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How to get an "A" in class


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One's Disrobing Leads to Another's Dismissal

Monday, February 23, 2004

Don't make any promises you don't plan to keep.

A sociology professor at Mars Hill College (search) in North Carolina found that out the hard way, reports the Citizen-Times of Asheville, N.C.

As part of a demonstration of American cultural values, the unnamed professor offered an 'A' to any student who would get up before the class and take off all his or her clothes.

Much to his dismay, one student, whose name and gender were not released, did just that.

"He did not expect it to happen," college president Dan Lunsford told the newspaper. "The professor realized that this had gone much beyond what he ever anticipated, and he was shocked and dismayed."

At many institutes of higher learning, the incident last Thursday evening would have caused hardly a ripple. But Mars Hill is a Baptist school.

"People were very upset about it, said senior Kat Marotta. "It's probably the juiciest thing that's ever come out of this campus."

The professor, who had taught at Mars Hill for over 25 years, apologized via e-mail to all the students in the class and then resigned. He will receive retirement benefits.

The student won't be punished — but neither will he or she be getting an A.



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