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NCAA at it again Rules Changes...


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Great no eye black, or wedges..I love how the NCAA worries about whether the table is set while the house burns down. Anytime you losers want

to address the postseason, the BCS and a playoff be my guest.

By the way the hell is wrong with a guy writing message in his eye black. I love how college football administrators are making the college game like the NFL no individuality and everyone has to act and dress the same. Boring!! I guess we do always have the 91 Cotton Bowl to watch.


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Yeah...I'd rather see a limit to the number of plays that can be reviewed or at least how long a review can take. Nothing like breaking the momentum of a good drive with an useless review! If they're gonna review whether a player is in-bounds or scores, review for penalties, etc. too.

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I could care less about the eye black or whatever... there's one issue here that stands out to me. Refs are now given the ability to take a touchdown away because of "Taunting"? Anybody who saw the UGA vs LSU game last year would shoot themselves over this. As bad (for whatever motives they may have) as the SEC refs are already... they now have even more power to decide games.


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The new "take a touchdown away because of taunting" will be a disaster.

Some old guy will get his panties in a wad when somebody is happy they are about to score the game winning touchdown and the old guy ref will decide that team should lose.

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I've noticed college football was missing something...now the problem is solved. Give the idiot refs more power to decide the outcome of games! It's like a game within the game? Who will win? Will it be the better team, or will the refs spice things up? Tune in on ESPN and see!!! And we guarantee it will be a close game. 100% guarantee!

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I totally totally agree!!!!!!!!!!!! I never understand why you if something is not effective you rely on it more. The government cant run crap let them run healthcare. The officials are incompenetent give them more responsibility. Makes perfect sense to me.

The taunting rule is a load of crap. So are the morons who created it.

I've noticed college football was missing something...now the problem is solved. Give the idiot refs more power to decide the outcome of games! It's like a game within the game? Who will win? Will it be the better team, or will the refs spice things up? Tune in on ESPN and see!!! And we guarantee it will be a close game. 100% guarantee!

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I find it highly offensive for people to call officials dumb, stupid, ignorant, biased or incompetent. So funny the ones complaining the most haven't got a clue what it takes for these officials to get where they are. But, to debate this here is futile, because everybody already has their minds made up and the official is always to blame. You may now continue the tirade against officiating because its easier to cast blame than debate the issue intelligently.

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I find it highly offensive for people to call officials dumb, stupid, ignorant, biased or incompetent. So funny the ones complaining the most haven't got a clue what it takes for these officials to get where they are. But, to debate this here is futile, because everybody already has their minds made up and the official is always to blame. You may now continue the tirade against officiating because its easier to cast blame than debate the issue intelligently.

I knew it was just a matter of time before you came here with you official loving lip service. Who cares if you are offended anyways? "I find it highly offensive" that you blindly worship those idiot zebras just because you refed a couple pee wee games or whatever. I used to work at a restaurant so I am going to say that all waiters are awesome and it is the customers that are to blame. When you get your food spit in, it is your fault and they are just doing their jobs. Refs in college football have shown so much incompetence that it is laughable. Only a fool would try to defend that.

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First off, in my estimation, the eye black ban and the spot foul on taunting/celebration infractions are very ill-conceived rule changes. I'm sort of ambivalent on the wedge banning...most people won't even notice anything any different.

Second, while I am not going to denigrate the ability of all officials with a broad brush like some of you are (there are good ones, believe it or not), the less "gray area" they have to deal with, the better. This statement

"If it's close to diving into the end zone, most likely it would be ruled that the act ended while in the end zone. We'll be lenient," Parry said.
is the quintessential hedge.
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I find it highly offensive for people to call officials dumb, stupid, ignorant, biased or incompetent. So funny the ones complaining the most haven't got a clue what it takes for these officials to get where they are. But, to debate this here is futile, because everybody already has their minds made up and the official is always to blame. You may now continue the tirade against officiating because its easier to cast blame than debate the issue intelligently.

I knew it was just a matter of time before you came here with you official loving lip service. Who cares if you are offended anyways? "I find it highly offensive" that you blindly worship those idiot zebras just because you refed a couple pee wee games or whatever. I used to work at a restaurant so I am going to say that all waiters are awesome and it is the customers that are to blame. When you get your food spit in, it is your fault and they are just doing their jobs. Refs in college football have shown so much incompetence that it is laughable. Only a fool would try to defend that.

for the record you ignorant moron, I've been officiating football for 18 years and done so at the high school level and gotten within one game of working a state championship game. I don't blindly defend anybody. I know what I'm talking about, unlike you, who sit in your recliner every saturday pretending you have a clue what is involved in officiating a football game. In fact, I doubt you even make it through a whole little league game officiating yourself. You simply haven't got a clue, and it shows repeatedly when this topic comes up. Please continue your blind officiating bashing. It's always their fault, right?

