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Has anyone heard the radio calls


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wives of some of the coaches? Are these actually them? Pulled this off of tigerdroppings/sec rant

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I heard them on the air........I wouldn't be surprised if it is them. A lot of people call in: Riggins, Donna Dunn, etc.

For some reason, I can't get them to play from the link.

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She kind of states what most of us realize... The people above Tuberville are idiots. And honestly, to send the assistants on the road to recruit just hours before firing him (or him resigning whatever it is) is unprofessional. You would think they would let the families of the coaches know first, but oh well.

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She's right. We lost a good coach. People seem to forget that these coaches have families and lives just like all of us. Good luck to them in finding a good job. But Damn is the best way to describe Amy.

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I am a friend of Jays.......and I have stood up for him many times on here and out in the public.

But today, I say fire the sorry piece of roadkill! This makes me more than angry! We need to flood His email, and flood Dr. Gouges email.....and everyone close to this!!!!!!!

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Hearing Ms. Ensminger and Ms. Dunn ' s calls makes me absolutely disgusted....

I truly wish them the best and feel for them, JJ and Gouge the Stouge should be exiled from auburn

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1) Amy talks about how the next coach will not be able to beat Saban in this state and will have to pay for players, "like Saban does."

2) Amy calls out Franklin for coming out on the radio - haha

3) Don Dunn married a lady name Donna? Ironic

I want to state this, that yes the families should've been notified first. But I don't feel sorry for the families in regards to their husbands / fathers being "fired." I know a lot of you are trying to spin this as "these are great men that have lost their jobs." Don't con me - these men were paid a LOT of money and will be FINE in life. If they can't survive off of the hundreds of thousands of dollars they have earned for 10+ years, that is their fault. Plus, as someone stated in the past, being at AU for 10 years put them on Alabama retirement. These guys will be fine. And most of them will find new jobs if they want to. Gran, Dunn, Price and Nall could all find jobs if they tried.

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1) Amy talks about how the next coach will not be able to beat Saban in this state and will have to pay for players, "like Saban does."

2) Amy calls out Franklin for coming out on the radio - haha

3) Don Dunn married a lady name Donna? Ironic

I want to state this, that yes the families should've been notified first. But I don't feel sorry for the families in regards to their husbands / fathers being "fired." I know a lot of you are trying to spin this as "these are great men that have lost their jobs." Don't con me - these men were paid a LOT of money and will be FINE in life. If they can't survive off of the hundreds of thousands of dollars they have earned for 10+ years, that is their fault. Plus, as someone stated in the past, being at AU for 10 years put them on Alabama retirement. These guys will be fine. And most of them will find new jobs if they want to. Gran, Dunn, Price and Nall could all find jobs if they tried.

The big issue isn't the money, or the fact that they wont have jobs. The big issue is the lack of respect paid to the coaches by AU. Dunn's son found out while giving a speech in class. Can you imagine how humiliating that is? To have a classmate tell you, in the middle of a class, that your dad just got fired? Really? And Amy is right. Auburn has gone and made a Charlie-Foxtrot of it's image... AGAIN... and recruiting won't be the same. We were almost recovered from JetGate. And here we are. Back at square-effing-one...

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1) Amy talks about how the next coach will not be able to beat Saban in this state and will have to pay for players, "like Saban does."

2) Amy calls out Franklin for coming out on the radio - haha

3) Don Dunn married a lady name Donna? Ironic

I want to state this, that yes the families should've been notified first. But I don't feel sorry for the families in regards to their husbands / fathers being "fired." I know a lot of you are trying to spin this as "these are great men that have lost their jobs." Don't con me - these men were paid a LOT of money and will be FINE in life. If they can't survive off of the hundreds of thousands of dollars they have earned for 10+ years, that is their fault. Plus, as someone stated in the past, being at AU for 10 years put them on Alabama retirement. These guys will be fine. And most of them will find new jobs if they want to. Gran, Dunn, Price and Nall could all find jobs if they tried.

