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Kerry Ducks Truth About Record


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Kerry Ducks Truth About Record

Source: As listed, RNC

Kerry Won’t Admit He Has Passed Few Laws. DEAN: “In 19 years in the Senate, Senator Kerry sponsored nine, 11 bills that had anything to do with healthcare. Not one of them passed. …” KERRY: “Well, one of the things that you need to know as a President is how things work in Congress, if you want to get things done. And one of the things that happens in Congress is you can in fact write a bill, but if you’re smart about it, you can get your bill passed on someone else’s bill that doesn’t carry your name.” (MSNBC, Democrat Presidential Candidates Debate, Greenville, SC, 1/29/04)

Truth Is, Kerry Has “A Short List Of Laws That Bear His Name.” “Asked what he has accomplished during his 19 years in the Senate, Democratic presidential candidate John Kerry gives a lengthy answer but has a short list of laws that bear his name. … Kerry has been the lead sponsor of eight bills that have become law. Two are related to his work on the Senate panel on oceans and fisheries - a 1994 law to protect marine mammals from being taken during commercial fishing and a 1991 measure for the National Sea Grant College Program Act, which finances marine research. In 1999, President Clinton signed his bill providing grants to support small businesses owned by women. The rest of the laws he saw passed were ceremonial - renaming a federal building, designating Vietnam Veterans Memorial 10th Anniversary Day, National POW/MIA Recognition Day and World Population Awareness Week in two separate years.” (Nedra Pickler, “Kerry’s Senate Career Marked By Investigations, Not Legislation,” The Associated Press, 7/21/03)

Kerry Claims To Fight For Causes, But Little Legislation Bears His Name. “Almost immediately, Kerry also can expect the media - probably with assists from his Democratic rivals and the GOP - to shine a scrutiny laser on his political career. Although in speeches he claims to have ‘fought for’ various causes in Congress, it’s hard to name a major piece of legislation that bears his name.” (Morton M. Kondracke, “‘Comeback Kerry’ Now Faces Intense Scrutiny Of Record,” Roll Call, 1/29/04)



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He didn't duck his service to his country in Vietnam, though.  B)

Who did that? Are you talking about Clinton?

No, Clinton had a deferment. I'm talking about George W. Bush. Have you been to that recruiter yet? If not, what are you waiting for? Put your money where your mouth is, 96.

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He didn't duck his service to his country in Vietnam, though. B)

Warning! Demoncratic diversion tactic above!!!!!

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He didn't duck his service to his country in Vietnam, though.  B)

Warning! Demoncratic diversion tactic above!!!!!

Diversion my butt. Smear and outright lie tactic is more like it. I don't appreciate it either. My dad was in the Guard during those years. He could have gone to Vietnam but his unit wasn't called. He didn't have any extra special pull to get in. He just signed up and did his service. It's amazing to me how Clinton's "principled stand against the war" gets the spin treatment and isn't "ducking service", but joining the Guard is.

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He didn't duck his service to his country in Vietnam, though.  B)

Warning! Demoncratic diversion tactic above!!!!!

Diversion my butt. Smear and outright lie tactic is more like it. I don't appreciate it either. My dad was in the Guard during those years. He could have gone to Vietnam but his unit wasn't called. He didn't have any extra special pull to get in. He just signed up and did his service. It's amazing to me how Clinton's "principled stand against the war" gets the spin treatment and isn't "ducking service", but joining the Guard is.

Watch it Titan, didnt you know AL is really Audie Murphy reincarnated... Just ask him.

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He didn't duck his service to his country in Vietnam, though.  B)

Warning! Demoncratic diversion tactic above!!!!!

Diversion my butt. Smear and outright lie tactic is more like it. I don't appreciate it either. My dad was in the Guard during those years. He could have gone to Vietnam but his unit wasn't called. He didn't have any extra special pull to get in. He just signed up and did his service. It's amazing to me how Clinton's "principled stand against the war" gets the spin treatment and isn't "ducking service", but joining the Guard is.

As I said before, if Clinton had pranced around in a flight suit claiming to be a super-patriot like Bush does then I would've been right there knocking him about it, too. Clinton sought, and was given, a deferment.

I don't know anything about your father's guard circumstances nor is it relevant to the discussion about Bush. What I do know, according to newspaper reports, is that there was a waiting list of about 500 people to get into the Texas ANG and Bush, with his sub-mediocre 25% score on the pilot aptitude test, went to the front of the line two weeks before he graduated from Yale. His poor score was further rewarded with an assignment to be a fighter pilot, one of the most coveted jobs in the Air Force. He claimed it was because they were low on pilots but, according to their records, they had 29 slots and 27 were filled with two pilots already in training. This rarely happened, and when it did, it was usually done with airmen who had been in the Air Force for a long time and made very good scores on the test.

He was assigned to a unit known as the "champagne unit" because that's where the sons of prominent Texans like Bush, John Connolly's and Lloyd Bentson's were assigned.