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I see no real problem with any of these rules changes for the most part. I think the eye-black rule is silly, but no big deal. I really have no problem with someone high-stepping before the score or taunting the other team being penalized at the spot. It makes sense. If they foul before they score, they shouldn't get the score. What other penalty is assessed from the end of the play like this?

But, I agree with Slag that the less "gray area" you give the officials the better. The diving rule should be more specific, say, diving with a defender further than X yards away or something like that. You know it will happen...a runner will dive into the endzone with someone relatively close but not right on him and he truly could get caught or honestly feels as though he could and he gets flagged. It will get talked about for weeks, will cost a team a chance at a BCS bowl or the SECCG, etc. It all can be avoided by making the rule more defined.

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McMahon had a headband with Rozelle on it for the FU to Pete Rozell back in the day. I only hope that some teams can push the button.

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... Parry said the decision to implement the rule in 2011 gives players and coaches ample advance warning.

"This gives the players a year's notice that we're going to be tougher on sportsmanship. Last year it was mentioned that this could become a possibility," Parry said. ...

The rule won't go into effect until 2011. So, all y'all wadded-up pantywaists can relax -- you'll get to savor each & every taunting TD without fear of the score being taken away by the All Great & All Powerful Striped Shirts for one more entire season. Enjoy. B)

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I find it highly offensive for people to call officials dumb, stupid, ignorant, biased or incompetent. So funny the ones complaining the most haven't got a clue what it takes for these officials to get where they are. But, to debate this here is futile, because everybody already has their minds made up and the official is always to blame. You may now continue the tirade against officiating because its easier to cast blame than debate the issue intelligently.

I knew it was just a matter of time before you came here with you official loving lip service. Who cares if you are offended anyways? "I find it highly offensive" that you blindly worship those idiot zebras just because you refed a couple pee wee games or whatever. I used to work at a restaurant so I am going to say that all waiters are awesome and it is the customers that are to blame. When you get your food spit in, it is your fault and they are just doing their jobs. Refs in college football have shown so much incompetence that it is laughable. Only a fool would try to defend that.

for the record you ignorant moron, I've been officiating football for 18 years and done so at the high school level and gotten within one game of working a state championship game. I don't blindly defend anybody. I know what I'm talking about, unlike you, who sit in your recliner every saturday pretending you have a clue what is involved in officiating a football game. In fact, I doubt you even make it through a whole little league game officiating yourself. You simply haven't got a clue, and it shows repeatedly when this topic comes up. Please continue your blind officiating bashing. It's always their fault, right?

You sound like the idiot bragging about what very few people would consider any sort of an accomplishment. No, I have never officiated little league game because I do real things with my life. I let fat old nobodies stick to doing that. You are the blind and ignorant one. If an official murdered somebody you would defend them because you feel like they are your family. I don't have to officiate to know about it or have an opinion on it. Your argument is weak and stupid. Guess I can't comment on what a poor job my janitors do since I have never been a janitor of even a small business right? Get real...

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To loggerhead and WarTiger the problem I have with officials is they are given the authority that can alter the outcome of a game by flagging behavior that is not pertinent to the success of one team against another. The point of penalties is to prevent one team attempting to create a competitive advantage over the other by disregarding the rules thus creating an uneven playing field so to speak. That is the point of penalties and that is what needs to be followed.

Taunting and unsportsmanlike do not apply to any of the above. I have never seen a team win a game because they taunt more. Or read the story that said such and such was leading the whole game until their opponent got away with an illegal unsportsmanlike conduct play to lead them to the upset victory.

Yet we have officials who create phantom fouls IE Georgia-LSU last season that alter the outcome of the game. If AJ Greene even did what he was flagged for that unto itself did not create a competitive advantage and allow him to get away with a play he would not ordinarily have made yet the officials flag it. First its a bullcrap rule. Second the officials flag the violation of a bullcrap rule that was not even a violation. Green made the play because he had more athletic ability and vertical then the DB so whatever he does after the play is totally not relevant.