The big issue isn't the money, or the fact that they wont have jobs. The big issue is the lack of respect paid to the coaches by AU. Dunn's son found out while giving a speech in class. Can you imagine how humiliating that is? To have a classmate tell you, in the middle of a class, that your dad just got fired? Really? And Amy is right. Auburn has gone and made a Charlie-Foxtrot of it's image... AGAIN... and recruiting won't be the same. We were almost recovered from JetGate. And here we are. Back at square-effing-one...

I know - I got all that. It would suck to hear news like that and the Auburn admin dropped a huge ball with this one.

Maybe when some of you read how embarrassed I am by the idiots that run this University and how embarrassed I feel at times and that they are ruining everything, you guys will understand what the hell I am talking about. It is not a matter of loyalty to the school, it's frustration in those who run it.

My point is, maybe it's my fault for putting it in the wrong thread because I have read it in other threads - that some posters feel the need to bring up "these are human beings and imagine daddy coming home with no job" - I'm just tired of silly antics like that.

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1) Amy talks about how the next coach will not be able to beat Saban in this state and will have to pay for players, "like Saban does."

2) Amy calls out Franklin for coming out on the radio - haha

3) Don Dunn married a lady name Donna? Ironic

I want to state this, that yes the families should've been notified first. But I don't feel sorry for the families in regards to their husbands / fathers being "fired." I know a lot of you are trying to spin this as "these are great men that have lost their jobs." Don't con me - these men were paid a LOT of money and will be FINE in life. If they can't survive off of the hundreds of thousands of dollars they have earned for 10+ years, that is their fault. Plus, as someone stated in the past, being at AU for 10 years put them on Alabama retirement. These guys will be fine. And most of them will find new jobs if they want to. Gran, Dunn, Price and Nall could all find jobs if they tried.

You completely missed the point. Sure they'll be fine. But that isn't the point. The higher ups at Auburn (JJ, the PTB, Gogue) fired Tuberville with absolutely no concern with his family, his assistant coaches, the assistants' families, the players, the recruits......should I continue?

It doesn't matter that the assistants got a lot of money and got on Alabama retirement. What my concern, and most of the posters' on here concern, is that Auburn treated them wrong, and in the process, hurt Auburn. My school that I love is tearing itself apart from the inside, and you are darn right that it hurts. It just breaks my heart to see the PTB at Auburn making Auburn look so horrible. I still love Auburn and always will, but it concerns me that other people may not have the chance to know its truly a wonderful family. Right now it looks like a dysfunctional family.

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Guys look around you Football is not that important in the scheme of life. If these coaches were laid off from lack of funds I would feel sorry for them but they were fired for poor job performance. If the economy does not get better who will buy the tickets, t-shirts, coats, etc to skupport coaches that make six figure salaries? As for Tuberville if he cannot live on 6 million then he has real issues.

Think of it this way. The president of the United States of America makes around 1/2 million. We had assistants making what $300k and a head coach making $3.2 million. If you can feel sorry for them I want make what you make???

Now I do not think Tuberville was a bad coach but I also think he was not earning the money he was making. Big time College football is just that big time entertainment. With those types of salaries comes big time risk. Perform or get fired. Besides these guys will find other jobs faster than the average joe that used to work at the Russell Athletic cotten mill that was moved to China to save three bucks on a overpriced jersey.

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If these coaches were laid off from lack of funds I would feel sorry for them but they were fired for poor job performance.

No, they weren't fired for poor job performance. Their job performance was in the top 10% of their peers, nationally. They were fired because a few power brokers are allowed to use the Auburn football team as their own personal fantasy team. They were unjustifiably fired to satisfy some egos.

Why can't some people understand that money has nothing to do with it? Auburn's reputation and future football fortunes have taken a damaging blow.

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If these coaches were laid off from lack of funds I would feel sorry for them but they were fired for poor job performance.

No, they weren't fired for poor job performance. Their job performance was in the top 10% 4.2% of their peers, nationally. They were fired because a few power brokers are allowed to use the Auburn football team as their own personal fantasy team. They were unjustifiably fired to satisfy some egos.

Why can't some people understand that money has nothing to do with it? Auburn's reputation and future football fortunes have taken a damaging blow.

Well it was the 5th most wins over the past 4 years. That comes from the past 4 years AFTER 2004 (the ones most are so critical of).

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