Bush claims that the only reason he didn't go to Vietnam was because he was never called up to go but this is crap because on his entry forms he was asked if he'd like to serve overseas and he answered "no." He blames it strictly on chance but that's not the case.

Again, I think Bush should just open up his entire records if he has nothing to hide.

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As I said before, if Clinton had pranced around in a flight suit claiming to be a super-patriot like Bush does then I would've been right there knocking him about it, too. Clinton sought, and was given, a deferment.

Bush claims that the only reason he didn't go to Vietnam was because he was never called up to go but this is crap because on his entry forms he was asked if he'd like to serve overseas and he answered "no." He blames it strictly on chance but that's not the case.

As I said before, if Clinton had pranced around in a flight suit claiming to be a super-patriot like Bush does then I would've been right there knocking him about it, too. Clinton sought, and was given, a deferment

Forget Clinton, he is gone. But answer something relevant to the upcoming election.

Just how should we be looking at John Kerry who did go but then joined Jane Fonda and the rest of the anti war posters? Who even wrote a book about his "anti war" bravery.

Bush claims that the only reason he didn't go to Vietnam was because he was never called up to go but this is crap because on his entry forms he was asked if he'd like to serve overseas and he answered "no." He blames it strictly on chance but that's not the case.

During that time there were thousands of men and women serving who did not go to Viet Nam. Are you saying they were all given preferential treatment? Were they all draft dodgers? Or is it only President George W. Bush that you take this illogical track with? Your hatred of the President has grown old and tiresome.

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Forget Clinton, he is gone. But answer something relevant to the upcoming election.

Just how should we be looking at John Kerry who did go but then joined Jane Fonda and the rest of the anti war posters? Who even wrote a book about his "anti war" bravery.

Who is in the absolute best position to be critical of a war, a warmongering chickenhawk who never went close to the arena but incessantly pushes for war, a bed-wetting libbie peacenik who thinks that war is never justified or a combat veteran? HINT-the first two don't get my vote.

Where is it written that veterans of wars are gung-ho to go off and fight more? When I was in the Army in 82-86, the last war fought was Vietnam until our little excercise in Grenada. You could always tell the ones who had never been close to a war because they were the ones HOPING something would happen so we could go. The Vietnam veterans, while not afraid to go again, were never so enthusiastic about the thought and the ones I talked to were always hopeful that it would be the very last resort. It falls under the category of "Lessons Learned."

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Forget Clinton, he is gone. But answer something relevant to the upcoming election.

Just how should we be looking at John Kerry who did go but then joined Jane Fonda and the rest of the anti war posters? Who even wrote a book about his "anti war" bravery.

Who is in the absolute best position to be critical of a war, a warmongering chickenhawk who never went close to the arena but incessantly pushes for war, a bed-wetting libbie peacenik who thinks that war is never justified or a combat veteran? HINT-the first two don't get my vote.

Where is it written that veterans of wars are gung-ho to go off and fight more? When I was in the Army in 82-86, the last war fought was Vietnam until our little excercise in Grenada. You could always tell the ones who had never been close to a war because they were the ones HOPING something would happen so we could go. The Vietnam veterans, while not afraid to go again, were never so enthusiastic about the thought and the ones I talked to were always hopeful that it would be the very last resort. It falls under the category of "Lessons Learned."

Whew! You got out just in time. Sure hope you don't run for office you coward. If you aren't a coward, then you would have signed up for more until a war came along that you could be a hero in.

Note the sarcasm........

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I had some friends killed in Desert Storm so your sarcasm was duly noted.

No, CCT, I did my time and got out and was thankful that I never had to prove my bravery or live with my cowardice. At the time, the unit I was in had a life expectancy of 45 min. if the poop ever hit the fan. We at least had a chance!

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I had some friends killed in Desert Storm so your sarcasm was duly noted.

No, CCT, I did my time and got out and was thankful that I never had to prove my bravery or live with my cowardice. At the time, the unit I was in had a life expectancy of 45 min. if the poop ever hit the fan. We at least had a chance!

But you DID serve. That's my point. Whether a person serves in combat or the guard, it's still service as opposed to none. There is still the chance of going to was as opposede to say, ME, who had an extreme aversion to authority and decided that in the end it would be best if I avoided that career choice. But does that make me a coward. Who knows. I didn't have the CERTAINTY of war helping me make my decision either way. If I had, I'm sure I would have chosen life, if given that choice. Just because you are born to priviledge doesn't mean you have to make the stoopid decision just to prove a point.

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What I find interesting is that you guys are more than willing to overlook the privilege aspect of it, privilege that Dubya had absolutely zero responsibility in acquiring. If we'd been talking about a black guy who, after scoring so poorly on his test, was rushed to the front of the line of 500 people simply because of his color, then that would be entirely unacceptable. But, because the privilege is that given to a son by virtue of votes, it's alright.

So, due to his birthright, George W. was ushered past all of the less fortunate and put squarely in a cockpit of a jet. So far there's nothing wrong with that other than it leaves me feeling a little dirty. But, then, he didn't even have the gumption to show up for duty during one year.

