "big fish" so to speak commit later rather than earlier anyway.

I'm just shaking my head that you would be even asking this question though.

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We seem to have hit a snag! There are plenty of top talent out there, but most of them remain uncommitted and we haven't been able to pull them in! i.e. Patrick, Smith, Farmer,Motta, et.al

Geez, what on earth are you complaining about? We had 19 commits in July. Things are naturally going to slow down as football season and preseason practice gets going. Plus, most of the time, the "big fish" so to speak commit later rather than earlier anyway.

I'm just shaking my head that you would be even asking this question though.

To be honest, I want CTT to leave room for some of the "big fish" that will wait around til later. These guys have still gotta play their senior season, a lot of things can happen over the next few months.

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That's why several prospects have been told that we don't have room for them. It'll all be good come Feb. B)

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We seem to have hit a snag! There are plenty of top talent out there, but most of them remain uncommitted and we haven't been able to pull them in! i.e. Patrick, Smith, Farmer,Motta, et.al

Geez, what on earth are you complaining about? We had 19 commits in July. Things are naturally going to slow down as football season and preseason practice gets going. Plus, most of the time, the "big fish" so to speak commit later rather than earlier anyway.

I'm just shaking my head that you would be even asking this question though.


That's why several prospects have been told that we don't have room for them. It'll all be good come Feb. B)

Thanks Matt for pointing out the obvious. :thumbsup:

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I think the point to this thread is that our recruiting class, has been mostly quantity not quality. Again, I am not dogging our class. I love any kid that wants to play on the plains. I hope each one becomes the greatest player in Auburn history. Granted, recruiting rankings and stars are not what matters, but the on-the-field results down the road are. I realize this. But the perception is - we are bringing in quantity, rather than quality (out of High School that is). Yes, there are a couple that are pretty sweet to have. But the perception is - the top athletes are not coming to Auburn. Alabama did not have the rush of athletes commit like Auburn did - but perception is that they are getting quality (especially those who have not committed yet), not quantity.

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I think the point to this thread is that our recruiting class, has been mostly quantity not quality. Again, I am not dogging our class. I love any kid that wants to play on the plains. I hope each one becomes the greatest player in Auburn history. Granted, recruiting rankings and stars are not what matters, but the on-the-field results down the road are. I realize this. But the perception is - we are bringing in quantity, rather than quality (out of High School that is). Yes, there are a couple that are pretty sweet to have. But the perception is - the top athletes are not coming to Auburn. Alabama did not have the rush of athletes commit like Auburn did - but perception is that they are getting quality (especially those who have not committed yet), not quantity.

Interesting. The average star rating according to Scout is 3.11 and Rivals is 3.18 (and Rivals hasn't given ratings to the JUCO guys yet so studs like Eltoro Freeman weren't even counted in that). Our average star rating from 2002 to 2008 on Rivals is 3.17. Those classes took us to an undefeated season and one of the best records in the SEC and the nation during that stretch. In fact, the three classes we signed before going undefeated in 2004 had an average star rating of 3.04.

That's the problem with perception...all too often, it's utterly disassociated from fact. We're doing very well in recruiting. And it's only August 1st.

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No, no...we're DEFINITELY recruiting for "quantity"...we're trying to just get this thing over with now, so everyone can go hunting later.

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No, no...we're DEFINITELY recruiting for "quantity"...we're trying to just get this thing over with now, so everyone can go hunting later.

The funniest thing I've read in a month!!!!!!!! :roflol::roflol::roflol::roflol:

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I think the point to this thread is that our recruiting class, has been mostly quantity not quality. Again, I am not dogging our class. I love any kid that wants to play on the plains. I hope each one becomes the greatest player in Auburn history. Granted, recruiting rankings and stars are not what matters, but the on-the-field results down the road are. I realize this. But the perception is - we are bringing in quantity, rather than quality (out of High School that is). Yes, there are a couple that are pretty sweet to have. But the perception is - the top athletes are not coming to Auburn. Alabama did not have the rush of athletes commit like Auburn did - but perception is that they are getting quality (especially those who have not committed yet), not quantity.

Interesting. The average star rating according to Scout is 3.11 and Rivals is 3.18 (and Rivals hasn't given ratings to the JUCO guys yet so studs like Eltoro Freeman weren't even counted in that). Our average star rating from 2002 to 2008 on Rivals is 3.17. Those classes took us to an undefeated season and one of the best records in the SEC and the nation during that stretch. In fact, the three classes we signed before going undefeated in 2004 had an average star rating of 3.04.

That's the problem with perception...all too often, it's utterly disassociated from fact. We're doing very well in recruiting. And it's only August 1st.

feel like this titan? :brickwall: I know I do everytime I see one of these threads.....

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I think the point to this thread is that our recruiting class, has been mostly quantity not quality. Again, I am not dogging our class. I love any kid that wants to play on the plains. I hope each one becomes the greatest player in Auburn history. Granted, recruiting rankings and stars are not what matters, but the on-the-field results down the road are. I realize this. But the perception is - we are bringing in quantity, rather than quality (out of High School that is). Yes, there are a couple that are pretty sweet to have. But the perception is - the top athletes are not coming to Auburn. Alabama did not have the rush of athletes commit like Auburn did - but perception is that they are getting quality (especially those who have not committed yet), not quantity.

