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Bush likes exportation...

Tiger Al

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...of American jobs, that is.

On Labor Day, President Bush said, "I want people to understand that when somebody wants to work and can't find a job, it says we've got a problem in America that we're going to deal with. We want everybody in this country working."1 But yesterday, President Bush directly contradicted himself, releasing a report which "supports the shift of U.S. jobs overseas."2 When asked about the report and how it contradicts the president's supposed concern about job losses, the president's top economic adviser said, "Outsourcing is just a new way of doing international trade."3

With more than two million jobs lost since President Bush took office, newspaper headlines across the country told readers of the White House's new support for the practice of wealthy corporations eliminating U.S. jobs and shipping them to lower-wage countries. The Seattle Times headline read, "Bush report: Sending jobs overseas helps U.S."4 The Pittsburgh Post-Gazette said, "Bush Economic Report Praises 'Outsourcing' Jobs"5 and the Arizona Republic said, "Bush Report Lauds 'Outsourcing' Jobs."6

And while this may be troubling to the millions in the United States who are out of work and suffering from stagnating wages, it was celebrated in India, where thousands of good paying, white-collar U.S. jobs have moved.7 The headlines in India read, "Bush Aides: Outsourcing win-win for India." The story said the Administration believes exporting jobs to India and other lower-wage countries "is a win-win for both exporter and importer"8 - failing to explain how this is a win for American workers who the president just months ago purported to care about.


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Amen, tell is JUST LIKE IT IS! I for one, am getting sick and tired of calling technical support for Dell, Hewlett Packard, and others to find someone on the other end of t he line who cannot speak legible english or understand the problem. Moreover, I'm also sick and tired of all the spanish people over here working, but either unable or unwilling to learn our national language - ENGLISH! Bottom line is those rich bast---S who own factories and businesses make a much higher profit by hiring workers from such countries as Taiwan, China, Mexico, et al. After retirement, I worked for over 7 months at Wal-Mart and I can tell you that 80% of their products are manufactured in one or all of these countries. Wal-Mart is the world's largest retailer and also one of the largest contributors to the world trade deficit, particularly with China. All of this is done in the name of PROFIT! Wal-Mart is one of the largest "sweat-shops" in the world and too few people are aware of it. This is the REPUBLICAN way! Free Enterprize and competition! Good ole America! :(<_< P.S. "Sam Walton said: "Buy American." he he he he

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Amen, tell is JUST LIKE IT IS! I for one, am getting sick and tired of calling technical support for Dell, Hewlett Packard, and others to find someone on the other end of t he line who cannot speak legible english or understand the problem. Moreover, I'm also sick and tired of all the spanish people over here working, but either unable or unwilling to learn our national language - ENGLISH! Bottom line is those rich bast---S who own factories and businesses make a much higher profit by hiring workers from such countries as Taiwan, China, Mexico, et al. After retirement, I worked for over 7 months at Wal-Mart and I can tell you that 80% of their products are manufactured in one or all of these countries. Wal-Mart is the world's largest retailer and also one of the largest contributors to the world trade deficit, particularly with China. All of this is done in the name of PROFIT! Wal-Mart is one of the largest "sweat-shops" in the world and too few people are aware of it. This is the REPUBLICAN way! Free Enterprize and competition! Good ole America! :(<_< P.S. "Sam Walton said: "Buy American." he he he he

Wasn't it Wal-Mart that just a few years back used to tout how a large percentage of the products they sold were made in America?

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I don't know about Wal-Mart, but I can tell you if you buy a Gerber Toilet it will be from Asia. Why you may ask?? Let me quote what the Vice President of operations told us....." It's not a people thing, it's a business thing. You guys are great workers, but we can make more money over seas. The Chinese work ten hour shifts, six days a week, for 100 dollars a month. (That's roughly 35-45 cents per hour.) Even if we dropped your pay to that, we still don't have to offer the extra benefits that you american workers take for granted. We also will not have to pay OSHA and american taxes, so we really have no choice but to shut down this plant. We are giving you a 60 day notice, and thanks for you dedication."

The only good thing, TRA pays for two years worth of school. The bad thing, you get 210 dollars per week for income. After getting the TRA benefits, you are allowed to get a job, but what jobs are there to get?? Never thought I would say this, but for economic reasons only, BRING BACK CLINTON!! I don't care who he pardons, or if he runs a porn shop out of the oval office, as long as I can feed my children. :angry::(:(

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I remember you posting a few weeks ago that they said your plant was closing. How is it going? Will you be able to find anything in Gadsden or will you need to go somewhere else? And, what exactly do you do?

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