Now, he likes to strut around in military gear to remind people that he's a "warrior" and we should feel safe because of it when the fact is, according to his records, that he shirked his duty when he was in the TANG.

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What I find interesting is that you guys are more than willing to overlook the privilege aspect of it, privilege that Dubya had absolutely zero responsibility in acquiring. If we'd been talking about a black guy who, after scoring so poorly on his test, was rushed to the front of the line of 500 people simply because of his color, then that would be entirely unacceptable. But, because the privilege is that given to a son by virtue of votes, it's alright.

So, due to his birthright, George W. was ushered past all of the less fortunate and put squarely in a cockpit of a jet. So far there's nothing wrong with that other than it leaves me feeling a little dirty. But, then, he didn't even have the gumption to show up for duty during one year.

Now, he likes to strut around in military gear to remind people that he's a "warrior" and we should feel safe because of it when the fact is, according to his records, that he shirked his duty when he was in the TANG.

No, we just aren't willing to jump to the conclusions that you and other libbies do on it. You cite some stats you think indicate that someone had to have pulled some strings, but ultimately, that's all you have. No proof. Not even after Ma Richards had her lackeys poring over every aspect of his history and record. Not even after Al Bore had his lackeys and the entire DNC poring over every inch of his records and history. All you have are insinuations and accusations. That doesn't cut the mustard.

But at least it shows consistency. I mean, why hold yourself to some standard of journalistic integrity now when you can get so much traction by just repeating something over and over until people think it might be true? "Bush knew!" "Bush lied!" "War for oil!" "Bush was AWOL!"

Whatever works, huh?

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...if Clinton had pranced around in a flight suit claiming to be a super-patriot like Bush does...

Bottom line, doesn't matter what the tests said, what the pull was - Bush EARNED the right to wear that flight suit. His daddy didn't pilot that fighter plane for him. No one took his flight exams for him. No one did his solo flights for him. He can wear that flight suit every day if he wants to - he earned those wings.

Sure, Clinton sought and was given a deferment - Bush didn't, even tho it would have been VERY VERY easy for him to do so with his "family connections" you guys keep harping about. Voluntarily joining the military - IN ANY CAPACITY - is, in my mind, a much more honorable path than taking that deferment and using it to go to another country and protest against this one.

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Yeah, what with all the family connections and pull the Bush family has, I'm surprised Bush had to do anything at all besides sit around and do whatever he wanted. He didn't even have to enlist in the Guard. Daddy's got connections! :roll:

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Well, since you have no proof he was AWOL, just conjecture (there's that "honorable discharge" thing again contradicting you), this is a nonsense question.

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Well, since you have no proof he was AWOL, just conjecture (there's that "honorable discharge" thing again contradicting you), this is a nonsense question.

How do you know he was honorably discharged? Because he said so?

Being discharged honorably only proves that he was never charged and tried and found guilty of being AWOL.

When I was in the Army I did things that, if formally charged, I could've been disciplined in any number of ways. There are any number of ways malfeasance can be handled, all at the discretion of your superiors. I suspect that you know this, though.

A full look into his 201 file should show all of the info needed to know for a fact whether he was indeed where he was supposed to be when he claims he was there. To date, only a few documents have been released through the FOIA. Don't you think he should put this matter to rest by releasing ALL of his files, like J. Kerry, B. Kerry, Clark, McCain, Gore, Inouye, Cleeland and others have done? If he won't, won't you wonder why he is hiding the information? Or, do you not really care that he might've, in fact, really been AWOL when others were dying in Vietnam? Is saving political face that important to you?

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How do you know he was honorably discharged? Because he said so?

If he won't, won't you wonder why he is hiding the information? Or, do you not really care that he might've, in fact, really been AWOL when others were dying in Vietnam? Is saving political face that important to you?

The point is that no, it really doesn't seem to matter to ANYONE except the libs these days - GWB has run for office many times before and it has NEVER been an issue with ANYONE until now. Now, when the libs are desperate for something to "throw against the wall and try to make stick...".

The one thing that IS known, that is sure as shootin', is that GWB DID serve during Vietnam, in SOME capacity, and DID earn his pilot's wings. He did NOT rely on his "family connections" to get him out of serving, which many others did. He did NOT fake injury or medical dispensation, like many others did. He did NOT request and get a deferment. He did NOT protest the war in any capacity, either before or after, like many others did.

So yeah, that is all enough for me. I never was really all that concerned about GWB's "fitness to serve as C In C" and am very surprised now that libs would be, after they supported a true draft dodger not once but twice and considered him more than qualified to order a preemptive military strike on a country with a brutal dictator that defied multiple UN resolutions but that posed absolutely no threat at all whatsoever to the national security of the United States. For you to say that Clinton was fit to be C In C and GWB is not simply because you don't like GWB wearing a flight suit he EARNED the right to wear is a crock of CRAP.

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