Calm down

And drugs are bad for you, Just say no.


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MHO: I don't think "we"--i.e., laymen--are really in a position to judge quality until after their senior season. Honestly, I hadn't even heard of most of these names until the news report announcing their commitment. ( I don't recognize most of the names commiting early to other schools either.)

However I think CTT & Co., having seen these players in camps, films and the like, are in a much better position to judge quality now. I suspect we'll all be pleasantly surprized by just how good this class looks (or how many "stars" they have, if you want to base it on that) by December/January.

If I have any worries, it's about being able to hang on to these early commits once other schools come knocking.

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My only issue is that they may be recruiting from the camps, but if all the best talent isn't at the camps then we may be missing out on better players simply because we didn't go out and sell them on Auburn first.

I am just saying, not all the best talent is going to take a trip to Auburn without some effort. Id hate to see a bunch of guys we could have gotten with some effort play with differen't teams because the recruit from camps process didn't bring in enough talent to do comparisons.

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We may have just decided to wait and see how some of our other prospects do versus competition this season.

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Nothing has happened, its just that now Bama is off probation and has a coach that can really recruit. I feel like Auburn will still get good players for their spread seeing is to how bama can not get everybody. Defense same way its CTT's specialty.

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Nothing has happened, its just that now Bama is off probation and has a coach that can really recruit. I feel like Auburn will still get good players for their spread seeing is to how bama can not get everybody. Defense same way its CTT's specialty.

This is a grammatical nightmare.

Listen, we don't have to be Rhodes scholars to post, but some simple grammatical precision is appreciated. For example, your "seeing is to how" is cumbersome and makes no sense. You could have said the same thing in fewer words and without sounding like you are a Bammer. See the sentence below:

I feel like Auburn will still get good players for their spread since bama can not get everybody.

Isn't that nice? It's succinct, efficient, and grammatically intelligent (if not conceptually intelligent).

Next week, we'll talk about a special way to separate thoughts. It's called a "period." That's right. Those dots on the paper are there for a reason.

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Nothing has happened, its just that now Bama is off probation and has a coach that can really recruit. I feel like Auburn will still get good players for their spread seeing is to how bama can not get everybody. Defense same way its CTT's specialty.

This is a grammatical nightmare.

Listen, we don't have to be Rhodes scholars to post, but some simple grammatical precision is appreciated. For example, your "seeing is to how" is cumbersome and makes no sense. You could have said the same thing in fewer words and without sounding like you are a Bammer. See the sentence below:

I feel like Auburn will still get good players for their spread since bama can not get everybody.

Isn't that nice? It's succinct, efficient, and grammatically intelligent (if not conceptually intelligent).

Next week, we'll talk about a special way to separate thoughts. It's called a "period." That's right. Those dots on the paper are there for a reason.

Wow I did not realize the grammer police roamed this board!!! :rolleyes:

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Oh yeah, you have to read up on your English, my brother. You got to do some learnin'.....We take it very serious, round here. If smack is talked, but gramatically incorrect, the person will be bashed and trashed for the next two pages. Also, the spell checker is a must around here. I hope that helps and welcome. :poke:

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Wow I did not realize the grammer police roamed this board!!! rolleyes.gif

Grammar police or not, if you want your posts to be taken seriously you should make them intelligible. If you don't care enough about what you write to use proper spelling and grammar, why should we care enough to read it?

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Wow I did not realize the grammer police roamed this board!!! rolleyes.gif

Grammar police or not, if you want your posts to be taken seriously you should make them intelligible. If you don't care enough about what you write to use proper spelling and grammar, why should we care enough to read it?

I really don't care what others (you) think, I'm human and humans make mistakes. I simply post my opinion. Isn't that what this board is for??? It would also help if yall had a spell check button which ya'll seem to lack.

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Wow I did not realize the grammer police roamed this board!!! rolleyes.gif

Grammar police or not, if you want your posts to be taken seriously you should make them intelligible. If you don't care enough about what you write to use proper spelling and grammar, why should we care enough to read it?

I really don't care what others (you) think, I'm human and humans make mistakes. I simply post my opinion. Isn't that what this board is for??? It would also help if yall had a spell check button which ya'll seem to lack.

Whut is y'all...ignernt? :poke:


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Wow I did not realize the grammer police roamed this board!!! rolleyes.gif

Grammar police or not, if you want your posts to be taken seriously you should make them intelligible. If you don't care enough about what you write to use proper spelling and grammar, why should we care enough to read it?

I really don't care what others (you) think, I'm human and humans make mistakes. I simply post my opinion. Isn't that what this board is for??? It would also help if yall had a spell check button which ya'll seem to lack.

Whut is y'all...ignernt? :poke:


Ya'll, we are in alabama, that is a common word down here. duh!!!!

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