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Will this year ever end?


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I'm ready for this season to end. This has been the worst season since 1998. Our offense is pathetic and coaching has been poor. I'm just looking forward to next year, because this year is a wash.

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I'm ready for this season to end. This has been the worst season since 1998. Our offense is pathetic and coaching has been poor. I'm just looking forward to next year, because this year is a wash.

Your posts usually just piss me off. But not this one. This is pathetic.

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I'm ready for this season to end. This has been the worst season since 1998. Our offense is pathetic and coaching has been poor. I'm just looking forward to next year, because this year is a wash.

Your posts usually just piss me off. But not this one. This is pathetic.

I have to agree. At least Power is giving us hope for next year...

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Are you agreeing with PowerI or saying his post is pathetic?

I am agreeing that this year is pathetic. I dunno about a "wash," but sure looks like we will be doing well to win 3 more games in 2008.

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Circle I have been an AU fan for 20 years as a student, contributer, season ticket holder and life member alumni.

I have never (repeat: NEVER) seen this level of across the board angst.

There is no shame in being p'd off. As a matter of fact, if you're not p'd, you're not watching.


We don't lose to VANDY! It just doesn't happen. Ole Miss loses to Vandy and their fans say: "I knew we'd screw it up... poor pitiful us".

We can't go there.

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Circle I have been an AU fan for 20 years as a student, contributer, season ticket holder and life member alumni.

I have never (repeat: NEVER) seen this level of across the board angst.

Not true...remember 2003?

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Was 2003 this bad? I don't remember thinking we could lose the rest of our games. I know we'll beat UTM and are capable of beating anyone but I'm confused by the lack of leadership. Talent is wasting.

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In 2003, we thought things were this bad. In 2003, they weren't. We actually had a few games where we put up serious numbers. Here's hoping we hang 73 on UT Martin.

I do remember nearly having a conniption watching the UGA game that year though.

I'm keeping the faith though...somehow, someway, things are going to get better. They have to. Don't they? Don't they?

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Man, I love it. Every year for the last 10 years we have been waiting for next year. Except 2004. But that was a fluke. When people tell me that CTT is good for a few wins a year and not the coach to take us to the next level, I usually just laugh it off, but damn, I am starting to see what they were saying.

But hey, there is always next year.

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Its funny how we lose one or two games a year and say wait until next year then we wait a long off season just waiting for football season to start either late Aug or Early Sept... then the new season comes and its more of the same and we say..Wait until next year.. So will we ever get to see the NEXT YEAR??? that is the question. Yes we lost by one point. If you think this O is frustrating to watch how do u think the players feel. I am sure they are just as frustrated. They say we will fix it in practice..well in practice you only play against yourself until Sat. Then Sat comes and its too late. This O really has no leaders to speak of including a coach...bottom line... Its just frustrating to watch.. But there is always Next Sat... Good Luck AUBURN keep your Chin up cause there is the rest of the season to play for. On any given Sat any body and beat anybody. So hopefully we will get our share toward the end of the season... if not THERE IS ALWAYS NEXT YEAR!!!!

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I don’t post often, but read every day. This is embarrassing, discouraging, deflating, and so many other depressing words. I remember 2003, and the offense could move the ball and did put up points. This, is as Franklin said, not the “System”. I like many of you see a drastic change from the bowl game. Franklin seems to be taking all the blame, just like previous offensive coordinators. There is a common thread with all the previous offensive coordinators, Nall, Ensminger, Knox, and Grann. Whether they are undermining Franklin or not I’m not sure. It has become quite apparent that not everybody is on the same page.

So the question is where do we go from here? I thought that after Tennessee there was no way to go but up. I’m not sure now. I like many have few answers just more questions. I look forward to football season every year only to be let down again and again. I’m just demoralized at this point. Not only that but I feel like I’ve been transported back to the seventy’s, Alabama at the top of the polls with all the media attention and Auburn toiling in mediocrity.

I’m sure that some will tear me up for posting this because I’m not one of the “high posts” crowd and not a sunshine pumper. I am just hurting this morning. For God’s sake we just got beat by Vanderbilt! :banghead:

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That was not your father's Vandy team out there. They are as competitive as anyone in the conference. I think your defense can keep you in every game this year. Everyone has worries. I'm starting to be very concerned about our defensive secondary because of the points you guys and Miss. State hung on us. I just think Auburn tried to completely switch over to this new offense prematurely. You have to have specialized athletes in there running that thing and it takes time to recruit those guys. Auburn is like LSU in that you always have a strong running game to complement everything else. Franklin is putting the cart before the horse, imo.

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PowerI you are foolish if you think this team bears any real resemblance to that pathetic 98 team that got trounced by average teams. Please take your meds and simmer down some. Now the 91 team, there is a valid comparison.

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PowerI you are foolish if you think this team bears any real resemblance to that pathetic 98 team that got trounced by average teams. Please take your meds and simmer down some. Now the 91 team, there is a valid comparison.

You are right. World Beater Vanderbilt was far better than an average team.

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For the love of God please no more Televised Games for the remainder of the year. I am tired of the country watching this circus in Auburn right now.

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