I mean if Roy Upchurch had double birdied the Auburn student section when he scored the game winning touchdown last season, while I would have thought it was somewhat low rent, I would not have wanted it flagged. If AU does not want the team taunting and celebrating keep their @ss out of the end zone. And Upchurch firing a double bird is not what allowed him or Alabama to score and win the game. Yet officials often attempt to use their position to make points to players and teams and that is not in their job title.

Sorry coaches should control player behavior its not officials job to be the moral police. They do not make good judgement often yet we give them the ability to make even more judgement calls. The easiest thing to do with officials is minimize the rules, have less rules and more black and white and start by doing away with all rules regarding player behavior outside of fighting.

Also I tend to believe officials have biases towards the favored team. For example how many times have you seen Vandy make a great play against Alabama or a good team called back by a penalty and in many cases a BS penalty. Anyone remember Ole Miss-Alabama in Oxford couple years back. same deal. Alabama (or the favored team) must be better so Vandy or Ole Miss must have committed a penalty because they cannot stand toe to toe with a better team without cheating. Favored clubs gets favorable officiating. Hell in the 2004 AU-UT game for the SEC Championship Gerald Riggs had like a 70 plus yard touchdown called back for "holding" phantom holding none the less holding. One could conclude the SEC was protecting Auburn just like it did UF and Alabama last season.

When 6 of the 12 league coaches is reprimanded by the SEC office for complaining about officiating I by what they are saying more then some high official on a message board....

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To loggerhead and WarTiger the problem I have with officials is they are given the authority that can alter the outcome of a game by flagging behavior that is not pertinent to the success of one team against another. The point of penalties is to prevent one team attempting to create a competitive advantage over the other by disregarding the rules thus creating an uneven playing field so to speak. That is the point of penalties and that is what needs to be followed.

Taunting and unsportsmanlike do not apply to any of the above. I have never seen a team win a game because they taunt more. Or read the story that said such and such was leading the whole game until their opponent got away with an illegal unsportsmanlike conduct play to lead them to the upset victory.

Yet we have officials who create phantom fouls IE Georgia-LSU last season that alter the outcome of the game. If AJ Greene even did what he was flagged for that unto itself did not create a competitive advantage and allow him to get away with a play he would not ordinarily have made yet the officials flag it. First its a bullcrap rule. Second the officials flag the violation of a bullcrap rule that was not even a violation. Green made the play because he had more athletic ability and vertical then the DB so whatever he does after the play is totally not relevant.

I mean if Roy Upchurch had double birdied the Auburn student section when he scored the game winning touchdown last season, while I would have thought it was somewhat low rent, I would not have wanted it flagged. If AU does not want the team taunting and celebrating keep their @ss out of the end zone. And Upchurch firing a double bird is not what allowed him or Alabama to score and win the game. Yet officials often attempt to use their position to make points to players and teams and that is not in their job title.

Sorry coaches should control player behavior its not officials job to be the moral police. They do not make good judgement often yet we give them the ability to make even more judgement calls. The easiest thing to do with officials is minimize the rules, have less rules and more black and white and start by doing away with all rules regarding player behavior outside of fighting.

Also I tend to believe officials have biases towards the favored team. For example how many times have you seen Vandy make a great play against Alabama or a good team called back by a penalty and in many cases a BS penalty. Anyone remember Ole Miss-Alabama in Oxford couple years back. same deal. Alabama (or the favored team) must be better so Vandy or Ole Miss must have committed a penalty because they cannot stand toe to toe with a better team without cheating. Favored clubs gets favorable officiating. Hell in the 2004 AU-UT game for the SEC Championship Gerald Riggs had like a 70 plus yard touchdown called back for "holding" phantom holding none the less holding. One could conclude the SEC was protecting Auburn just like it did UF and Alabama last season.

When 6 of the 12 league coaches is reprimanded by the SEC office for complaining about officiating I by what they are saying more then some high official on a message board....

We've been over this before. Officials are human & make mistakes during the course of a game. No official in any sport will ever dispute this. The crew in last year's UGA-LSU was reprimanded and suspended. What else do you want -- their heads? Believe it or not, the ref that made that mistake will be a better ref for having done so. Experience is the best teacher, and stuff.

