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Kerry really seems to be quite arrogant


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Kerry's Photo-Flop-Op?

(CNSNews.com)  - Sen. John F. Kerry "used an expletive" to describe the Secret Service agent who got in his way while Kerry was snowboarding near his "high altitude retreat" in Idaho, the New York Times reported on Friday.  Several other sentences in the New York Times report, printed on page A-14, are notable: The newspaper said on Kerry's first full day of vacation, he was determined to go snowboarding: "The image-conscious candidate and his aides prevailed upon reporters and photographers to let him have a first run down the mountain solo, except for two agents and Marvin Nicholson, his omnipresent right-hand man," the newspaper said. "His next trip down, a reporter and a camera crew were allowed to follow along on skis - just in time to see Mr. Kerry taken out by one of the Secret Service men, who had inadvertently moved into his path, sending him into the snow. When asked about the mishap a moment later, he said sharply, 'I don't fall down,' then used an expletive to describe the agent who 'knocked me over.'" No one was hurt, the Times said, and Kerry later made a successful run down the mountain.


Here's the link to the NY Times article in full:


This is the third or fourth little anecdote I've heard about Kerry's attitude and treatment of people. What's up with this guy anyway? Why is he so dismissive of people?

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Not a nice way to treat people under normal circumstances, and REALLY NOT a nice way to treat the guy who is supposed to step in front of a bullet for you...

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This is the third or fourth little anecdote I've heard about Kerry's attitude and treatment of people. What's up with this guy anyway? Why is he so dismissive of people?

I can give you $800M reasons why. :yes:

It is apparent that we are dealing with a man with a God complex. "I don't fall down..." Even Christ fell on the Via dela Rosa'. But not "The John."

No, "The John" nevers falls. He is perfect, totally so. Now we will see a week of how the SS agent is a Bush plant along with all the other Black Helicopter conspiracy theories. :lol:

BTW, He used the F word on the SS agent. (I have been corrected that he called the SS agent an SOB.) Really a man of the people huh? This guy is sworn to take a bullet for him and "The John" is cursing him. :no:

Someone on RightNation.us referred to Kerry as a Weeble: "Weebles wobble but they dont fall down." Then someone corrected him that Kerry is really a weasel, not a weeble.

Link, may have to register though

I really dont think that Kerry has a lick of class in his being. We all know Bama Fans with more class than Kerry. :blink:

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Here's what Drudge is saying about it.

Drudge Report


Dem presidential candidate John Kerry called his secret service agent a "son of a b*tch" after the agent inadvertently moved into his path during a ski mishap in Idaho, sending Kerry falling into the snow.

When asked a moment later about the incident by a reporter on the ski run, Kerry said sharply, "I don't fall down," the "son of a b*itch knocked me over."

The Secret Service agent in question has complained about Kerry's treatment, top sources tell the DRUDGE REPORT.

Last month, Kerry began receiving Secret Service protection.

"Obviously, the complications and burden of being monitored 24-hours a day is not just an a simple inconvenience," a government source explained Friday. "But Senator Kerry should understand agents are working for his safety and well-being."

On Friday, Kerry, his snowboard strapped to his back, hiked past 9,000 feet on Durrance Peak, then snowboarded down the mountain, taking repeated tumbles. Reporters counted six falls, although Kerry was out of sight for part of the descent.


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On Friday, Kerry, his snowboard strapped to his back, hiked past 9,000 feet on Durrance Peak, then snowboarded down the mountain, taking repeated tumbles. Reporters counted six falls, although Kerry was out of sight for part of the descent.

I guess ALL those SOB SS Agents sworn to defend his life just keep knocking him down. Real man of the people.....NOT!


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I haven't heard anything about this on the news we get over here on AFN. Has the TV media stateside mentioned anything about it?

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Reporters counted six falls, although Kerry was out of sight for part of the descent.

Well of course, we all knew when he said "I don't fall down." that the exact opposite was true. Kerry is the easist guy in the world to figure out, just listen to what he says, and the exact opposite is the truth.

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Actually TIS, it is getting mild play here now.

Read the poll site above. Kerry is lookd at as being arrogant and a flip-flopper.

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