Sorry coaches should control player behavior its not officials job to be the moral police.
You really believe that? Here's an interesting fact for you: the refs don't make the rules. Irony of ironies, the NCAA Rules Committee roster is dominated by current & former ... coaches: Lank1. They are the ones proposing & writing the rules. The refs are just charged with enforcement. If you have a problem with the new rules or any others, then take it up with the committee. Here's a link where YOU can propose a new rule to the committee: Lank2 You want less rules? Rather than rant on a message board, use your logic & persuasion to convince the committee to see it your way. Just be sure & let us know what their response is.
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I find it highly offensive for people to call officials dumb, stupid, ignorant, biased or incompetent. So funny the ones complaining the most haven't got a clue what it takes for these officials to get where they are. But, to debate this here is futile, because everybody already has their minds made up and the official is always to blame. You may now continue the tirade against officiating because its easier to cast blame than debate the issue intelligently.

I agree. I further find that those are the same people who complain about lawyers and Obama! B)

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Loggerhead your damn right I believe this. Sorry cops are in charge of enforcing speeding laws but most still will not write you a citation if your five miles over the limit. Yet if a player points to the sky an official will nab him for celebration. It may be slightly over the rule but they dont give him the benefit of the doubt. Point is regardless of the rules officials should display better judgement it may be a rule that if a tauting penalty should be a spot foul you would have to be a piece of crap official to call that. Sorry officials should not enforce rules that alter the outcome of the game if they involve celebration, taunting, or excessive celebration. I mean would you want to win the Iron Bowl because Julio Jones beat AU deep on the last play of the game but started high stepping at the five and the officials flag it and the clock runs out? That is such a bush league way to win or flag.

The rules committee has a bunch of 65 year old viagra using out of touch adminstrators very similar to the ones that ram the damn BCS down our throat they are out of touch as is many on this board. If a kid wants to simiulate firing a weapon, or dance, or gyrate his hips ITS A GAME..ITS SUPPOSED TO BE FUN! Let em play. This is not relevant but if all you old school guys were as offended about the BCS which is crap, as you are about kids having fun which is not, we might could get a playoff syste.

Oh and Philip Marshall who is in your peer group I would imagine wrote a column on AuburnUndercover today basically calling this crap.

Sorry college football was much better when we had Miami and its act back in the day. Talk @hit kick their @ass. Good stuff.

You really believe that? Here's an interesting fact for you: the refs don't make the rules. Irony of ironies, the NCAA Rules Committee roster is dominated by current & former ... coaches: Lank1. They are the ones proposing & writing the rules. The refs are just charged with enforcement. If you have a problem with the new rules or any others, then take it up with the committee. Here's a link where YOU can propose a new rule to the committee: Lank2 You want less rules? Rather than rant on a message board, use your logic & persuasion to convince the committee to see it your way. Just be sure & let us know what their response is.

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I keep hoping that they'll bring back the 5 yard incidental facemask. I think it's ridiculous that any facemask is an automatic 15 yard facemask.

I also think's it's ironic that the celebration and black eye rules are going into effect now after this guy graduates.


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Loggerhead your damn right I believe this. Sorry cops are in charge of enforcing speeding laws but most still will not write you a citation if your five miles over the limit. Yet if a player points to the sky an official will nab him for celebration. It may be slightly over the rule but they dont give him the benefit of the doubt. Point is regardless of the rules officials should display better judgement it may be a rule that if a tauting penalty should be a spot foul you would have to be a piece of crap official to call that. Sorry officials should not enforce rules that alter the outcome of the game if they involve celebration, taunting, or excessive celebration. I mean would you want to win the Iron Bowl because Julio Jones beat AU deep on the last play of the game but started high stepping at the five and the officials flag it and the clock runs out? That is such a bush league way to win or flag.

The rules committee has a bunch of 65 year old viagra using out of touch adminstrators very similar to the ones that ram the damn BCS down our throat they are out of touch as is many on this board. If a kid wants to simiulate firing a weapon, or dance, or gyrate his hips ITS A GAME..ITS SUPPOSED TO BE FUN! Let em play. This is not relevant but if all you old school guys were as offended about the BCS which is crap, as you are about kids having fun which is not, we might could get a playoff syste.

Oh and Philip Marshall who is in your peer group I would imagine wrote a column on AuburnUndercover today basically calling this crap.

Sorry college football was much better when we had Miami and its act back in the day. Talk @hit kick their @ass. Good stuff.

You really believe that? Here's an interesting fact for you: the refs don't make the rules. Irony of ironies, the NCAA Rules Committee roster is dominated by current & former ... coaches: Lank1. They are the ones proposing & writing the rules. The refs are just charged with enforcement. If you have a problem with the new rules or any others, then take it up with the committee. Here's a link where YOU can propose a new rule to the committee: Lank2 You want less rules? Rather than rant on a message board, use your logic & persuasion to convince the committee to see it your way. Just be sure & let us know what their response is.

So, can we all assume then that you're not going to try to petition the rules committee to change anything? You're content with simple nostalgia for the U's heyday?

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Before I blew my knee out in a bicycle wreck in '03 I'd officiated football from college (the MEAC) to little league for a couple decades. It's rewarding but you better look @ it as a discipline and love football or you'll be gone after one season. And IMO not many persons can multitask and keep their cool under those circumstances. Wish I had a dollar for every chest beating guy that got into reffing b/c he thought he could do a better job but by the end of one year was saying "hey, this is a lot harder than I thought it would be". There are some major screwups that get into reffing like any other area of life and when they're on the field they obviously have a lot of power to do a lot of damage. By the time they get to anything beyond junior varsity h.s. officiating however the guys into it for ego, wanting the spotlight, are not going any higher because they stick out like sore thumbs. I've always been shocked @ how many hard core fans don't really know what even happened during plays that make them irate (e.g. the "non-call pass interverence" after the ball was tipped when we beat LSU a few years back...even some in the media didn't understand the ruling there).

what some fans don't realize is that before every season leagues @ every level don't hide that fact that refs are TOLD to focus and stress certain rules. coaches are told which rules will be stressed too, such as when we got a second chance to kick the game winning extra point to beat LSU b/c their noseguard had come down on our center's head, something that happens ALL the time but that year it was a rule being stressed for safety and EVERY SEC coach was told it would be.

now I agree some of those NCAA proposals are off the charts stupid but I agree w/ the cop analogy in the earlier e-mail...put on the uniform before you trash the uniform

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Actually I will but it says you have to have your request in by January 13th. We have missed the cutoff. I for damn sure will next year.

Loggerhead your damn right I believe this. Sorry cops are in charge of enforcing speeding laws but most still will not write you a citation if your five miles over the limit. Yet if a player points to the sky an official will nab him for celebration. It may be slightly over the rule but they dont give him the benefit of the doubt. Point is regardless of the rules officials should display better judgement it may be a rule that if a tauting penalty should be a spot foul you would have to be a piece of crap official to call that. Sorry officials should not enforce rules that alter the outcome of the game if they involve celebration, taunting, or excessive celebration. I mean would you want to win the Iron Bowl because Julio Jones beat AU deep on the last play of the game but started high stepping at the five and the officials flag it and the clock runs out? That is such a bush league way to win or flag.

The rules committee has a bunch of 65 year old viagra using out of touch adminstrators very similar to the ones that ram the damn BCS down our throat they are out of touch as is many on this board. If a kid wants to simiulate firing a weapon, or dance, or gyrate his hips ITS A GAME..ITS SUPPOSED TO BE FUN! Let em play. This is not relevant but if all you old school guys were as offended about the BCS which is crap, as you are about kids having fun which is not, we might could get a playoff syste.

Oh and Philip Marshall who is in your peer group I would imagine wrote a column on AuburnUndercover today basically calling this crap.

Sorry college football was much better when we had Miami and its act back in the day. Talk @hit kick their @ass. Good stuff.

You really believe that? Here's an interesting fact for you: the refs don't make the rules. Irony of ironies, the NCAA Rules Committee roster is dominated by current & former ... coaches: Lank1. They are the ones proposing & writing the rules. The refs are just charged with enforcement. If you have a problem with the new rules or any others, then take it up with the committee. Here's a link where YOU can propose a new rule to the committee: Lank2 You want less rules? Rather than rant on a message board, use your logic & persuasion to convince the committee to see it your way. Just be sure & let us know what their response is.

So, can we all assume then that you're not going to try to petition the rules committee to change anything? You're content with simple nostalgia for the U's heyday?

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... what some fans don't realize is that before every season leagues @ every level don't hide that fact that refs are TOLD to focus and stress certain rules. coaches are told which rules will be stressed too, such as when we got a second chance to kick the game winning extra point to beat LSU b/c their noseguard had come down on our center's head, something that happens ALL the time but that year it was a rule being stressed for safety and EVERY SEC coach was told it would be. ...

Best irony of all was that the LSU's HC then was none other than Nick $abun -- who was on the Rules Committee at the time that had overseen implementation of that very rule(!) :roflol:

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